JavaScript runtime 2.0 features for CloudFront Functions - Amazon CloudFront
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JavaScript runtime 2.0 features for CloudFront Functions

The CloudFront Functions JavaScript runtime environment is compliant with ECMAScript (ES) version 5.1 and also supports some features of ES versions 6 through 12. It also provides some nonstandard methods that are not part of the ES specifications. The following topics list all supported features in this runtime.

Core features

The following core features of ES are supported.


All ES 5.1 types are supported. This includes boolean values, numbers, strings, objects, arrays, functions, and regular expressions.


All ES 5.1 operators are supported.

The ES 7 exponentiation operator (**) is supported.


The following ES 5.1 statements are supported:

  • break

  • catch

  • continue

  • do-while

  • else

  • finally

  • for

  • for-in

  • if

  • label

  • return

  • switch

  • throw

  • try

  • var

  • while

The following ES 6 statements are supported:

  • async

  • await

  • const

  • let


    async, await, const, and let are new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.


ES 6 template literals are supported: multiline strings, expression interpolation, and nesting templates.


All ES 5.1 function features are supported.

ES 6 arrow functions are supported, and ES 6 rest parameter syntax is supported.


Source text and string literals can contain Unicode-encoded characters. Unicode code point escape sequences of six characters (for example, \uXXXX) are also supported.

Strict mode

Functions operate in strict mode by default, so you don’t need to add a use strict statement in your function code. This cannot be changed.

Primitive objects

The following primitive objects of ES are supported.


The following ES 5.1 methods on objects are supported:

  • Object.create() (without properties list)

  • Object.defineProperties()

  • Object.defineProperty()

  • Object.freeze()

  • Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()

  • Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors()

  • Object.getOwnPropertyNames()

  • Object.getPrototypeOf()

  • Object.isExtensible()

  • Object.isFrozen()

  • Object.isSealed()

  • Object.keys()

  • Object.preventExtensions()

  • Object.seal()

The following ES 6 methods on objects are supported:

  • Object.assign()

The following ES 8 methods on objects are supported:

  • Object.entries()

  • Object.values()

The following ES 5.1 prototype methods on objects are supported:

  • Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty()

  • Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf()

  • Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable()

  • Object.prototype.toString()

  • Object.prototype.valueOf()

The following ES 6 prototype methods on objects are supported:


  • Object.prototype.setPrototypeOf()


The following ES 5.1 methods on strings are supported:

  • String.fromCharCode()

The following ES 6 methods on strings are supported:

  • String.fromCodePoint()

The following ES 5.1 prototype methods on strings are supported:

  • String.prototype.charAt()

  • String.prototype.concat()

  • String.prototype.indexOf()

  • String.prototype.lastIndexOf()

  • String.prototype.match()

  • String.prototype.replace()


  • String.prototype.slice()

  • String.prototype.split()

  • String.prototype.substr()

  • String.prototype.substring()

  • String.prototype.toLowerCase()

  • String.prototype.trim()

  • String.prototype.toUpperCase()

The following ES 6 prototype methods on strings are supported:

  • String.prototype.codePointAt()

  • String.prototype.endsWith()

  • String.prototype.includes()

  • String.prototype.repeat()

  • String.prototype.startsWith()

The following ES 8 prototype methods on strings are supported:

  • String.prototype.padStart()

  • String.prototype.padEnd()

The following ES 9 prototype methods on strings are supported:

  • String.prototype.trimStart()

  • String.prototype.trimEnd()

The following ES 12 prototype methods on strings are supported:

  • String.prototype.replaceAll()


    String.prototype.replaceAll() is new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.


ALL ES 5 numbers are supported.

The following ES 6 properties on numbers are supported:

  • Number.EPSILON



  • Number.MAX_VALUE

  • Number.MIN_VALUE

  • Number.NaN



The following ES 6 methods on numbers are supported:

  • Number.isFinite()

  • Number.isInteger()

  • Number.isNaN()

  • Number.isSafeInteger()

  • Number.parseInt()

  • Number.parseFloat()

The following ES 5.1 prototype methods on numbers are supported:

  • Number.prototype.toExponential()

  • Number.prototype.toFixed()

  • Number.prototype.toPrecision()

ES 12 numeric separators are supported.


