Troubleshoot Amazon SQS dead-letter queue and DLQ redrive issues
The following topics cover the most common causes of Amazon SQS DLQ and DLQ redrive issues, and
how to troubleshoot them. For more information, see How do I troubleshoot
Amazon SQS DLQ redrive issues?
DLQ issues
Learn about common DLQ issues and how to solve them.
Viewing messages using the console might cause messages to be moved to a dead-letter queue
Amazon SQS counts viewing a message in the console against the corresponding queue's redrive policy. Therefore, if you view a message in the console the number of times specified in the corresponding queue's redrive policy, the message is moved to the corresponding queue's dead-letter queue.
To adjust this behavior, you can do one of the following:
Increase the Maximum Receives setting for the corresponding queue's redrive policy.
Avoid viewing the corresponding queue's messages in the console.
The NumberOfMessagesSent
for a dead-letter queue don't match
If you send a message to a dead-letter queue manually, it is captured by the NumberOfMessagesSent
metric. However, if a message is sent to a dead-letter queue as a result of a failed
processing attempt, it isn't captured by this metric. Therefore, it's possible for the
values of NumberOfMessagesSent
and NumberOfMessagesReceived to
be different.
Creating and configuring a dead-letter queue redrive
Dead-letter queue redrive requires you to set appropriate permissions for Amazon SQS to receive messages from the dead-letter queue, and send messages to the destination queue. If you don't have the correct permissions, the dead-letter queue redrive task can fail. You can view the status of your message redrive task to remediate the issues, and try again.
Standard and FIFO queue message failure handling
Standard queues keep processing messages until the expiration of the retention period. This continuous processing minimizes chances of the queue being blocked by unconsumed messages. Having a large number of messages that the consumer repeatedly fails to delete can increase costs, and place extra load on the hardware. To keep costs down, move failed messages to the dead-letter queue.
Standard queues also allow a high number of in-flight messages. If the majority of your messages can't be consumed, and aren't sent to a dead-letter queue, your rate of processing messages can slow down. To maintain the efficiency of your queue, make sure that your application correctly handles message processing.
FIFO queues provide exactly-once processing by consuming messages in sequence from a message group. Therefore, although the consumer can continue to retrieve ordered messages from another message group, the first message group remains unavailable until the message blocking the queue is processed successfully or moved to a dead-letter queue.
Additionally, FIFO queues allow a lower number of in-flight messages. To keep your FIFO queue from getting blocked by a message, make sure that your application correctly handles message processing.
For more information, see Amazon SQS message quotas and Amazon SQS best practices.
DLQ-redrive issues
Learn about common DLQ-redrive issues and how to solve them.
AccessDenied permission issue
The AccessDenied
error occurs when the DLQ redrive fails because the
Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) entity doesn't have the required permissions.
Example error message:
Failed to create redrive task. Error code: AccessDenied - Queue Permissions to Redrive.
The following API permissions are required to make DLQ redrive requests:
To start a message redrive:
Dead-letter queue permissions:
– When either the dead-letter queue or the original source queue are encrypted.
Destination queue permissions:
– When the destination queue is encrypted. -
– When the destination queue is encrypted.
To cancel an in-progress message redrive:
Dead-letter queue permissions:
– When either the dead-letter queue or the original source queue are encrypted.
To show a message move status:
Dead-letter queue permissions:
The NonExistentQueue
error occurs when the Amazon SQS source queue doesn't
exist, or was deleted. Check and redrive to an Amazon SQS queue that is present.
Example error message:
Failed: AWS.SimpleQueueService.NonExistentQueue
CouldNotDetermineMessageSource error
The CouldNotDetermineMessageSource
error occurs when you attempt to start a
DLQ redrive with the following scenarios:
An Amazon SQS message sent directly to the DLQ with
API. -
A message from the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic or Amazon Lambda function with the DLQ configured.
To resolve this error, choose Redrive to a custom destination when you start the redrive. Then, enter the Amazon SQS queue ARN to move all messages from the DLQ to the destination queue.
Example error message:
Failed: CouldNotDetermineMessageSource