以下示例使用 boto3 SDK for ElastiCache 来处理 ElastiCache。
复制以下程序并粘贴到名为 SetAndGetStrings.py 的文件中。
import time import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,format='%(asctime)s: %(message)s') keyName='mykey' currTime=time.ctime(time.time()) # Set the key 'mykey' with the current date and time as value. # The Key will expire and removed from cache in 60 seconds. redis.set(keyName, currTime, ex=60) # Sleep just for better illustration of TTL (expiration) value time.sleep(5) # Retrieve the key value and current TTL keyValue=redis.get(keyName) keyTTL=redis.ttl(keyName) logging.info("Key {} was set at {} and has {} seconds until expired".format(keyName, keyValue, keyTTL))
python SetAndGetStrings.py
复制以下程序并粘贴到名为 SetAndGetHash.py 的文件中。
import logging import time logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,format='%(asctime)s: %(message)s') keyName='mykey' keyValues={'datetime': time.ctime(time.time()), 'epochtime': time.time()} # Set the hash 'mykey' with the current date and time in human readable format (datetime field) and epoch number (epochtime field). redis.hset(keyName, mapping=keyValues) # Set the key to expire and removed from cache in 60 seconds. redis.expire(keyName, 60) # Sleep just for better illustration of TTL (expiration) value time.sleep(5) # Retrieves all the fields and current TTL keyValues=redis.hgetall(keyName) keyTTL=redis.ttl(keyName) logging.info("Key {} was set at {} and has {} seconds until expired".format(keyName, keyValues, keyTTL))
python SetAndGetHash.py
从 Pub/Sub 频道发布(写入)和订阅(读取)
复制以下程序并粘贴到名为 PubAndSub.py 的文件中。
import logging import time def handlerFunction(message): """Prints message got from PubSub channel to the log output Return None :param message: message to log """ logging.info(message) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) redis = Redis(host="redis202104053.tihewd.ng.0001.use1.cache.amazonaws.com", port=6379, decode_responses=True) # Creates the subscriber connection on "mychannel" subscriber = redis.pubsub() subscriber.subscribe(**{'mychannel': handlerFunction}) # Creates a new thread to watch for messages while the main process continues with its routines thread = subscriber.run_in_thread(sleep_time=0.01) # Creates publisher connection on "mychannel" redis.publish('mychannel', 'My message') # Publishes several messages. Subscriber thread will read and print on log. while True: redis.publish('mychannel',time.ctime(time.time())) time.sleep(1)
python PubAndSub.py
复制以下程序并粘贴到名为 ReadWriteStream.py 的文件中。
from redis import Redis import redis.exceptions as exceptions import logging import time import threading logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def writeMessage(streamName): """Starts a loop writting the current time and thread name to 'streamName' :param streamName: Stream (key) name to write messages. """ fieldsDict={'writerId':threading.currentThread().getName(),'myvalue':None} while True: fieldsDict['myvalue'] = time.ctime(time.time()) redis.xadd(streamName,fieldsDict) time.sleep(1) def readMessage(groupName=None,streamName=None): """Starts a loop reading from 'streamName' Multiple threads will read from the same stream consumer group. Consumer group is used to coordinate data distribution. Once a thread acknowleges the message, it won't be provided again. If message wasn't acknowledged, it can be served to another thread. :param groupName: stream group were multiple threads will read. :param streamName: Stream (key) name where messages will be read. """ readerID=threading.currentThread().getName() while True: try: # Check if the stream has any message if redis.xlen(streamName)>0: # Check if if the messages are new (not acknowledged) or not (already processed) streamData=redis.xreadgroup(groupName,readerID,{streamName:'>'},count=1) if len(streamData) > 0: msgId,message = streamData[0][1][0] logging.info("{}: Got {} from ID {}".format(readerID,message,msgId)) #Do some processing here. If the message has been processed sucessfuly, acknowledge it and (optional) delete the message. redis.xack(streamName,groupName,msgId) logging.info("Stream message ID {} read and processed successfuly by {}".format(msgId,readerID)) redis.xdel(streamName,msgId) else: pass except: raise time.sleep(0.5) # Creates the stream 'mystream' and consumer group 'myworkergroup' where multiple threads will write/read. try: redis.xgroup_create('mystream','myworkergroup',mkstream=True) except exceptions.ResponseError as e: logging.info("Consumer group already exists. Will continue despite the error: {}".format(e)) except: raise # Starts 5 writer threads. for writer_no in range(5): writerThread = threading.Thread(target=writeMessage, name='writer-'+str(writer_no), args=('mystream',),daemon=True) writerThread.start() # Starts 10 reader threads for reader_no in range(10): readerThread = threading.Thread(target=readMessage, name='reader-'+str(reader_no), args=('myworkergroup','mystream',),daemon=True) readerThread.daemon = True readerThread.start() # Keep the code running for 30 seconds time.sleep(30)
python ReadWriteStream.py