Managing ElastiCache Amazon SNS notifications
You can configure ElastiCache to send notifications for important cluster events using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). In these examples, you will configure a cluster with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon SNS topic to receive notifications.
This topic assumes that you've signed up for Amazon SNS and have set up and subscribed to an Amazon SNS topic. For information on how to do this, see the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.
By default, the
API modify-replication-group
affects all groups in a Region and not just the current specified group. If you want to configure one specific group in a Region differently than the other groups, you can use the--notification-topic-arn
option to create a separate topic for that group.
Adding an Amazon SNS topic
The following sections show you how to add an Amazon SNS topic using the Amazon Console, the Amazon CLI, or the ElastiCache API.
Adding an Amazon SNS topic (Console)
The following procedure shows you how to add an Amazon SNS topic for a cluster. When using Valkey or Redis OSS to add an Amazon SNS topic for a replication group in step 2, instead of choosing a cluster, choose a replication group. Then follow the same remaining steps.
This process can also be used to modify the Amazon SNS topic.
To add or modify an Amazon SNS topic for a cluster (Console)
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the ElastiCache console at
. -
In Clusters, choose the cluster for which you want to add or modify an Amazon SNS topic ARN.
Choose Modify.
In Modify Cluster under Topic for SNS Notification, choose the SNS topic you want to add, or choose Manual ARN input and type the ARN of the Amazon SNS topic.
Choose Modify.
Adding an Amazon SNS topic (Amazon CLI)
To add or modify an Amazon SNS topic for a cluster,
use the Amazon CLI command modify-cache-cluster
The following code example adds an Amazon SNS topic arn to my-cluster.
For Linux, OS X, or Unix:
aws elasticache modify-cache-cluster \ --cache-cluster-id
\ --notification-topic-arnarn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789xxx:ElastiCacheNotifications
For Windows:
aws elasticache modify-cache-cluster ^ --cache-cluster-id
^ --notification-topic-arnarn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789xx:ElastiCacheNotifications
For more information, see modify-cache-cluster.
Adding an Amazon SNS topic (ElastiCache API)
To add or modify an Amazon SNS topic for a cluster, call the
action with the following parameters:
=arn%3Aaws%3Asns%3Aus-west-2%3A565419523791%3AElastiCacheNotifications ?Action=ModifyCacheCluster &ApplyImmediately=false &CacheClusterId=my-cluster &NotificationTopicArn=arn%3Aaws%3Asns%3Aus-west-2%3A565419523791%3AElastiCacheNotifications &Version=2014-12-01 &SignatureVersion=4 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=20141201T220302Z &X-Amz-Algorithm=&AWS;4-HMAC-SHA256 &X-Amz-Date=20141201T220302Z &X-Amz-SignedHeaders=Host &X-Amz-Expires=20141201T220302Z &X-Amz-Credential=<credential> &X-Amz-Signature=<signature>
For more information, see ModifyCacheCluster.
Enabling and disabling Amazon SNS notifications
You can turn notifications on or off for a cluster. The following procedures show you how to disable Amazon SNS notifications.
Enabling and disabling Amazon SNS notifications (Console)
To disable Amazon SNS notifications using the Amazon Web Services Management Console
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the ElastiCache console at
. -
To see a list of your clusters running Memcached, in the navigation pane choose Memcached.
To see a list of your clusters running Valkey or Redis OSS, in the navigation pane choose Valkey or Redis OSS.
Choose the box to the left of the cluster you want to modify notification for.
Choose Modify.
In Modify Cluster under Topic for SNS Notification, choose Disable Notifications.
Choose Modify.
Enabling and disabling Amazon SNS notifications (Amazon CLI)
To disable Amazon SNS notifications, use the command modify-cache-cluster
with the following parameters:
For Linux, OS X, or Unix:
aws elasticache modify-cache-cluster \ --cache-cluster-id
\ --notification-topic-statusinactive
For Windows:
aws elasticache modify-cache-cluster ^ --cache-cluster-id
^ --notification-topic-statusinactive
When the cache cluster belongs to a replication group, you must use the CLI command modify-replication-group
to enable or disable SNS notifications.
Enabling and disabling Amazon SNS notifications (ElastiCache API)
To disable Amazon SNS notifications, call the ModifyCacheCluster
action with the
following parameters:
This call returns output similar to the following: ?Action=ModifyCacheCluster &ApplyImmediately=false &CacheClusterId=my-cluster &NotificationTopicStatus=inactive &Version=2014-12-01 &SignatureVersion=4 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=20141201T220302Z &X-Amz-Algorithm=&AWS;4-HMAC-SHA256 &X-Amz-Date=20141201T220302Z &X-Amz-SignedHeaders=Host &X-Amz-Expires=20141201T220302Z &X-Amz-Credential=<credential> &X-Amz-Signature=<signature>