mon-cmd - Amazon CloudWatch
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Lists all the other CloudWatch commands. For help on a specific command, use the following command:

commandname --help




This command lists all of the Amazon CloudWatch commands in a table.

The Amazon CloudWatch CLI displays errors on stderr.


Example Request

This example lists all of the Amazon CloudWatch commands.

mon-cmd Command Name Description ------------ ----------- help mon-delete-alarms Delete alarms. mon-describe-alarm-history Show the history of alarm transitions and actions taken. mon-describe-alarms List alarms and show detailed alarm configuration. mon-describe-alarms-for-metric Show alarms for a given metric. mon-disable-alarm-actions Disable all actions for a given alarm. mon-enable-alarm-actions Enable all actions for a given alarm. mon-get-stats Get metric statistics. mon-list-metrics List user's metrics. mon-put-data Put metric data. mon-put-metric-alarm Create a new alarm or update an existing one. mon-set-alarm-state Manually set the state of an alarm. mon-version Prints the version of the CLI tool and API. For help on a specific command, type '<commandname> --help'

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