Configuring Amazon ECS to listen for CloudWatch Events events - Amazon Elastic Container Service
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Configuring Amazon ECS to listen for CloudWatch Events events

Learn how to set up a simple Lambda function that listens for task events and writes them out to a CloudWatch Logs log stream.

Prerequisite: Set up a test cluster

If you do not have a running cluster to capture events from, follow the steps in Creating an Amazon ECS cluster for the Fargate launch type to create one. At the end of this tutorial, you run a task on this cluster to test that you have configured your Lambda function correctly.

Step 1: Create the Lambda function

In this procedure, you create a simple Lambda function to serve as a target for Amazon ECS event stream messages.

  1. Open the Amazon Lambda console at

  2. Choose Create function.

  3. On the Author from scratch screen, do the following:

    1. For Name, enter a value.

    2. For Runtime, choose your version of Python, for example, Python 3.9.

    3. For Role, choose Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions.

  4. Choose Create function.

  5. In the Function code section, edit the sample code to match the following example:

    import json def lambda_handler(event, context): if event["source"] != "aws.ecs": raise ValueError("Function only supports input from events with a source type of: aws.ecs") print('Here is the event:') print(json.dumps(event))

    This is a simple Python 3.9 function that prints the event sent by Amazon ECS. If everything is configured correctly, at the end of this tutorial, you see that the event details appear in the CloudWatch Logs log stream associated with this Lambda function.

  6. Choose Save.

Step 2: Register an event rule

Next, you create a CloudWatch Events event rule that captures task events coming from your Amazon ECS clusters. This rule captures all events coming from all clusters within the account where it is defined. The task messages themselves contain information about the event source, including the cluster on which it resides, that you can use to filter and sort events programmatically.


When you use the Amazon Web Services Management Console to create an event rule, the console automatically adds the IAM permissions necessary to grant CloudWatch Events permission to call your Lambda function. If you are creating an event rule using the Amazon CLI, you need to grant this permission explicitly. For more information, see Events and Event Patterns in the Amazon CloudWatch Events User Guide.

To route events to your Lambda function
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Events, Rules, Create rule.

  3. For Event Source, choose ECS as the event source. By default, the rule applies to all Amazon ECS events for all of your Amazon ECS groups. Alternatively, you can select specific events or a specific Amazon ECS group.

  4. For Targets, choose Add target, for Target type, choose Lambda function, and then select your Lambda function.

  5. Choose Configure details.

  6. For Rule definition, type a name and description for your rule and choose Create rule.

Step 3: Create a task definition

Create a task definition.

  1. Open the console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Task Definitions.

  3. Choose Create new Task Definition, Create new revision with JSON.

  4. Copy and paste the following example task definition into the box and then choose Save.

    { "containerDefinitions": [ { "entryPoint": [ "sh", "-c" ], "portMappings": [ { "hostPort": 80, "protocol": "tcp", "containerPort": 80 } ], "command": [ "/bin/sh -c \"echo '<html> <head> <title>Amazon ECS Sample App</title> <style>body {margin-top: 40px; background-color: #333;} </style> </head><body> <div style=color:white;text-align:center> <h1>Amazon ECS Sample App</h1> <h2>Congratulations!</h2> <p>Your application is now running on a container in Amazon ECS.</p> </div></body></html>' > /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html && httpd-foreground\"" ], "cpu": 10, "memory": 300, "image": "httpd:2.4", "name": "simple-app" } ], "family": "console-sample-app-static" }
  5. Choose Create.

Step 4: Test your rule

Finally, you create a CloudWatch Events event rule that captures task events coming from your Amazon ECS clusters. This rule captures all events coming from all clusters within the account where it is defined. The task messages themselves contain information about the event source, including the cluster on which it resides, that you can use to filter and sort events programmatically.

To test your rule
  1. Open the console at

  2. Choose Task definitions.

  3. Choose console-sample-app-static, and then choose Deploy, Run new task.

  4. For Cluster, choose default, and then choose Deploy.

  5. Open the CloudWatch console at

  6. On the navigation pane, choose Logs and select the log group for your Lambda function (for example, /aws/lambda/my-function).

  7. Select a log stream to view the event data.