Monitor predictive scaling metrics for Amazon ECS with CloudWatch - Amazon Elastic Container Service
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Monitor predictive scaling metrics for Amazon ECS with CloudWatch

You can use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your data for predictive scaling. A predictive scaling policy collects data that is used to forecast your future load. The data collected is automatically stored in CloudWatch at regular intervals and can be used to visualize how well the policy performs over time. You can also create CloudWatch alarms to notify you when performance indicators change beyond the limits that you defined.

Visualize historical forecast data

Load forecast data for a predictive scaling policy can be viewed in CloudWatch and can be useful when visualizing forecasts against other CloudWatch metrics in a single graph. You can also see trends over time by viewing a broader time range. You can access up to 15 months of historical metrics to get a better perspective on how your policy is performing.

To view historical forecast data using the CloudWatch console
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Metrics and then All metrics.

  3. Choose the Application Auto Scaling metric namespace.

  4. Choose Predictive Scaling Load Forecasts.

  5. In the search field, enter the name of the predictive scaling policy or the name of the Amazon ECS service group, and then press Enter to filter the results.

  6. To graph a metric, select the check box next to the metric. To change the name of the graph, choose the pencil icon. To change the time range, select one of the predefined values or choose custom. For more information, see Graphing a metric in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

  7. To change the statistic, choose the Graphed metrics tab. Choose the column heading or an individual value, and then choose a different statistic. Although you can choose any statistic for each metric, not all statistics are useful for PredictiveScalingLoadForecast metrics. For example, the Average, Minimum, and Maximum statistics are useful, but the Sum statistic is not.

  8. To add another metric to the graph, under Browse, choose All, find the specific metric, and then select the check box next to it. You can add up to 10 metrics.

  9. (Optional) To add the graph to a CloudWatch dashboard, choose Actions, Add to dashboard.

Create accuracy metrics using metric math

With metric math, you can query multiple CloudWatch metrics and use math expressions to create new time series based on these metrics. You can visualize the resulting time series on the CloudWatch console and add them to dashboards. For more information about metric math, see Using metric math in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Using metric math, you can graph the data that service auto scaling generates for predictive scaling in different ways. This helps you monitor policy performance over time, and helps you understand whether your combination of metrics can be improved.

For example, you can use a metric math expression to monitor the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). The MAPE metric helps monitor the difference between the forecasted values and the actual values observed during a given forecast window. Changes in the value of MAPE can indicate whether the policy's performance is degrading over time as the nature of your application changes. An increase in MAPE signals a wider gap between the forecasted values and the actual values.

Example: Metric math expression

To get started with this type of graph, you can create a metric math expression like the one shown in the following example.

Instead of a single metric, there is an array of metric data query structures for MetricDataQueries. Each item in MetricDataQueries gets a metric or performs a math expression. The first item, e1, is the math expression. The designated expression sets the ReturnData parameter to true, which ultimately produces a single time series. For all other metrics, the ReturnData value is false.

In the example, the designated expression uses the actual and forecasted values as input and returns the new metric (MAPE). m1 is the CloudWatch metric that contains the actual load values (assuming CPU utilization is the load metric that was originally specified for the policy named my-predictive-scaling-policy). m2 is the CloudWatch metric that contains the forecasted load values. The math syntax for the MAPE metric is as follows:

Average of (abs ((Actual - Forecast)/(Actual)))

Visualize your accuracy metrics and set alarms

To visualize the accuracy metric data, select the Metrics tab in the CloudWatch console. You can graph the data from there. For more information, see Adding a math expression to a CloudWatch graph in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

You can also set an alarm on a metric that you're monitoring from the Metrics section. While on the Graphed metrics tab, select the Create alarm icon under the Actions column. The Create alarm icon is represented as a small bell. For more information and notification options, see Creating a CloudWatch alarm based on a metric math expression and Notifying users on alarm changes in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Alternatively, you can use GetMetricData and PutMetricAlarm to perform calculations using metric math and create alarms based on the output.