ES 12 numeric separators are new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.

Built-in objects

The following built-in objects of ES are supported.


All ES 5.1 math methods are supported.


In the CloudFront Functions runtime environment, the Math.random() implementation uses OpenBSD arc4random seeded with the timestamp of when the function runs.

The following ES 6 math properties are supported:

  • Math.E

  • Math.LN10

  • Math.LN2

  • Math.LOG10E

  • Math.LOG2E

  • Math.PI

  • Math.SQRT1_2

  • Math.SQRT2

The following ES 6 math methods are supported:

  • Math.abs()

  • Math.acos()

  • Math.acosh()

  • Math.asin()

  • Math.asinh()

  • Math.atan()

  • Math.atan2()

  • Math.atanh()

  • Math.cbrt()

  • Math.ceil()

  • Math.clz32()

  • Math.cos()

  • Math.cosh()

  • Math.exp()

  • Math.expm1()

  • Math.floor()

  • Math.fround()

  • Math.hypot()

  • Math.imul()

  • Math.log()

  • Math.log1p()

  • Math.log2()

  • Math.log10()

  • Math.max()

  • Math.min()

  • Math.pow()

  • Math.random()

  • Math.round()

  • Math.sign()

  • Math.sinh()

  • Math.sin()

  • Math.sqrt()

  • Math.tan()

  • Math.tanh()

  • Math.trunc()


All ES 5.1 Date features are supported.


For security reasons, Date always returns the same value—the function’s start time—during the lifetime of a single function run. For more information, see Restricted features.


The following ES 5.1 prototype methods are supported:

  • Function.prototype.apply()

  • Function.prototype.bind()


Function constructors are not supported.

Regular expressions

All ES 5.1 regular expression features are supported. The regular expression language is Perl compatible.

The following ES 5.1 prototype accessor properties are supported:


  • RegExp.prototype.ignoreCase

  • RegExp.protoype.multiline

  • RegExp.protoype.source

  • RegExp.prototype.sticky

  • RegExp.prototype.flags


    RegExp.prototype.sticky and RegExp.prototype.flags are new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.

The following ES 5.1 prototype methods are supported:

  • RegExp.prototype.exec()

  • RegExp.prototype.test()

  • RegExp.prototype.toString()

  • RegExp.prototype[@@replace]()

  • RegExp.prototype[@@split]()


    RegExp.prototype[@@split]() is new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.

The following ES 5.1 instance properties are supported:

  • lastIndex

ES 9 named capture groups are supported.


The following ES 5.1 methods are supported:

  • JSON.parse()

  • JSON.stringify()


The following ES 5.1 methods on arrays are supported:

  • Array.isArray()

The following ES 6 methods on arrays are supported:

  • Array.of()

The following ES 5.1 prototype methods are supported:

  • Array.prototype.concat()

  • Array.prototype.every()

  • Array.prototype.filter()

  • Array.prototype.forEach()

  • Array.prototype.indexOf()

  • Array.prototype.join()

  • Array.prototype.lastIndexOf()


  • Array.prototype.pop()

  • Array.prototype.push()

  • Array.prototype.reduce()

  • Array.prototype.reduceRight()

  • Array.prototype.reverse()

  • Array.prototype.shift()

  • Array.prototype.slice()

  • Array.prototype.some()

  • Array.prototype.sort()

  • Array.prototype.splice()

  • Array.prototype.unshift()

The following ES 6 prototype methods are supported

  • Array.prototype.copyWithin()

  • Array.prototype.fill()

  • Array.prototype.find()

  • Array.prototype.findIndex()

The following ES 7 prototype methods are supported:

  • Array.prototype.includes()

Typed arrays

The following ES 6 typed array constructors are supported:

  • Float32Array

  • Float64Array

  • Int8Array

  • Int16Array

  • Int32Array

  • Uint8Array

  • Uint8ClampedArray

  • Uint16Array

  • Uint32Array

The following ES 6 methods are supported:

  • TypedArray.from()

  • TypedArray.of()


    TypedArray.from() and TypedArray.of() are new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.

