(Optional) Enable the Use_Kubelet feature for large clusters - Amazon CloudWatch
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(Optional) Enable the Use_Kubelet feature for large clusters

By default, the Use_Kubelet feature is disabled in the FluentBit Kubernetes plugin. Enabling this feature can reduce traffic to the API server and mitigate the issue of the API Server being a bottleneck. We recommend that you enable this feature for large clusters.

To enable Use_Kubelet, first add the nodes and nodes/proxy permissions to the clusterRole config.

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: fluent-bit-role rules: - nonResourceURLs: - /metrics verbs: - get - apiGroups: [""] resources: - namespaces - pods - pods/logs - nodes - nodes/proxy verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]

In the DaemonSet configuration, this feature needs host network access. The image version for amazon/aws-for-fluent-bit should 2.12.0 or later, or the fluent bit image version should be 1.7.2 or later.

apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: fluent-bit namespace: amazon-cloudwatch labels: k8s-app: fluent-bit version: v1 kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true" spec: selector: matchLabels: k8s-app: fluent-bit template: metadata: labels: k8s-app: fluent-bit version: v1 kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true" spec: containers: - name: fluent-bit image: amazon/aws-for-fluent-bit:2.19.0 imagePullPolicy: Always env: - name: AWS_REGION valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: fluent-bit-cluster-info key: logs.region - name: CLUSTER_NAME valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: fluent-bit-cluster-info key: cluster.name - name: HTTP_SERVER valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: fluent-bit-cluster-info key: http.server - name: HTTP_PORT valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: fluent-bit-cluster-info key: http.port - name: READ_FROM_HEAD valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: fluent-bit-cluster-info key: read.head - name: READ_FROM_TAIL valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: fluent-bit-cluster-info key: read.tail - name: HOST_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.nodeName - name: HOSTNAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.name - name: CI_VERSION value: "k8s/1.3.8" resources: limits: memory: 200Mi requests: cpu: 500m memory: 100Mi volumeMounts: # Please don't change below read-only permissions - name: fluentbitstate mountPath: /var/fluent-bit/state - name: varlog mountPath: /var/log readOnly: true - name: varlibdockercontainers mountPath: /var/lib/docker/containers readOnly: true - name: fluent-bit-config mountPath: /fluent-bit/etc/ - name: runlogjournal mountPath: /run/log/journal readOnly: true - name: dmesg mountPath: /var/log/dmesg readOnly: true terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10 hostNetwork: true dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet volumes: - name: fluentbitstate hostPath: path: /var/fluent-bit/state - name: varlog hostPath: path: /var/log - name: varlibdockercontainers hostPath: path: /var/lib/docker/containers - name: fluent-bit-config configMap: name: fluent-bit-config - name: runlogjournal hostPath: path: /run/log/journal - name: dmesg hostPath: path: /var/log/dmesg serviceAccountName: fluent-bit tolerations: - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master operator: Exists effect: NoSchedule - operator: "Exists" effect: "NoExecute" - operator: "Exists" effect: "NoSchedule"

The Kubernetes Plugin configuration should be similar to the following:

[FILTER] Name kubernetes Match application.* Kube_URL https://kubernetes.default.svc:443 Kube_Tag_Prefix application.var.log.containers. Merge_Log On Merge_Log_Key log_processed K8S-Logging.Parser On K8S-Logging.Exclude Off Labels Off Annotations Off Use_Kubelet On Kubelet_Port 10250 Buffer_Size 0