Installing a Helm chart on an Amazon EKS cluster - Amazon ECR
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Installing a Helm chart on an Amazon EKS cluster

Helm charts hosted in Amazon ECR can be installed on your Amazon EKS clusters.


To install a Helm chart on an Amazon EKS cluster
  1. Authenticate your Helm client to the Amazon ECR registry that your Helm chart is hosted. Authentication tokens must be obtained for each registry used, and the tokens are valid for 12 hours. For more information, see Private registry authentication in Amazon ECR.

    aws ecr get-login-password \ --region us-west-2 | helm registry login \ --username AWS \ --password-stdin
  2. Install the chart. Replace helm-test-chart with your repository and 0.1.0 with your Helm chart's tag.

    helm install ecr-chart-demo oci:// --version 0.1.0

    The output should look similar to this:

    NAME: ecr-chart-demo
    LAST DEPLOYED: Tue May 31 17:38:56 2022
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
  3. Verify the chart installation.

    helm list -n default

    Example output:

    NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
    ecr-chart-demo  default         1               2022-06-01 15:56:40.128669157 +0000 UTC deployed        helm-test-chart-0.1.0   1.16.0
  4. (Optional) See the installed Helm chart ConfigMap.

    kubectl describe configmap helm-test-chart-configmap
  5. When you are finished, you can remove the chart release from your cluster.

    helm uninstall ecr-chart-demo