Learn how to configure FSx for Windows File Server file systems for Amazon ECS
Learn how to launch an Amazon ECS-Optimized Windows instance that hosts an FSx for Windows File Server file system and containers that can access the file system. To do this, you first create an Amazon Directory Service Amazon Managed Microsoft Active Directory. Then, you create an FSx for Windows File Server File Server file system and cluster with an Amazon EC2 instance and a task definition. You configure the task definition for your containers to use the FSx for Windows File Server file system. Finally, you test the file system.
It takes 20 to 45 minutes each time you launch or delete either the Active Directory or the FSx for Windows File Server file system. Be prepared to reserve at least 90 minutes to complete the tutorial or complete the tutorial over a few sessions.
Prerequisites for the tutorial
An administrative user. See Set up to use Amazon ECS.
(Optional) A
key pair for connecting to your EC2 Windows instance through RDP access. For information about how to create key pairs, see Amazon EC2 key pairs and Windows instances in the User Guide for Windows Instances. -
A VPC with at least one public and one private subnet, and one security group. You can use your default VPC. You don't need a NAT gateway or device. Amazon Directory Service doesn't support Network Address Translation (NAT) with Active Directory. For this to work, the Active Directory, FSx for Windows File Server file system, ECS Cluster, and EC2 instance must be located within your VPC. For more information regarding VPCs and Active Directories, see Amazon VPC console wizard configurations and Amazon Managed Microsoft AD Prerequisites.
The IAM ecsInstanceRole and ecsTaskExecutionRole permissions are associated with your account. These service-linked roles allow services to make API calls and access containers, secrets, directories, and file servers on your behalf.
Step 1: Create IAM access roles
Create a cluster with the Amazon Web Services Management Console.
See Amazon ECS container instance IAM role to check whether you have an ecsInstanceRole and to see how you can create one if you don't have one.
We recommend that role policies are customized for minimum permissions in an actual production environment. For the purpose of working through this tutorial, verify that the following Amazon managed policy is attached to your ecsInstanceRole. Attach the policy if it is not already attached.
To attach Amazon managed policies.
Open the IAM console
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Roles.
Choose an Amazon managed role.
Choose Permissions, Attach policies.
To narrow the available policies to attach, use Filter.
Select the appropriate policy and choose Attach policy.
See Amazon ECS task execution IAM role to check whether you have an ecsTaskExecutionRole and to see how you can create one if you don't have one.
We recommend that role policies are customized for minimum permissions in an actual production environment. For the purpose of working through this tutorial, verify that the following Amazon managed policies are attached to your ecsTaskExecutionRole. Attach the policies if they are not already attached. Use the procedure given in the preceding section to attach the Amazon managed policies.
Step 2: Create Windows Active Directory (AD)
Follow the steps described in Create Your Amazon Managed AD Directory in the Amazon Directory Service Administration Guide. Use the VPC you have designated for this tutorial. On Step 3 of Create Your Amazon Managed AD Directory, save the user name and password for use in a following step. Also, note the fully qualified domain name for future steps. You can go on to complete the following step while the Active Directory is being created.
Create an Amazon Secrets Manager secret to use in the following steps. For more information, see Getting Started with Amazon Secrets Manager in the Amazon Secrets Manager User Guide.
Open the Secrets Manager console
. -
Click Store a new secret.
Select Other type of secrets.
For Secret key/value, in the first row, create a key
with valueadmin
. Click on + Add row. -
In the new row, create a key
. For value, type in the password you entered in Step 3 of Create Your Amazon Managed AD Directory. -
Click on the Next button.
Provide a secret name and description. Click Next.
Click Next. Click Store.
From the list of Secrets page, click on the secret you have just created.
Save the ARN of the new secret for use in the following steps.
You can proceed to the next step while your Active Directory is being created.
Step 3: Verify and update your security group
In this step, you verify and update the rules for the security group that you're using. For this, you can use the default security group that was created for your VPC.
Verify and update security group.
You need to create or edit your security group to send data from and to the ports, which are described in Amazon VPC Security Groups in the FSx for Windows File Server User Guide. You can do this by creating the security group inbound rule shown in the first row of the following table of inbound rules. This rule allows inbound traffic from network interfaces (and their associated instances) that are assigned to the security group. All of the cloud resources you create are within the same VPC and attached to the same security group. Therefore, this rule allows traffic to be sent to and from the FSx for Windows File Server file system, Active Directory, and ECS instance as required. The other inbound rules allow traffic to serve the website and RDP access for connecting to your ECS instance.
The following table shows which security group inbound rules are required for this tutorial.
Type | Protocol | Port range | Source |
All traffic |
All |
All |
443 | |
3389 |
your laptop IP address |
The following table shows which security group outbound rules are required for this tutorial.
