Sample NGINX workload for Amazon ECS clusters - Amazon CloudWatch
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Sample NGINX workload for Amazon ECS clusters

The NGINX Prometheus exporter can scrape and expose NGINX data as Prometheus metrics. This example uses the exporter in tandem with the NGINX reverse proxy service for Amazon ECS.

For more information about the NGINX Prometheus exporter, see nginx-prometheus-exporter on Github. For more information about the NGINX reverse proxy, see ecs-nginx-reverse-proxy on Github.

The CloudWatch agent with Prometheus support scrapes the NGINX Prometheus metrics based on the service discovery configuration in the Amazon ECS cluster. You can configure the NGINX Prometheus Exporter to expose the metrics on a different port or path. If you change the port or path, update the ecs_service_discovery section in the CloudWatch agent configuration file.

Install the NGINX reverse proxy sample workload for Amazon ECS clusters

Follow these steps to install the NGINX reverse proxy sample workload.

Create the Docker images

To create the Docker images for the NGINX reverse proxy sample workload
  1. Download the following folder from the NGINX reverse proxy repo:

  2. Find the app directory and build an image from that directory:

    docker build -t web-server-app ./path-to-app-directory
  3. Build a custom image for NGINX. First, create a directory with the following two files:

    • A sample Dockerfile:

      FROM nginx COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    • An nginx.conf file, modified from

      events { worker_connections 768; } http { # Nginx will handle gzip compression of responses from the app server gzip on; gzip_proxied any; gzip_types text/plain application/json; gzip_min_length 1000; server{ listen 8080; location /stub_status { stub_status on; } } server { listen 80; # Nginx will reject anything not matching /api location /api { # Reject requests with unsupported HTTP method if ($request_method !~ ^(GET|POST|HEAD|OPTIONS|PUT|DELETE)$) { return 405; } # Only requests matching the whitelist expectations will # get sent to the application server proxy_pass http://app:3000; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade'; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; } } }

      stub_status must be enabled on the same port that nginx-prometheus-exporter is configured to scrape metrics from. In our example task definition, nginx-prometheus-exporter is configured to scrape metrics from port 8080.

  4. Build an image from files in your new directory:

    docker build -t nginx-reverse-proxy ./path-to-your-directory
  5. Upload your new images to an image repository for later use.

Create the task definition to run NGINX and the web server app in Amazon ECS

Next, you set up the task definition.

This task definition enables the collection and export of NGINX Prometheus metrics. The NGINX container tracks input from the app, and exposes that data to port 8080, as set in nginx.conf. The NGINX prometheus exporter container scrapes these metrics, and posts them to port 9113, for use in CloudWatch.

To set up the task definition for the NGINX sample Amazon ECS workload
  1. Create a task definition JSON file with the following content. Replace your-customized-nginx-iamge with the image URI for your customized NGINX image, and replace your-web-server-app-image with the image URI for your web server app image.

    { "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "your-customized-nginx-image", "memory": 256, "cpu": 256, "essential": true, "portMappings": [ { "containerPort": 80, "protocol": "tcp" } ], "links": [ "app" ] }, { "name": "app", "image": "your-web-server-app-image", "memory": 256, "cpu": 256, "essential": true }, { "name": "nginx-prometheus-exporter", "image": "", "memory": 256, "cpu": 256, "essential": true, "command": [ "-nginx.scrape-uri", "http://nginx:8080/stub_status" ], "links":[ "nginx" ], "portMappings":[ { "containerPort": 9113, "protocol": "tcp" } ] } ], "networkMode": "bridge", "placementConstraints": [], "family": "nginx-sample-stack" }
  2. Register the task definition by entering the following command.

    aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://path-to-your-task-definition-json
  3. Create a service to run the task by entering the following command:

    Be sure not to change the service name. We will be running a CloudWatch agent service using a configuration that searches for tasks using the name patterns of the services that started them. For example, for the CloudWatch agent to find the task launched by this command, you can specify the value of sd_service_name_pattern to be ^nginx-service$. The next section provides more details.

    aws ecs create-service \ --cluster your-cluster-name \ --service-name nginx-service \ --task-definition nginx-sample-stack:1 \ --desired-count 1

Configure the CloudWatch agent to scrape NGINX Prometheus metrics

The final step is to configure the CloudWatch agent to scrape the NGINX metrics. In this example, the CloudWatch agent discovers the task via the service name pattern, and the port 9113, where the exporter exposes the prometheus metrics for NGINX. With the task discovered and the metrics available, the CloudWatch agent begins posting the collected metrics to the log stream nginx-prometheus-exporter.

