Updating the CloudWatch agent container image - Amazon CloudWatch
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Updating the CloudWatch agent container image


If you are upgrading or installing Container Insights on an Amazon EKS cluster, we recommend that you use the Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS add-on for the installation, instead of using the instructions in this section. Additionally, to retrieve accelerated computing metrics, you must use the Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS add-on or the CloudWatch agent operator. For more information and instructions, see Install the Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS add-on.

If you need to update your container image to the latest version, use the steps in this section.

To update your container image
  1. Verify if the amazoncloudwatchagent Customer Resource Definition (CRD) already exists by entering the following command.

    kubectl get crds amazoncloudwatchagents.cloudwatch.aws.amazon.com -n amazon-cloudwatch

    If this command returns an error that the CRD is missing, the cluster doesn't have Container Insights with enhanced observabilit for Amazon EKS configured with the CloudWatch agent operator. In this case, see Upgrading to Container Insights with enhanced observability for Amazon EKS.

  2. Apply the latest cwagent-version.yaml file by entering the following command.

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/amazon-cloudwatch-container-insights/main/k8s-quickstart/cwagent-version.yaml | kubectl apply -f -