Type | Protocol | Port range | Destination |
All traffic |
All |
All | |
Open the EC2 console
and select Security Groups from the left-hand menu. -
From the list of security groups now displayed, select check the check-box to the left of the security group that you are using for this tutorial.
Your security group details are displayed.
Edit the inbound and outbound rules by selecting the Inbound rules or Outbound rules tabs and choosing the Edit inbound rules or Edit outbound rules buttons. Edit the rules to match those displayed in the preceding tables. After you create your EC2 instance later on in this tutorial, edit the inbound rule RDP source with the public IP address of your EC2 instance as described in Connect to your Windows instance from the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Windows Instances.
Step 4: Create an FSx for Windows File Server file system
After your security group is verified and updated and your Active Directory is created and is in the active status, create the FSx for Windows File Server file system in the same VPC as your Active Directory. Use the following steps to create an FSx for Windows File Server file system for your Windows tasks.
Create your first file system.
Open the Amazon FSx console
. -
On the dashboard, choose Create file system to start the file system creation wizard.
On the Select file system type page, choose FSx for Windows File Server, and then choose Next. The Create file system page appears.
In the File system details section, provide a name for your file system. Naming your file systems makes it easier to find and manage your them. You can use up to 256 Unicode characters. Allowed characters are letters, numbers, spaces, and the special characters plus sign (+). minus sign (-), equal sign (=), period (.), underscore (_), colon (:), and forward slash (/).
For Deployment type choose Single-AZ to deploy a file system that is deployed in a single Availability Zone. Single-AZ 2 is the latest generation of single Availability Zone file systems, and it supports SSD and HDD storage.
For Storage type, choose HDD.
For Storage capacity, enter the minimum storage capacity.
Keep Throughput capacity at its default setting.
In the Network & security section, choose the same Amazon VPC that you chose for your Amazon Directory Service directory.
For VPC Security Groups, choose the security group that you verified in Step 3: Verify and update your security group.
For Windows authentication, choose Amazon Managed Microsoft Active Directory, and then choose your Amazon Directory Service directory from the list.
For Encryption, keep the default Encryption key setting of aws/fsx (default).
Keep the default settings for Maintenance preferences.
Click on the Next button.
Review the file system configuration shown on the Create file system page. For your reference, note which file system settings you can modify after file system is created. Choose Create file system.
Note the file system ID. You will need to use it in a later step.
You can go on to the next steps to create a cluster and EC2 instance while the FSx for Windows File Server file system is being created.
Step 5: Create an Amazon ECS cluster
Create a cluster using the Amazon ECS console
Open the console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/ecs/v2
. -
From the navigation bar, select the Region to use.
In the navigation pane, choose Clusters.
On the Clusters page, choose Create cluster.
Under Cluster configuration, for Cluster name, enter windows-fsx-cluster.
Expand Infrastructure, clear Amazon Fargate (serverless) and then select Amazon EC2 instances.
To create a Auto Scaling group, from Auto Scaling group (ASG), select Create new group, and then provide the following details about the group:
For Operating system/Architecture, choose Windows Server 2019 Core.
For EC2 instance type, choose t2.medium or t2.micro.
Choose Create.
Step 6: Create an Amazon ECS optimized Amazon EC2 instance
Create an Amazon ECS Windows container instance.
To create an Amazon ECS instance
Use the
aws ssm get-parameters
command to retrieve the AMI name for the Region that hosts your VPC. For more information, see Retrieving Amazon ECS-Optimized AMI metadata. -
Use the Amazon EC2 console to launch the instance.
Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/ec2/
. -
From the navigation bar, select the Region to use.
From the EC2 Dashboard, choose Launch instance.
For Name, enter a unique name.
For Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image), in the search field, enter the AMI name that you retrieved.
For Instance type, choose t2.medium or t2.micro.
For Key pair (login), choose a key pair. If you don't specify a key pair, you
Under Network settings, for VPC and Subnet, choose your VPC and a public subnet.
Under Network settings, for Security group, choose an existing security group, or create a new one. Ensure that the security group you choose has the inbound and outbound rules defined in Prerequisites for the tutorial
Under Network settings, for Auto-assign Public IP, select Enable.
Expand Advanced details, and then for Domain join directory, select the ID of the Active Directory that you created. This option domain joins your AD when the EC2 instance is launched.
Under Advanced details, for IAM instance profile , choose ecsInstanceRole.
Configure your Amazon ECS container instance with the following user data. Under Advanced Details, paste the following script into the User data field, replacing
with the name of your cluster.<powershell> Initialize-ECSAgent -Cluster
-EnableTaskIAMRole </powershell> -
When you are ready, select the acknowledgment field, and then choose Launch Instances.
A confirmation page lets you know that your instance is launching. Choose View Instances to close the confirmation page and return to the console.
