CloudWatch service quotas - Amazon CloudWatch
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

CloudWatch service quotas

CloudWatch has the following quotas for metrics, alarms, API requests, and alarm email notifications.


For some Amazon services including CloudWatch, you can use the CloudWatch usage metrics to visualize your current service usage on CloudWatch graphs and dashboards. You can use a CloudWatch metric math function to display the service quotas for those resources on your graphs. You can also configure alarms that alert you when your usage approaches a service quota. For more information, see Visualizing your service quotas and setting alarms.

Resource Default quota

Alarm actions

5/alarm. This quota cannot be changed.

Alarm evaluation period

The maximum value, calculated by multiplying the alarm period by the number of evaluation periods used, is one day (86,400 seconds). This quota cannot be changed.


10/month/customer for free. Additional alarms incur charges.

No limit on the total number of alarms per account.

Alarms based on metric math expressions can have up to 10 metrics.

200 Metrics Insights alarms per Region. You can request a quota increase.

Anomaly detection models

500 per Region, per account.

API requests

1,000,000/month/customer for free.


200 per Region per account.

You can request a quota increase.

Contributor Insights API requests

The following APIs have a quota of 20 transactions per second (TPS) and per Region.

The following APIs have a quota of 5 TPS per Region. This quota cannot be changed.

The following APIs have a quota of 1 TPS per Region. This quota cannot be changed.

Contributor Insights rules

100 rules per Region per account.

You can request a quota increase.

Custom metrics

No quota.


Up to 500 widgets per dashboard. Up to 500 metrics per dashboard widget. Up to 2500 metrics per dashboard, across all widgets.

These quotas include all metrics retrieved for use in metric math functions, even if those metrics are not displayed on the graph.

These quotas cannot be changed.


9 transactions per second (TPS) per Region. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

You can request a quota increase.

DeleteAlarms request

DescribeAlarmHistory request

DisableAlarmActions request

EnableAlarmActions request

SetAlarmState request

3 TPS per Region for each of these operations. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

These quotas cannot be changed.

DescribeAlarmsForMetric request

9 TPS per Region. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

This quotas cannot be changed.

DeleteDashboards request

GetDashboard request

ListDashboards request

PutDashboard request

10 TPS per Region for each of these operations. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

These quotas cannot be changed.



10 TPS per Region. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.


5 TPS per Region. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.


30/metric. This quota cannot be changed.


10 TPS per Region for operations that include Metrics Insights queries. For operations that do not include Metrics Insights queries, the quota is 50 TPS per Region. This is the maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled. You can request a quota increase.

For GetMetricData operations that include a Metrics Insights query, the quota is 4,300,000 Datapoints Per Second (DPS) for the most recent 3 hours. This is calculated against the total number of data points scanned by the query (which can include no more than 10,000 metrics.)

180,000 Datapoints Per Second (DPS) if the StartTime used in the API request is less than or equal to three hours from current time. 396,000 DPS if the StartTime is more than three hours from current time. This is the maximum number of datapoints you can request per second using one or more API calls without being throttled. This quota cannot be changed.

The DPS is calculated based on estimated data points, not actual data points. The data point estimate is calculated using the requested time range, period, and retention period. This means that if the actual data points in the requested metrics are sparse or empty, throttling still occurs if the estimated data points exceed the quota. The DPS quota is per-Region.


A single GetMetricData call can include the following:

  • As many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures.

  • As many as 100 SERVICE_QUOTA() functions.

  • As many as 100 SEARCH() functions.

  • As many as 5 LAMBDA() functions.

These quotas can't be changed.


400 TPS per Region. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

You can request a quota increase.


Up to 500 metrics per image. This quota cannot be changed.

20 TPS per Region. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

You can request a quota increase.


25 TPS per Region. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

You can request a quota increase.

Metric data values

The value of a metric data point must be within the range of -2^360 to 2^360. Special values (for example, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity) are not supported. This quota cannot be changed.

MetricDatum items

1000/PutMetricData request. A MetricDatum object can contain a single value or a StatisticSet object representing many values. This quota cannot be changed.


10/month/customer for free.

Metrics Insights queries

A single query can process no more than 10,000 metrics. This means that if the SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses would match more than 10,000 metrics, only the first 10,000 of these metrics that are found will be processed by the query.

A single query can return no more than 500 time series.

You can query only the most recent three hours of data

Metrics Insights query generator requests

As many as five concurrent natural-language generated requests.

Observability Access Manager (OAM) API request rates.

1 TPS per Region for PutSinkPolicy.

10 TPS per Region for each other CloudWatch OAM API.

These quotas reflect the maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

These quotas can't be changed.

OAM source account links

Each source account can be linked to as many as 5 monitoring accounts

This quota can't be changed.

OAM sinks

1 sink per Region per account

This quota can't be changed.

PutCompositeAlarm request

3 TPS per Region. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

You can request a quota increase.

PutMetricAlarm request

3 TPS per Region. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

You can request a quota increase.

PutMetricData request

1MB for HTTP POST requests. PutMetricData can handle 500 transactions per second (TPS), which is the maximum number of operation requests that you can make per second without being throttled. PutMetricData can handle 1,000 metrics per request.

You can request a quota increase.

Amazon SNS email notifications

1,000/month/customer for free.

Synthetics Groups

20 per account.

This quota can't be changed.


20 TPS per Region. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

This quota can't be changed.


20 TPS per Region. The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

This quota can't be changed.