To configure the CloudWatch agent to scrape the NGINX metrics
  1. Download the latest version of the necessary YAML file by entering the following command.

    curl -O
  2. Open the file with a text editor, and find the full CloudWatch agent confguration in the value key in the resource:CWAgentConfigSSMParameter section. Then, in the ecs_service_discovery section, add the following service_name_list_for_tasks section.

    "service_name_list_for_tasks": [ { "sd_job_name": "nginx-prometheus-exporter", "sd_metrics_path": "/metrics", "sd_metrics_ports": "9113", "sd_service_name_pattern": "^nginx-service$" } ],
  3. In the same file, add the following section in the metric_declaration section to allow NGINX metrics. Be sure to follow the existing indentation pattern.

    { "source_labels": ["job"], "label_matcher": ".*nginx.*", "dimensions": [["ClusterName", "TaskDefinitionFamily", "ServiceName"]], "metric_selectors": [ "^nginx_.*$" ] },
  4. If you don't already have the CloudWatch agent deployed in this cluster, skip to step 8.

    If you already have the CloudWatch agent deployed in the Amazon ECS cluster by using Amazon CloudFormation, you can create a change set by entering the following commands:

    ECS_CLUSTER_NAME=your_cluster_name AWS_REGION=your_aws_region ECS_NETWORK_MODE=bridge CREATE_IAM_ROLES=True ECS_TASK_ROLE_NAME=your_selected_ecs_task_role_name ECS_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME=your_selected_ecs_execution_role_name aws cloudformation create-change-set --stack-name CWAgent-Prometheus-ECS-${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}-EC2-${ECS_NETWORK_MODE} \ --template-body file://cwagent-ecs-prometheus-metric-for-bridge-host.yaml \ --parameters ParameterKey=ECSClusterName,ParameterValue=$ECS_CLUSTER_NAME \ ParameterKey=CreateIAMRoles,ParameterValue=$CREATE_IAM_ROLES \ ParameterKey=ECSNetworkMode,ParameterValue=$ECS_NETWORK_MODE \ ParameterKey=TaskRoleName,ParameterValue=$ECS_TASK_ROLE_NAME \ ParameterKey=ExecutionRoleName,ParameterValue=$ECS_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \ --region $AWS_REGION \ --change-set-name nginx-scraping-support
  5. Open the Amazon CloudFormation console at

  6. Revew the newly-created changeset nginx-scraping-support. You should see one change applied to the CWAgentConfigSSMParameter resource. Run the changeset and restart the CloudWatch agent task by entering the following command:

    aws ecs update-service --cluster $ECS_CLUSTER_NAME \ --desired-count 0 \ --service cwagent-prometheus-replica-service-EC2-$ECS_NETWORK_MODE \ --region $AWS_REGION
  7. Wait about 10 seconds, and then enter the following command.

    aws ecs update-service --cluster $ECS_CLUSTER_NAME \ --desired-count 1 \ --service cwagent-prometheus-replica-service-EC2-$ECS_NETWORK_MODE \ --region $AWS_REGION
  8. If you are installing the CloudWatch agent with Prometheus metric collecting on the cluster for the first time, enter the following commands.

    ECS_CLUSTER_NAME=your_cluster_name AWS_REGION=your_aws_region ECS_NETWORK_MODE=bridge CREATE_IAM_ROLES=True ECS_TASK_ROLE_NAME=your_selected_ecs_task_role_name ECS_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME=your_selected_ecs_execution_role_name aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name CWAgent-Prometheus-ECS-${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}-EC2-${ECS_NETWORK_MODE} \ --template-body file://cwagent-ecs-prometheus-metric-for-bridge-host.yaml \ --parameters ParameterKey=ECSClusterName,ParameterValue=$ECS_CLUSTER_NAME \ ParameterKey=CreateIAMRoles,ParameterValue=$CREATE_IAM_ROLES \ ParameterKey=ECSNetworkMode,ParameterValue=$ECS_NETWORK_MODE \ ParameterKey=TaskRoleName,ParameterValue=$ECS_TASK_ROLE_NAME \ ParameterKey=ExecutionRoleName,ParameterValue=$ECS_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \ --region $AWS_REGION

Viewing your NGINX metrics and logs

You can now view the NGINX metrics being collected.

To view the metrics for your sample NGINX workload
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the Region where your cluster is running, choose Metrics in the left navigation pane. Find the ContainerInsights/Prometheus namespace to see the metrics.

  3. To see the CloudWatch Logs events, choose Log groups in the navigation pane. The events are in the log group /aws/containerinsights/your_cluster_name/prometheus, in the log stream nginx-prometheus-exporter.