Open the console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/ecs/v2
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Clusters, and then choose windows-fsx-cluster.
Choose the Infrastructure tab and verify that your instance has been registered in the windows-fsx-cluster cluster.
Step 7: Register a Windows task definition
Before you can run Windows containers in your Amazon ECS cluster, you must register a task definition. The following task definition example displays a simple web page. The task launches two containers that have access to the FSx file system. The first container writes an HTML file to the file system. The second container downloads the HTML file from the file system and serves the webpage.
Open the console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/ecs/v2
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Task definitions.
Choose Create new task definition, Create new task definition with JSON.
In the JSON editor box, replace the values for your task execution role and the details about your FSx file system and then choose Save.
{ "containerDefinitions": [ { "entryPoint": [ "powershell", "-Command" ], "portMappings": [], "command": ["New-Item -Path C:\\fsx-windows-dir\\index.html -ItemType file -Value '<html> <head> <title>Amazon ECS Sample App</title> <style>body {margin-top: 40px; background-color: #333;} </style> </head><body> <div style=color:white;text-align:center> <h1>Amazon ECS Sample App</h1> <h2>It Works!</h2> <p>You are using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system for persistent container storage.</p>' -Force"], "cpu": 512, "memory": 256, "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore/iis:windowsservercore-ltsc2019", "essential": false, "name": "container1", "mountPoints": [ { "sourceVolume": "fsx-windows-dir", "containerPath": "C:\\fsx-windows-dir", "readOnly": false } ] }, { "entryPoint": [ "powershell", "-Command" ], "portMappings": [ { "hostPort": 443, "protocol": "tcp", "containerPort": 80 } ], "command": ["Remove-Item -Recurse C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\* -Force; Start-Sleep -Seconds 120; Move-Item -Path C:\\fsx-windows-dir\\index.html -Destination C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\index.html -Force; C:\\ServiceMonitor.exe w3svc"], "mountPoints": [ { "sourceVolume": "fsx-windows-dir", "containerPath": "C:\\fsx-windows-dir", "readOnly": false } ], "cpu": 512, "memory": 256, "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore/iis:windowsservercore-ltsc2019", "essential": true, "name": "container2" } ], "family": "fsx-windows", "executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole", "volumes": [ { "name": "fsx-windows-dir", "fsxWindowsFileServerVolumeConfiguration": { "fileSystemId": "fs-0eeb5730b2EXAMPLE", "authorizationConfig": { "domain": "example.com", "credentialsParameter": "arn:arn-1234" }, "rootDirectory": "share" } } ] }
Step 8: Run a task and view the results
Before running the task, verify that the status of your FSx for Windows File Server file system is Available. After it is available, you can run a task using the task definition that you created. The task starts out by creating containers that shuffle an HTML file between them using the file system. After the shuffle, a web server serves the simple HTML page.
You might not be able to connect to the website from within a VPN.
Run a task and view the results with the Amazon ECS console.
Open the console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/ecs/v2
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Clusters, and then choose windows-fsx-cluster .
Choose the Tasks tab, and then choose Run new task.
For Launch Type, choose EC2.
Under Deployment configuration, for Task Definition, choose the fsx-windows, and then choose Create.
When your task status is RUNNING, choose the task ID.
Under Containers, when the container1 status is STOPPED, select container2 to view the container's details.
Under Container details for container2, select Network bindings and then click on the external IP address that is associated with the container. Your browser will open and display the following message.
Amazon ECS Sample App It Works! You are using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system for persistent container storage.
It may take a few minutes for the message to be displayed. If you don't see this message after a few minutes, check that you aren't running in a VPN and make sure that the security group for your container instance allows inbound network HTTP traffic on port 443.
Step 9: Clean up
It takes 20 to 45 minutes to delete the FSx for Windows File Server file system or the AD. You must wait until the FSx for Windows File Server file system delete operations are complete before starting the AD delete operations.
Delete FSx for Windows File Server file system.
Open the Amazon FSx console
Choose the radio button to the left of the FSx for Windows File Server file system that you just created.
Choose Actions.
Select Delete file system.
Delete AD.
Open the Amazon Directory Service console
. -
Choose the radio button to the left of the AD you just created.
Choose Actions.
Select Delete directory.
Delete the cluster.
Open the console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/ecs/v2
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Clusters, and then choose fsx-windows-cluster .
Choose Delete cluster.
Enter the phrase and then choose Delete.
Terminate EC2 instance.
Open the Amazon EC2 console
. -
From the left-hand menu, select Instances.
Check the box to the left of the EC2 instance you created.
Click the Instance state, Terminate instance.
Delete secret.
Open the Secrets Manager console
. -
Select the secret you created for this walk through.
Click Actions.
Select Delete secret.