Retrieve secrets for logging configuration - Amazon Elastic Container Service
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Retrieve secrets for logging configuration

Using Secrets Manager

Within your container definition, when specifying a logConfiguration you can specify secretOptions with the name of the log driver option to set in the container and the full ARN of the Secrets Manager secret containing the sensitive data to present to the container.

The following is a snippet of a task definition showing the format when referencing an Secrets Manager secret.

{ "containerDefinitions": [{ "logConfiguration": [{ "logDriver": "splunk", "options": { "splunk-url": "https://your_splunk_instance:8088" }, "secretOptions": [{ "name": "splunk-token", "valueFrom": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:aws_account_id:secret:secret_name-AbCdEf" }] }] }] }

Using Amazon Systems Manager

You can inject sensitive data in a log configuration. Within your container definition, when specifying a logConfiguration you can specify secretOptions with the name of the log driver option to set in the container and the full ARN of the Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter containing the sensitive data to present to the container.


If the Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter exists in the same Region as the task you are launching, then you can use either the full ARN or name of the parameter. If the parameter exists in a different Region, then specify the full ARN.

The following is a snippet of a task definition showing the format when referencing a Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.

{ "containerDefinitions": [{ "logConfiguration": [{ "logDriver": "fluentd", "options": { "tag": "fluentd demo" }, "secretOptions": [{ "name": "fluentd-address", "valueFrom": "arn:aws:ssm:region:aws_account_id:parameter:/parameter_name" }] }] }] }