Evaluate your predictive scaling policies for Amazon ECS - Amazon Elastic Container Service
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Evaluate your predictive scaling policies for Amazon ECS

Before you use a predictive scaling policy to scale your services, review the recommendations and other data for your policy in the Amazon ECS console. This is important because you don't want a predictive scaling policy to scale your actual capacity until you know that its predictions are accurate.

If the service is new, allow 24 hours to create the first forecast.

When Amazon creates a forecast, it uses historical data. If your service doesn't have much recent historical data yet, predictive scaling might temporarily backfill the forecast with aggregates created from the currently available historical aggregates. Forecasts are backfilled for up to two weeks before a policy's creation date.

View your predictive scaling recommendations

For effective analysis, service auto scaling should have at least two predictive scaling policies to compare. (However, you can still review the findings for a single policy.) When you create multiple policies, you can evaluate a policy that uses one metric against a policy that uses a different metric. You can also evaluate the impact of different target value and metric combinations. After the predictive scaling policies are created, Amazon ECS immediately starts evaluating which policy would do a better job of scaling your group.

To view your recommendations in the Amazon ECS console
  1. Open the console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/ecs/v2.

  2. On the Clusters page, choose the cluster.

  3. On the cluster details page, in the Services section, choose the service.

    The service details page appears.

  4. Choose Service auto scaling.

  5. Choose the predictive scaling policy, and then choose Actions, Predictive Scaling, View recommendation.

    You can view details about a policy along with our recommendation. The recommendation tells you whether the predictive scaling policy does a better job than not using it.

    If you're unsure whether a predictive scaling policy is appropriate for your group, review the Availability impact and Cost impact columns to choose the right policy. The information for each column tells you what the impact of the policy is.

    • Availability impact: Describes whether the policy would avoid negative impact to availability by provisioning enough tasks to handle the workload, compared to not using the policy.

    • Cost impact: Describes whether the policy would avoid negative impact on your costs by not over-provisioning tasks, compared to not using the policy. By over-provisioning too much, your services are underutilized or idle, which only adds to the cost impact.

    If you have multiple policies, then a Best prediction tag displays next to the name of the policy that gives the most availability benefits at lower cost. More weight is given to availability impact.

  6. (Optional) To select the desired time period for recommendation results, choose your preferred value from the Evaluation period dropdown: 2 days, 1 week, or 2 weeks. By default, the evaluation period is the last two weeks. A longer evaluation period provides more data points to the recommendation results. However, adding more data points might not improve the results if your load patterns have changed, such as after a period of exceptional demand. In this case, you can get a more focused recommendation by looking at more recent data.


Recommendations are generated only for policies that are in Forecast only mode. The recommendations feature works better when a policy is in the Forecast only mode throughout the evaluation period. If you start a policy in Forecast and scale mode and switch it to Forecast only mode later, the findings for that policy are likely to be biased. This is because the policy has already contributed toward the actual capacity.

Review predictive scaling monitoring graphs

In the console, you can review the forecast of the previous days, weeks, or months to visualize how well the policy performs over time. You can also use this information to evaluate the accuracy of predictions when deciding whether to let a policy scale your actual number of tasks.

To review predictive scaling monitoring graphs in the Amazon ECS console
  1. Open the console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/ecs/v2.

  2. On the Clusters page, choose the cluster.

  3. On the cluster details page, in the Services section, choose the service.

    The service details page appears.

  4. Choose Service auto scaling.

  5. Choose the predictive scaling policy, and then choose Actions, Predictive Scaling, View Graph.

  6. In the Monitoring section, you can view your policy's past and future forecasts for load and capacity against actual values. The Load graph shows load forecast and actual values for the load metric that you chose. The Capacity graph shows the number of tasks predicted by the policy. It also includes the actual number of tasks launched. The vertical line separates historical values from future forecasts. These graphs become available shortly after the policy is created.

  7. (Optional) To change the amount of historical data shown in the chart, choose your preferred value from the Evaluation period dropdown at the top of the page. The evaluation period does not transform the data on this page in any way. It only changes the amount of historical data shown.

Compare data in the Load graph

Each horizontal line represents a different set of data points reported in one-hour intervals:

  1. Actual observed load uses the SUM statistic for your chosen load metric to show the total hourly load in the past.

  2. Load predicted by the policy shows the hourly load prediction. This prediction is based on the previous two weeks of actual load observations.

Compare data in the Capacity graph

Each horizontal line represents a different set of data points reported in one-hour intervals:

  1. Actual observed number of tasks shows your Amazon ECS service actual capacity in the past, which depends on your other scaling policies and minimum group size in effect for the selected time period.

  2. Capacity predicted by the policy shows the baseline capacity that you can expect to have at the beginning of each hour when the policy is in Forecast and scale mode.

  3. Inferred required number of tasks shows the ideal number of tasks in your service to maintain the scaling metric at the target value you chose.

  4. Minimum number of tasks shows the minimum number of tasks in your service.

  5. Maximum capacity shows the maximum number of tasks in your service.

For the purpose of calculating the inferred required capacity, we begin by assuming that each task is equally utilized at a specified target value. In practice, the number of tasks are not equally utilized. By assuming that utilization is uniformly spread between tasks, however, we can make a likelihood estimate of the amount of capacity that is needed. The requirement for thenumber of tasks is then calculated to be inversely proportional to the scaling metric that you used for your predictive scaling policy. In other words, as the number of tasks increase, the scaling metric decreases at the same rate. For example, if the number of tasks doubles, the scaling metric must decrease by half.

The formula for the inferred required capacity:

sum of (actualServiceUnits*scalingMetricValue)/(targetUtilization)

For example, we take the actualServiceUnits (10) and the scalingMetricValue (30) for a given hour. We then take the targetUtilization that you specified in your predictive scaling policy (60) and calculate the inferred required capacity for the same hour. This returns a value of 5. This means that five is the inferred amount of capacity required to maintain capacity in direct inverse proportion to the target value of the scaling metric.


Various levers are available for you to adjust and improve the cost savings and availability of your application.

  • You use predictive scaling for the baseline capacity and dynamic scaling to handle additional capacity. Dynamic scaling works independently from predictive scaling, scaling in and out based on current utilization. First, Amazon ECS calculates the recommended number of tasks for each non-scheduled scaling policy. Then, it scales based on the policy that provides the largest number of tasks.

  • To allow scale in to occur when the load decreases, your service should always have at least one dynamic scaling policy with the scale-in portion enabled.

  • You can improve scaling performance by making sure that your minimum and maximum capacity are not too restrictive. A policy with a recommended number of tasks that does not fall within the minimum and maximum capacity range will be prevented from scaling in and out.