Amazon ECS task definition template - Amazon Elastic Container Service
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Amazon ECS task definition template

An empty task definition template is shown as follows. You can use this template to create your task definition, which can then be pasted into the console JSON input area or saved to a file and used with the Amazon CLI --cli-input-json option. For more information, see Amazon ECS task definition parameters for the Fargate launch type.

Amazon EC2 launch type template

{ "family": "", "taskRoleArn": "", "executionRoleArn": "", "networkMode": "none", "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "", "image": "", "repositoryCredentials": { "credentialsParameter": "" }, "cpu": 0, "memory": 0, "memoryReservation": 0, "links": [""], "portMappings": [ { "containerPort": 0, "hostPort": 0, "protocol": "tcp" } ], "restartPolicy": { "enabled": true, "ignoredExitCodes": [0], "restartAttemptPeriod": 180 }, "essential": true, "entryPoint": [""], "command": [""], "environment": [ { "name": "", "value": "" } ], "environmentFiles": [ { "value": "", "type": "s3" } ], "mountPoints": [ { "sourceVolume": "", "containerPath": "", "readOnly": true } ], "volumesFrom": [ { "sourceContainer": "", "readOnly": true } ], "linuxParameters": { "capabilities": { "add": [""], "drop": [""] }, "devices": [ { "hostPath": "", "containerPath": "", "permissions": ["read"] } ], "initProcessEnabled": true, "sharedMemorySize": 0, "tmpfs": [ { "containerPath": "", "size": 0, "mountOptions": [""] } ], "maxSwap": 0, "swappiness": 0 }, "secrets": [ { "name": "", "valueFrom": "" } ], "dependsOn": [ { "containerName": "", "condition": "COMPLETE" } ], "startTimeout": 0, "stopTimeout": 0, "hostname": "", "user": "", "workingDirectory": "", "disableNetworking": true, "privileged": true, "readonlyRootFilesystem": true, "dnsServers": [""], "dnsSearchDomains": [""], "extraHosts": [ { "hostname": "", "ipAddress": "" } ], "dockerSecurityOptions": [""], "interactive": true, "pseudoTerminal": true, "dockerLabels": { "KeyName": "" }, "ulimits": [ { "name": "nofile", "softLimit": 0, "hardLimit": 0 } ], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "splunk", "options": { "KeyName": "" }, "secretOptions": [ { "name": "", "valueFrom": "" } ] }, "healthCheck": { "command": [""], "interval": 0, "timeout": 0, "retries": 0, "startPeriod": 0 }, "systemControls": [ { "namespace": "", "value": "" } ], "resourceRequirements": [ { "value": "", "type": "InferenceAccelerator" } ], "firelensConfiguration": { "type": "fluentbit", "options": { "KeyName": "" } } } ], "volumes": [ { "name": "", "host": { "sourcePath": "" }, "configuredAtLaunch": true, "dockerVolumeConfiguration": { "scope": "shared", "autoprovision": true, "driver": "", "driverOpts": { "KeyName": "" }, "labels": { "KeyName": "" } }, "efsVolumeConfiguration": { "fileSystemId": "", "rootDirectory": "", "transitEncryption": "DISABLED", "transitEncryptionPort": 0, "authorizationConfig": { "accessPointId": "", "iam": "ENABLED" } }, "fsxWindowsFileServerVolumeConfiguration": { "fileSystemId": "", "rootDirectory": "", "authorizationConfig": { "credentialsParameter": "", "domain": "" } } } ], "placementConstraints": [ { "type": "memberOf", "expression": "" } ], "requiresCompatibilities": ["EC2"], "cpu": "", "memory": "", "tags": [ { "key": "", "value": "" } ], "pidMode": "task", "ipcMode": "task", "proxyConfiguration": { "type": "APPMESH", "containerName": "", "properties": [ { "name": "", "value": "" } ] }, "inferenceAccelerators": [ { "deviceName": "", "deviceType": "" } ], "ephemeralStorage": { "sizeInGiB": 0 }, "runtimePlatform": { "cpuArchitecture": "X86_64", "operatingSystemFamily": "WINDOWS_SERVER_20H2_CORE" } }

Fargate launch type template


For the Fargate launch type, you must include the operatingSystemFamily parameter with one of the following values:






{ "family": "", "runtimePlatform": {"operatingSystemFamily": ""}, "taskRoleArn": "", "executionRoleArn": "", "networkMode": "awsvpc", "platformFamily": "", "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "", "image": "", "repositoryCredentials": {"credentialsParameter": ""}, "cpu": 0, "memory": 0, "memoryReservation": 0, "links": [""], "portMappings": [ { "containerPort": 0, "hostPort": 0, "protocol": "tcp" } ], "essential": true, "entryPoint": [""], "command": [""], "environment": [ { "name": "", "value": "" } ], "environmentFiles": [ { "value": "", "type": "s3" } ], "mountPoints": [ { "sourceVolume": "", "containerPath": "", "readOnly": true } ], "volumesFrom": [ { "sourceContainer": "", "readOnly": true } ], "linuxParameters": { "capabilities": { "add": [""], "drop": [""] }, "devices": [ { "hostPath": "", "containerPath": "", "permissions": ["read"] } ], "initProcessEnabled": true, "sharedMemorySize": 0, "tmpfs": [ { "containerPath": "", "size": 0, "mountOptions": [""] } ], "maxSwap": 0, "swappiness": 0 }, "secrets": [ { "name": "", "valueFrom": "" } ], "dependsOn": [ { "containerName": "", "condition": "HEALTHY" } ], "startTimeout": 0, "stopTimeout": 0, "hostname": "", "user": "", "workingDirectory": "", "disableNetworking": true, "privileged": true, "readonlyRootFilesystem": true, "dnsServers": [""], "dnsSearchDomains": [""], "extraHosts": [ { "hostname": "", "ipAddress": "" } ], "dockerSecurityOptions": [""], "interactive": true, "pseudoTerminal": true, "dockerLabels": {"KeyName": ""}, "ulimits": [ { "name": "msgqueue", "softLimit": 0, "hardLimit": 0 } ], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "options": {"KeyName": ""}, "secretOptions": [ { "name": "", "valueFrom": "" } ] }, "healthCheck": { "command": [""], "interval": 0, "timeout": 0, "retries": 0, "startPeriod": 0 }, "systemControls": [ { "namespace": "", "value": "" } ], "resourceRequirements": [ { "value": "", "type": "GPU" } ], "firelensConfiguration": { "type": "fluentd", "options": {"KeyName": ""} } } ], "volumes": [ { "name": "", "host": {"sourcePath": ""}, "configuredAtLaunch":true, "dockerVolumeConfiguration": { "scope": "task", "autoprovision": true, "driver": "", "driverOpts": {"KeyName": ""}, "labels": {"KeyName": ""} }, "efsVolumeConfiguration": { "fileSystemId": "", "rootDirectory": "", "transitEncryption": "ENABLED", "transitEncryptionPort": 0, "authorizationConfig": { "accessPointId": "", "iam": "ENABLED" } } } ], "requiresCompatibilities": ["FARGATE"], "cpu": "", "memory": "", "tags": [ { "key": "", "value": "" } ], "ephemeralStorage": {"sizeInGiB": 0}, "pidMode": "task", "ipcMode": "none", "proxyConfiguration": { "type": "APPMESH", "containerName": "", "properties": [ { "name": "", "value": "" } ] }, "inferenceAccelerators": [ { "deviceName": "", "deviceType": "" } ] }

You can generate this task definition template using the following Amazon CLI command.

aws ecs register-task-definition --generate-cli-skeleton