Manage Amazon WAF security protections in the CloudFront security dashboard - Amazon CloudFront
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Manage Amazon WAF security protections in the CloudFront security dashboard

CloudFront creates a security dashboard for each of your distributions. You use the dashboards in the CloudFront console. With the dashboards, you can use CloudFront and Amazon WAF together in a single location to monitor and manage common security protections for your web applications. The dashboards provide the following tasks and data:

  • Security configuration – You can enable and disable Amazon WAF protections, and see any app-specific protections such as WordPress protections.

  • Security trends – These include allowed and blocked requests, challenge and CAPTCHA requests, and top attack types. You can see traffic ratios and how they change over time. For example, if all requests increase by 3% but allowed requests increase by 14%, that means you allowed a larger portion of your traffic through in the current period.

  • Bot requests – You can see how much traffic comes from bots, which types of bots (verified vs non-verified), and how the percentage allocations of bot types (verified vs non-verified) change over time. For more information about enabling bot control, see Enable bot control.

  • Request logs – Log data can help answer questions about security trends or bot requests. You can search your logs without writing queries, and view aggregate charts to help determine if a filtered set of logs is primarily being driven by a subset of HTTP methods, IP addresses, URI paths, or countries. You can hover over values in the charts and block IP addresses and countries. For more information, see Enable Amazon WAF logs.

  • Geographic restriction management – CloudFront and Amazon WAF provide geographic restriction features. CloudFront provides geographic restrictions for free, but metrics for CloudFront geographic restrictions aren't displayed in the security dashboard. To see request metrics for blocked country requests, you must use Amazon WAF geographic restrictions. To do this, hover over a country bar in the security dashboard and block the country. For more information, see Use CloudFront geographic restrictions.

    • The Block option might not be available if you previously created a custom Amazon WAF rule outside of the CloudFront console to block countries.


You must enable Amazon WAF if you want to view security metrics in the CloudFront Security dashboard. If you don't enable Amazon WAF, you can only use the Security dashboard to enable Amazon WAF or configure CloudFront geographic restrictions.

For more information about enabling Amazon WAF, see Enable Amazon WAF for distributions.

Enable Amazon WAF logs

Amazon WAF log data can help you isolate specific traffic patterns. For example, logs can show you where certain traffic comes from or what it does.

If you enable Amazon WAF logging to CloudWatch, the CloudFront security dashboard queries, aggregates, and displays insights from the CloudWatch logs. We don’t charge to use the security dashboard, but CloudWatch pricing applies to logs queried through the dashboard. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch Pricing.

To enable logs
  1. Enter your expected request volume in the Number of requests/month box to estimate the costs of enabling logs.

  2. Select the Enable Amazon WAF logs check box.

  3. Choose Enable.

CloudFront creates a CloudWatch logs group and updates your Amazon WAF configuration to begin logging to CloudWatch. On first use, log data can take several minutes to appear. The Requests section of the chart lists each request. Below the individual requests, the bar charts aggregate data by HTTP method, top URI paths, top IP addresses, and top countries. The charts can help you find patterns. For example, you may see a disproportionate volume of requests from a single IP address, or data from a country that you haven't previously seen in your logs. You can filter requests based on Country, Host Header, and other attributes to help find unwanted traffic. Once you identify that traffic, hover over an individual request or chart item and block an IP address or country.


Displayed metrics are based on web ACL. Therefore, if you associate the same web ACL to multiple distributions, you will see all metrics for your web ACL, not only the Amazon WAF requests that are processed for that distribution.