The following ES 6 prototype methods are supported:

  • TypedArray.prototype.copyWithin()

  • TypedArray.prototype.every()

  • TypedArray.prototype.fill()

  • TypedArray.prototype.filter()

  • TypedArray.prototype.find()

  • TypedArray.prototype.findIndex()

  • TypedArray.prototype.forEach()

  • TypedArray.prototype.includes()

  • TypedArray.prototype.indexOf()

  • TypedArray.prototype.join()

  • TypedArray.prototype.lastIndexOf()


  • TypedArray.prototype.reduce()

  • TypedArray.prototype.reduceRight()

  • TypedArray.prototype.reverse()

  • TypedArray.prototype.some()

  • TypedArray.prototype.set()

  • TypedArray.prototype.slice()

  • TypedArray.prototype.sort()

  • TypedArray.prototype.subarray()

  • TypedArray.prototype.toString()


    TypedArray.prototype.every(), TypedArray.prototype.fill(), TypedArray.prototype.filter(), TypedArray.prototype.find(), TypedArray.prototype.findIndex(), TypedArray.prototype.forEach(), TypedArray.prototype.includes(), TypedArray.prototype.indexOf(), TypedArray.prototype.join(), TypedArray.prototype.lastIndexOf(),, TypedArray.prototype.reduce(), TypedArray.prototype.reduceRight(), TypedArray.prototype.reverse(), and TypedArray.prototype.some() are new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.


The following ES 6 methods on ArrayBuffer are supported:

  • isView()

The following ES 6 prototype methods on ArrayBuffer are supported:

  • ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice()


The following ES 6 methods on promises are supported:

  • Promise.all()

  • Promise.allSettled()

  • Promise.any()

  • Promise.reject()

  • Promise.resolve()

  • Promise.race()


    Promise.all(), Promise.allSettled(), Promise.any(), and Promise.race() are new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.

The following ES 6 prototype methods on promises are supported:

  • Promise.prototype.catch()

  • Promise.prototype.finally()

  • Promise.prototype.then()


The following ES 6 prototype methods are supported:

  • DataView.prototype.getFloat32()

  • DataView.prototype.getFloat64()

  • DataView.prototype.getInt16()

  • DataView.prototype.getInt32()

  • DataView.prototype.getInt8()

  • DataView.prototype.getUint16()

  • DataView.prototype.getUint32()

  • DataView.prototype.getUint8()

  • DataView.prototype.setFloat32()

  • DataView.prototype.setFloat64()

  • DataView.prototype.setInt16()

  • DataView.prototype.setInt32()

  • DataView.prototype.setInt8()

  • DataView.prototype.setUint16()

  • DataView.prototype.setUint32()

  • DataView.prototype.setUint8()


    All Dataview ES 6 prototype methods are new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.


The following ES 6 methods are supported:

  • Symbol.for()

  • Symbol.keyfor()


    All Symbol ES 6 methods are new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.

Text Decoder

The following prototype methods are supported:

  • TextDecoder.prototype.decode()

The following prototype accessor properties are supported:

  • TextDecoder.prototype.encoding

  • TextDecoder.prototype.fatal

  • TextDecoder.prototype.ignoreBOM

Text Encoder

The following prototype methods are supported:

  • TextEncoder.prototype.encode()

  • TextEncoder.prototype.encodeInto()

Error types

The following error objects are supported:

  • Error

  • EvalError

  • InternalError

  • RangeError

  • ReferenceError

  • SyntaxError

  • TypeError

  • URIError


The globalThis object is supported.

The following ES 5.1 global functions are supported:

  • decodeURI()

  • decodeURIComponent()

  • encodeURI()

  • encodeURIComponent()

  • isFinite()

  • isNaN()

  • parseFloat()

  • parseInt()

The following ES 6 global functions are supported:

  • atob()

  • btoa()


    atob() and btoa() are new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.

The following global constants are supported:

  • NaN

  • Infinity

  • undefined

  • arguments

Built-in modules

The following built-in modules are supported.


The module provides the following methods:

  • Buffer.alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]])

    Allocate a Buffer.

    • size: Buffer size. Enter an integer.

