Send Amazon ECS logs to an Amazon service or Amazon Partner - Amazon Elastic Container Service
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Send Amazon ECS logs to an Amazon service or Amazon Partner

You can use FireLens for Amazon ECS to use task definition parameters to route logs to an Amazon service or Amazon Partner Network (APN) destination for log storage and analytics. The Amazon Partner Network is a global community of partners that leverages programs, expertise, and resources to build, market, and sell customer offerings. For more information see Amazon Partner. FireLens works with Fluentd and Fluent Bit. We provide the Amazon for Fluent Bit image or you can use your own Fluentd or Fluent Bit image.

By default, Amazon ECS configures the container dependency so that the Firelens container starts before any container that uses it. The Firelens container also stops after all containers that use it stop.

Consider the following when using FireLens for Amazon ECS:

  • We recommend that you add my_service_ to the log container name so that you can easily distinguish container names in the console.

  • Amazon ECS adds a start container order dependency between the application containers and the FireLens container by default. When you specify a container order between the application containers and the FireLens container, then the default start container order is overridden.

  • FireLens for Amazon ECS is supported for tasks that are hosted on both Amazon Fargate on Linux and Amazon EC2 on Linux. Windows containers don't support FireLens.

    For information about how to configure centralized logging for Windows containers, see Centralized logging for Windows containers on Amazon ECS using Fluent Bit.

  • You can use Amazon CloudFormation templates to configure FireLens for Amazon ECS. For more information, see AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition FirelensConfiguration in the Amazon CloudFormation User Guide

  • FireLens listens on port 24224, so to ensure that the FireLens log router isn't reachable outside of the task, you must not allow inbound traffic on port 24224 in the security group your task uses. For tasks that use the awsvpc network mode, this is the security group associated with the task. For tasks using the host network mode, this is the security group that's associated with the Amazon EC2 instance hosting the task. For tasks that use the bridge network mode, don't create any port mappings that use port 24224.

  • For tasks that use the bridge network mode, the container with the FireLens configuration must start before any application containers that rely on it start. To control the start order of your containers, use dependency conditions in your task definition. For more information, see Container dependency.


    If you use dependency condition parameters in container definitions with a FireLens configuration, ensure that each container has a START or HEALTHY condition requirement.

  • By default, FireLens adds the cluster and task definition name and the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster as metadata keys to your stdout/stderr container logs. The following is an example of the metadata format.

    "ecs_cluster": "cluster-name", "ecs_task_arn": "arn:aws:ecs:region:111122223333:task/cluster-name/f2ad7dba413f45ddb4EXAMPLE", "ecs_task_definition": "task-def-name:revision",

    If you do not want the metadata in your logs, set enable-ecs-log-metadata to false in the firelensConfiguration section of the task definition.

    "firelensConfiguration":{ "type":"fluentbit", "options":{ "enable-ecs-log-metadata":"false", "config-file-type":"file", "config-file-value":"/extra.conf" }

To use this feature, you must create an IAM role for your tasks that provides the permissions necessary to use any Amazon services that the tasks require. For example, if a container is routing logs to Firehose, the task requires permission to call the firehose:PutRecordBatch API. For more information, see Adding and Removing IAM Identity Permissions in the IAM User Guide.

Your task might also require the Amazon ECS task execution role under the following conditions. For more information, see Amazon ECS task execution IAM role.

  • If your task is hosted on Fargate and you are pulling container images from Amazon ECR or referencing sensitive data from Amazon Secrets Manager in your log configuration, then you must include the task execution IAM role.

  • When you use a custom configuration file that's hosted in Amazon S3, your task execution IAM role must include the s3:GetObject permission.

For information about how to use multiple configuration files with Amazon ECS, including files that you host or files in Amazon S3, see Init process for Fluent Bit on ECS, multi-config support.