Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions,
see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China
Amazon ECS stopped task error messages updates
Beginning June 14, 2024 the Amazon ECS team is changing the stopped task error messages as
described in the following tables. The stopCode
will not change. If your
applications depend on exact error message strings, you must update your applications with
the new strings. For help with questions or problems, contact Amazon Web Services Support.
We recommend that you do not rely on the error messages for your automation, because the error messages are subject to
Old error message |
New error message |
CannotPullContainerError: Error response from daemon: pull access
denied for repository , repository does not
exist or may require 'docker login': denied: User:
roleARN |
CannotPullContainerError: The task can’t pull the image. Check that
the role has the permissions to pull images from the registry. Error
response from daemon: pull access denied for
repository , repository does not exist or
may require 'docker login': denied: User:
roleARN is not authorized to perform:
ecr:BatchGetImage on resource: image because
no identity-based policy allows the ecr:BatchGetImage
action. CannotPullContainerError: The task can’t pull the image. Check
whether the image exists. Error response from daemon: pull access denied
for repository , repository does not exist or
may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is
CannotPullContainerError: Error response from daemon: Get
imageURI : net/http: request canceled
while waiting for connection |
CannotPullContainerError: The task can’t pull the image. Check your network configuration.
Error response from daemon: Get image :
net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection
(Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
CannotPullContainerError: ref pull has been retried 5 time(s): failed
to copy: httpReadSeeker: failed open: failed to do request: Get
registry-uri : dial tcp <ip>:<port>
i/o timeout |
CannotPullContainerError: The task cannot pull
image-uri from the registry
registry-uri . There is a connection issue
between the task and the registry. Check your task network
configuration. : failed to copy: httpReadSeeker: failed open: failed to
do request: Get registry-uri : dial tcp
<ip>:<port> i/o timeout |
Old error message |
New error message |
Fetching secret data from Amazon Secrets Manager in
region region: secret
sercretARN : ResourceNotFoundException:
Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret. |
ResourceNotFoundException: The task can't retrieve the secret with
ARN 'sercretARN ' from Amazon Secrets Manager. Check
whether the secret exists in the specified Region.
ResourceNotFoundException: Fetching secret data from Amazon Secrets Manager in region
region : secret
sercretARN : ResourceNotFoundException:
Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret. |
Old error message |
New error message |
ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull secrets or registry auth:
execution resource retrieval failed: unable to retrieve ecr registry
auth: service call has been retried 3 time(s): RequestError: send
request failed caused by: Post
"": dial tcp <ip>:<port>:
i/o timeout. Please check your task network configuration. |
ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull secrets or registry auth:
The task cannot pull registry auth from Amazon ECR: There is a
connection issue between the task and Amazon ECR. Check your task
network configuration. RequestError: send request failed caused by: Post
"": dial tcp <ip>:<port>:
i/o timeout |
ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull secrets or registry auth:
execution resource retrieval failed: unable to retrieve secrets from
ssm: service call has been retried 5 time(s): RequestCanceled: request
context canceled caused by: context deadline exceeded |
ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull secrets or registry auth:
unable to retrieve secrets from ssm: The task cannot pull secrets from
Amazon Systems Manager. There is a connection issue between the task and
Amazon Systems Manager Parameter Store. Check your task network
configuration. RequestCanceled: request context canceled caused by:
context deadline exceeded |
ResourceInitializationError: failed to download env files: file
download command: non empty error stream: RequestCanceled: request
context canceled caused by: context deadline exceeded |
ResourceInitializationError: failed to download env files: The task
can't download the environment variable files from Amazon S3. There is a
connection issue between the task and Amazon S3. Check your task network
configuration. service call has been retried 5 time(s): RequestCanceled:
request context canceled caused by: context deadline exceeded |
ResourceInitializationError: failed to validate logger
args::signal:killed |
ResourceInitializationError: failed to validate logger args: The task
cannot find the Amazon CloudWatch log group defined in the task
definition. There is a connection issue between the task and Amazon CloudWatch. Check your network configuration. : signal: killed |
ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull secrets or registry auth:
pull command failed: : signal: killed |
ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull secrets or registry auth:
Check your task network configuration. : signal: killed |