Managing Amazon ECS account settings using the Amazon CLI - Amazon Elastic Container Service
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Managing Amazon ECS account settings using the Amazon CLI

You can manage your account settings using the Amazon ECS API, Amazon CLI or SDKs. The dualStackIPv6, fargateFIPSMode and the fargateTaskRetirementWaitPeriod account settings can only be viewed or changed using those tools.

For information about the available API actions for task definitions see Account setting actions in the Amazon Elastic Container Service API Reference.

Use one of the following commands to modify the default account setting for all users or roles on your account. These changes apply to the entire Amazon account unless a user or role explicitly overrides these settings for themselves.

  • put-account-setting-default (Amazon CLI)

    aws ecs put-account-setting-default --name serviceLongArnFormat --value enabled --region us-east-2

    You can also use this command to modify other account settings. To do this, replace the name parameter with the corresponding account setting.

  • Write-ECSAccountSetting (Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell)

    Write-ECSAccountSettingDefault -Name serviceLongArnFormat -Value enabled -Region us-east-1 -Force
To modify the account settings for your user account (Amazon CLI)

Use one of the following commands to modify the account settings for your user. If you’re using these commands as the root user, changes apply to the entire Amazon account unless a; user or role explicitly overrides these settings for themselves.

  • put-account-setting (Amazon CLI)

    aws ecs put-account-setting --name serviceLongArnFormat --value enabled --region us-east-1

    You can also use this command to modify other account settings. To do this, replace the name parameter with the corresponding account setting.

  • Write-ECSAccountSetting (Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell)

    Write-ECSAccountSetting -Name serviceLongArnFormat -Value enabled -Force
To modify the account settings for a specific user or role (Amazon CLI)

Use one of the following commands and specify the ARN of a user, role, or root user in the request to modify the account settings for a specific user or role.

  • put-account-setting (Amazon CLI)

    aws ecs put-account-setting --name serviceLongArnFormat --value enabled --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::aws_account_id:user/principalName --region us-east-1

    You can also use this command to modify other account settings. To do this, replace the name parameter with the corresponding account setting.

  • Write-ECSAccountSetting (Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell)

    Write-ECSAccountSetting -Name serviceLongArnFormat -Value enabled -PrincipalArn arn:aws:iam::aws_account_id:user/principalName -Region us-east-1 -Force