Prometheus metrics troubleshooting on Amazon ECS - Amazon CloudWatch
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Prometheus metrics troubleshooting on Amazon ECS

This section provides help for troubleshooting your Prometheus metrics setup on Amazon ECS clusters.

I don't see Prometheus metrics sent to CloudWatch Logs

The Prometheus metrics should be ingested as log events in the log group /aws/ecs/containerinsights/cluster-name/Prometheus. If the log group is not created or the Prometheus metrics are not sent to the log group, you will need to first check whether the Prometheus targets have been successfully discovered by the CloudWatch agent. And next check the security group and permission settings of the CloudWatch agent. The following steps guide you to do the debugging.

Step 1: Enable the CloudWatch agent debugging mode

First, change the CloudWatch agent to debug mode by adding the following bold lines to your Amazon CloudFormation template file, cwagent-ecs-prometheus-metric-for-bridge-host.yaml or cwagent-ecs-prometheus-metric-for-awsvpc.yaml. Then save the file.

cwagentconfig.json: | { "agent": { "debug": true }, "logs": { "metrics_collected": {

Create a new Amazon CloudFormation changeset against the existing stack. Set other parameters in the changeset to the same values as in your existing Amazon CloudFormation stack. The following example is for a CloudWatch agent installed in an Amazon ECS cluster using the EC2 launch type and the bridge network mode.

ECS_NETWORK_MODE=bridge CREATE_IAM_ROLES=True ECS_TASK_ROLE_NAME=your_selected_ecs_task_role_name ECS_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME=your_selected_ecs_execution_role_name NEW_CHANGESET_NAME=your_selected_ecs_execution_role_name aws cloudformation create-change-set --stack-name CWAgent-Prometheus-ECS-${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}-EC2-${ECS_NETWORK_MODE} \ --template-body file://cwagent-ecs-prometheus-metric-for-bridge-host.yaml \ --parameters ParameterKey=ECSClusterName,ParameterValue=$ECS_CLUSTER_NAME \ ParameterKey=CreateIAMRoles,ParameterValue=$CREATE_IAM_ROLES \ ParameterKey=ECSNetworkMode,ParameterValue=$ECS_NETWORK_MODE \ ParameterKey=TaskRoleName,ParameterValue=$ECS_TASK_ROLE_NAME \ ParameterKey=ExecutionRoleName,ParameterValue=$ECS_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \ --region $AWS_REGION \ --change-set-name $NEW_CHANGESET_NAME

Go to the Amazon CloudFormation console to review the new changeset, $NEW_CHANGESET_NAME. There should be one change applied to the CWAgentConfigSSMParameter resource. Execute the changeset and restart the CloudWatch agent task by entering the following commands.

aws ecs update-service --cluster $ECS_CLUSTER_NAME \ --desired-count 0 \ --service your_service_name_here \ --region $AWS_REGION

Wait about 10 seconds and then enter the following command.

aws ecs update-service --cluster $ECS_CLUSTER_NAME \ --desired-count 1 \ --service your_service_name_here \ --region $AWS_REGION

Step 2: Check the ECS service discovery logs

The ECS task definition of the CloudWatch agent enables the logs by default in the section below. The logs are sent to CloudWatch Logs in the log group /ecs/ecs-cwagent-prometheus.

LogConfiguration: LogDriver: awslogs Options: awslogs-create-group: 'True' awslogs-group: "/ecs/ecs-cwagent-prometheus" awslogs-region: !Ref AWS::Region awslogs-stream-prefix: !Sub 'ecs-${ECSLaunchType}-awsvpc'

Filter the logs by the string ECS_SD_Stats to get the metrics related to the ECS service discovery, as shown in the following example.

2020-09-1T01:53:14Z D! ECS_SD_Stats: AWSCLI_DescribeContainerInstances: 1 2020-09-1T01:53:14Z D! ECS_SD_Stats: AWSCLI_DescribeInstancesRequest: 1 2020-09-1T01:53:14Z D! ECS_SD_Stats: AWSCLI_DescribeTaskDefinition: 2 2020-09-1T01:53:14Z D! ECS_SD_Stats: AWSCLI_DescribeTasks: 1 2020-09-1T01:53:14Z D! ECS_SD_Stats: AWSCLI_ListTasks: 1 2020-09-1T01:53:14Z D! ECS_SD_Stats: Exporter_DiscoveredTargetCount: 1 2020-09-1T01:53:14Z D! ECS_SD_Stats: LRUCache_Get_EC2MetaData: 1 2020-09-1T01:53:14Z D! ECS_SD_Stats: LRUCache_Get_TaskDefinition: 2 2020-09-1T01:53:14Z D! ECS_SD_Stats: LRUCache_Size_ContainerInstance: 1 2020-09-1T01:53:14Z D! ECS_SD_Stats: LRUCache_Size_TaskDefinition: 2 2020-09-1T01:53:14Z D! ECS_SD_Stats: Latency: 43.399783ms

The meaning of each metric for a particular ECS service discovery cycle is as follows:

  • AWSCLI_DescribeContainerInstances – the number of ECS::DescribeContainerInstances API calls made.

  • AWSCLI_DescribeInstancesRequest – the number of ECS::DescribeInstancesRequest API calls made.

  • AWSCLI_DescribeTaskDefinition – the number of ECS::DescribeTaskDefinition API calls made.

  • AWSCLI_DescribeTasks – the number of ECS::DescribeTasks API calls made.

  • AWSCLI_ListTasks – the number of ECS::ListTasks API calls made.

  • ExporterDiscoveredTargetCount – the number of Prometheus targets that were discovered and successfully exported into the target result file within the container.

  • LRUCache_Get_EC2MetaData – the number of times that container instances metadata was retrieved from the cache.

  • LRUCache_Get_TaskDefinition – the number of times that ECS task definition metadata was retrieved from the cache.

  • LRUCache_Size_ContainerInstance – the number of unique container instance's metadata cached in memory.

  • LRUCache_Size_TaskDefinition – the number of unique ECS task definitions cached in memory.

  • Latency – how long the service discovery cycle takes.

Check the value of ExporterDiscoveredTargetCount to see whether the discovered Prometheus targets match your expectations. If not, the possible reasons are as follows:

  • The configuration of ECS service discovery might not match your application's setting. For the docker label-based service discovery, your target containers may not have the necessary docker label configured in the CloudWatch agent to auto discover them. For the ECS task definition ARN regular expression-based service discovery, the regex setting in the CloudWatch agent may not match your application’s task definition.

  • The CloudWatch agent’s ECS task role might not have permission to retrieve the metadata of ECS tasks. Check that the CloudWatch agent has been granted the following read-only permissions:

    • ec2:DescribeInstances

    • ecs:ListTasks

    • ecs:DescribeContainerInstances

    • ecs:DescribeTasks

    • ecs:DescribeTaskDefinition

Step 3: Check the network connection and the ECS task role policy

If there are still no log events sent to the target CloudWatch Logs log group even though the value of Exporter_DiscoveredTargetCount indicates that there are discovered Prometheus targets, this could be caused by one of the following:

  • The CloudWatch agent might not be able to connect to the Prometheus target ports. Check the security group setting behind the CloudWatch agent. The private IP should alow the CloudWatch agent to connect to the Prometheus exporter ports.

  • The CloudWatch agent’s ECS task role might not have the CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy managed policy. The CloudWatch agent’s ECS task role needs to have this policy to be able to send the Prometheus metrics as log events. If you used the sample Amazon CloudFormation template to create the IAM roles automatically, both the ECS task role and the ECS execution role are granted with the least privilege to perform the Prometheus monitoring.