Filtering Fluentd and Fluent Bit logs - Amazon Elastic Container Service
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Filtering Fluentd and Fluent Bit logs

There might be times when you want to filter what logs get sent, for example send logs that contain a specific error.

Fluentd and Fluent Bit both support filtering of logs based on their content. FireLens provides a simple method for enabling this filtering.

You can configure these in the logConfiguration options in a container definition by specifying the regular expressions to match.

The exclude-pattern key causes all logs that match its regular expression to be dropped. The include-pattern only sends logs that match the specified regular expression. You can use these keys separately or together

The following example demonstrates how to use this filter.

{ "containerDefinitions":[ { "logConfiguration":{ "logDriver":"awsfirelens", "options":{ "@type":"cloudwatch_logs", "log_group_name":"firelens-testing", "auto_create_stream":"true", "use_tag_as_stream":"true", "region":"us-west-2", "exclude-pattern":"^[a-z][aeiou].*$", "include-pattern":"^.*[aeiou]$" } } } ] }