    • fill: Optional. Enter a string, Buffer, Uint8Array, or integer. Default is 0.

    • encoding: Optional. When fill is a string, enter one of the following: utf8, hex, base64, base64url. Default is utf8.

  • Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)

    Allocate a non-initialized Buffer.

    • size: Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.byteLength(value[, encoding])

    Return the length of a value, in bytes.

    • value: A string, Buffer, TypedArray, Dataview, or Arraybuffer.

    • encoding: Optional. When value is a string, enter one of the following: utf8, hex, base64, base64url. Default is utf8.

  •, buffer2)

    Compare two Buffers to help sort arrays. Returns 0 if they're the same, -1 if buffer1 comes first, or 1 if buffer2 comes first.

    • buffer1: Enter a Buffer.

    • buffer2: Enter a different Buffer.

  • Buffer.concat(list[, totalLength])

    Concatenate multiple Buffers. Returns 0 if none. Returns up to totalLength.

    • list: Enter a list of Buffers. Note this will be truncated to totalLength.

    • totalLength: Optional. Enter an unsigned integer. Use sum of Buffer instances in list if blank.

  • Buffer.from(array)

    Create a Buffer from an array.

    • array: Enter a byte array from 0 to 255.

  • Buffer.from(arrayBuffer, byteOffset[, length]))

    Create a view from arrayBuffer, starting at offset byteOffset with length length.

    • arrayBuffer: Enter a Buffer array.

    • byteOffset: Enter an integer.

    • length: Optional. Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.from(buffer)

    Create a copy of the Buffer.

    • buffer: Enter a Buffer.

  • Buffer.from(object[, offsetOrEncoding[, length]])

    Create a Buffer from an object. Returns Buffer.from(object.valueOf(), offsetOrEncoding, length) if valueOf() is not equal to the object.

    • object: Enter an object.

    • offsetOrEncoding: Optional. Enter an integer or encoding string.

    • length: Optional. Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.from(string[, encoding])

    Create a Buffer from a string.

    • string: Enter a string.

    • encoding: Optional. Enter one of the following: utf8, hex, base64, base64url. Default is utf8.

  • Buffer.isBuffer(object)

    Check if object is a Buffer. Returns true or false.

    • object: Enter an object.

  • Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)

    Check if encoding is supported. Returns true or false.

    • encoding: Optional. Enter one of the following: utf8, hex, base64, base64url. Default is utf8.

The module provides the following buffer prototype methods:

  •[, targetStart[, targetEnd[, sourceStart[, sourceEnd]]]])

    Compare Buffer with target. Returns 0 if they're the same, 1 if buffer comes first, or -1 if target comes first.

    • target: Enter a Buffer.

    • targetStart: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is 0.

    • targetEnd: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is target length.

    • sourceStart: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is 0.

    • sourceEnd: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is Buffer length.

  • Buffer.prototype.copy(target[, targetStart[, sourceStart[, sourceEnd]]])

    Copy buffer to target.

    • target: Enter a Buffer or Uint8Array.

    • targetStart: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is 0.

    • sourceStart: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is 0.

    • sourceEnd: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is Buffer length.

  • Buffer.prototype.equals(otherBuffer)

    Compare Buffer to otherBuffer. Returns true or false.

    • otherBuffer: Enter a string.

  • Buffer.prototype.fill(value[, offset[, end][, encoding])

    Fill Buffer with value.

    • value: Enter a string, Buffer, or integer.

    • offset: Optional. Enter an integer.

    • end: Optional. Enter an integer.

    • encoding: Optional. Enter one of the following: utf8, hex, base64, base64url. Default is utf8.

  • Buffer.prototype.includes(value[, byteOffset][, encoding])

    Search for value in Buffer. Returns true or false.

    • value: Enter a string, Buffer, Uint8Array, or integer.

    • byteOffset: Optional. Enter an integer.

    • encoding: Optional. Enter one of the following: utf8, hex, base64, base64url. Default is utf8.

  • Buffer.prototype.indexOf(value[, byteOffset][, encoding])

    Search for first value in Buffer. Returns index if found; returns -1 if not found.

