Properties included in an Amazon ECS service deployment - Amazon Elastic Container Service
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Properties included in an Amazon ECS service deployment

The following properties are included in a service deployment.

Property Description

Service deployment ARN

The ARN of the service deployment.

Service ARN

The ARN of the service for this service deployment.

Cluster ARN

The ARN for the cluster that hosts the service.

Service deployment creation time The time the service deployment was created.
Service deployment start time The time the service deployment started.

Service deployment finish time

The time the service deployment finished.
Service deployment stopped time The time the service deployment stopped.
Service deployment update time The time that the service deployment was last updated.
Source service revisions

The currently running service revisions.

For information about the included properties, see Properties included in an Amazon ECS service revision.

Deployment configuration The deployment parameters including the circuit breaker configuration, the alarms that determine .
  • The lower limit on the number of tasks that should be running for a service during a deployment or when a container instance is draining, as a percent of the desired number of tasks for the service.

  • The upper limit on the number of tasks that should be running for a service during a deployment or when a container instance is draining, as a percent of the desired number of tasks for the service.

  • The circuit breaker configuration.

  • The alarms used for failure detection.

Target service revision The service revision to deploy.

After the deployment completes successfully, the target service revision is the running service revision.

Service deployment status The service deployment state.


Service deployment status information Information about why the service deployment is in the current status. For example, the circuit breaker detected a failure.
Rollback information The rollback options the service deployment uses when the deployment fails.
Service deployment circuit breaker options The circuit breaker that determines a service deployment failed.
CloudWatch alarms for the service deployment The CloudWatch alarms that determine when a service deployment fails.