    • value: Enter a string, Buffer, Unit8Array, or integer from 0 to 255.

    • byteOffset: Optional. Enter an integer.

    • encoding: Optional. Enter one of the following if value is a string: utf8, hex, base64, base64url. Default is utf8.

  • Buffer.prototype.lastIndexOf(value[, byteOffset][, encoding])

    Search for last value in Buffer. Returns index if found; returns -1 if not found.

    • value: Enter a string, Buffer, Unit8Array, or integer from 0 to 255.

    • byteOffset: Optional. Enter an integer.

    • encoding: Optional. Enter one of the following if value is a string: utf8, hex, base64, base64url. Default is utf8.

  • Buffer.prototype.readInt8(offset)

    Read Int8 at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readIntBE(offset, byteLength)

    Read Int as big-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

    • byteLength: Optional. Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE(offset)

    Read Int16 as big-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE(offset)

    Read Int32 as big-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readIntLE(offset, byteLength)

    Read Int as little-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE(offset)

    Read Int16 as little-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE(offset)

    Read Int32 as little-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readUInt8(offset)

    Read UInt8 at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readUIntBE(offset, byteLength)

    Read UInt as big-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE(offset)

    Read UInt16 as big-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE(offset)

    Read UInt32 as big-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readUIntLE(offset, byteLength)

    Read UInt as little-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE(offset)

    Read UInt16 as little-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE(offset)

    Read UInt32 as little-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE([offset])

    Read a 64-bit double as big-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Optional. Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE([offset])

    Read a 64-bit double as little-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Optional. Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE([offset])

    Read a 32-bit float as big-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Optional. Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE([offset])

    Read a 32-bit float as little-endian at offset from Buffer.

    • offset: Optional. Enter an integer.

  • Buffer.prototype.subarray([start[, end]])

    Returns a copy of Buffer that is offset and cropped with a new start and end.

    • start: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is 0.

    • end: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is buffer length.

  • Buffer.prototype.swap16()

    Swap the Buffer array byte order, treating it as an array of 16-bit numbers. Buffer length must be divisible by 2, or you will receive an error.

  • Buffer.prototype.swap32()

    Swap the Buffer array byte order, treating it as an array of 32-bit numbers . Buffer length must be divisible by 4, or you will receive an error.

  • Buffer.prototype.swap64()

    Swap the Buffer array byte order, treating it as an array of 64-bit numbers. Buffer length must be divisible by 8, or you will receive an error.

  • Buffer.prototype.toJSON()

    Returns Buffer as a JSON.

  • Buffer.prototype.toString([encoding[, start[, end]]])

    Convert Buffer, from start to end, to encoded string.

    • encoding: Optional. Enter one of the following: utf8, hex, base64, or base64url. Default is utf8.

    • start: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is 0.

    • end: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is buffer length.

  • Buffer.prototype.write(string[, offset[, length]][, encoding])

    Write encoded string to Buffer if there is space, or a truncated string if there is not enough space.

    • string: Enter a string.

    • offset: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is 0.

    • length: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is the length of the string.

    • encoding: Optional. Optionally enter one of the following: utf8, hex, base64, or base64url. Default is utf8.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeInt8(value, offset, byteLength)

    Write Int8 value of byteLength at offset to Buffer.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Enter an integer

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeIntBE(value, offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using big-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Enter an integer

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE(value, offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using big-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Enter an integer

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE(value, offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using big-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Enter an integer

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeIntLE(offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using little-endian.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE(offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using little-endian.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE(offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using little-endian.

    • offset: Enter an integer.

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8(value, offset, byteLength)

    Write UInt8 value of byteLength at offset to Buffer.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Enter an integer

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeUIntBE(value, offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using big-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Enter an integer

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE(value, offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using big-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Enter an integer

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE(value, offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using big-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Enter an integer

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeUIntLE(value, offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using little-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Enter an integer

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE(value, offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using little-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Enter an integer

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE(value, offset, byteLength)

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using little-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Enter an integer

    • byteLength: Enter an integer from 1 to 6.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE(value, [offset])

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using big-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is 0.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE(value, [offset])

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using little-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is 0.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE(value, [offset])

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using big-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is 0.

  • Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE(value, [offset])

    Write value at offset to Buffer, using little-endian.

    • value: Enter an integer.

    • offset: Optional. Enter an integer. Default is 0.

The following instance methods are supported:

  • buffer[index]

    Get and set octet (byte) at index in Buffer.

    • Get a number from 0 to 255. Or set a number from from 0 to 255.

The following instance properties are supported:

  • buffer

    Get the ArrayBuffer object for the buffer.

  • byteOffset

    Get the byteOffset of the buffer's Arraybuffer object.

  • length

    Get the buffer byte count.


All Buffer module methods are new in JavaScript runtime 2.0.

Query string


The CloudFront Functions event object automatically parses URL query strings for you. That means that in most cases you don’t need to use this module.

The query string module (querystring) provides methods for parsing and formatting URL query strings. You can load the module using require('querystring'). The module provides the following methods.


URL-encodes the given string, returning an escaped query string. The method is used by querystring.stringify() and should not be used directly.

querystring.parse(string[, separator[, equal[, options]]])

Parses a query string (string) and returns an object.

The separator parameter is a substring for delimiting key and value pairs in the query string. By default it is &.

The equal parameter is a substring for delimiting keys and values in the query string. By default it is =.

The options parameter is an object with the following keys:

decodeURIComponent function

A function to decode percent-encoded characters in the query string. By default it is querystring.unescape().

maxKeys number

The maximum number of keys to parse. By default it is 1000. Use a value of 0 to remove the limitations for counting keys.

By default, percent-encoded characters within the query string are assumed to use the UTF-8 encoding. Invalid UTF-8 sequences are replaced with the U+FFFD replacement character.

For example, for the following query string:


The return value of querystring.parse() is:

{ name: 'value', abc: ['xyz', '123'] }

querystring.decode() is an alias for querystring.parse().

querystring.stringify(object[, separator[, equal[, options]]])

Serializes an object and returns a query string.

The separator parameter is a substring for delimiting key and value pairs in the query string. By default it is &.

The equal parameter is a substring for delimiting keys and values in the query string. By default it is =.

The options parameter is an object with the following keys:

encodeURIComponent function

The function to use for converting URL-unsafe characters to percent-encoding in the query string. By default it is querystring.escape().

By default, characters that require percent-encoding within the query string are encoded as UTF-8. To use a different encoding, specify the encodeURIComponent option.

For example, for the following code:

querystring.stringify({ name: 'value', abc: ['xyz', '123'], anotherName: '' });

The return value is:


querystring.encode() is an alias for querystring.stringify().


Decodes URL percent-encoded characters in the given string, returning an unescaped query string. This method is used by querystring.parse() and should not be used directly.


The cryptographic module (crypto) provides standard hashing and hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) helpers. You can load the module using require('crypto').

Hashing methods


Creates and returns a hash object that you can use to generate hash digests using the given algorithm: md5, sha1, or sha256.


Updates the hash content with the given data.


Calculates the digest of all of the data passed using hash.update(). The encoding can be hex, base64, or base64url.

HMAC methods

crypto.createHmac(algorithm, secret key)

Creates and returns an HMAC object that uses the given algorithm and secret key. The algorithm can be md5, sha1, or sha256.


Updates the HMAC content with the given data.


Calculates the digest of all of the data passed using hmac.update(). The encoding can be hex, base64, or base64url.

Restricted features

The following JavaScript language features are either unsupported or restricted due to security concerns.

Dynamic code evaluation

Dynamic code evaluation is not supported. Both eval() and Function constructors throw an error if attempted. For example, const sum = new Function('a', 'b', 'return a + b') throws an error.


The setTimeout(), setImmediate(), and clearTimeout() functions are not supported. There is no provision to defer or yield within a function run. Your function must synchronously run to completion.

Date and timestamps

For security reasons, there is no access to high-resolution timers. All Date methods to query the current time always return the same value during the lifetime of a single function run. The returned timestamp is the time when the function started running. Consequently, you cannot measure elapsed time in your function.

File system access

There is no file system access.

Network access

There is no support for network calls. For example, XHR, HTTP(S), and socket are not supported.