Serverless cache metrics
The Amazon/ElastiCache
namespace includes the following CloudWatch metrics for your Redis OSS serverless caches.
Metric | Description | Unit |
BytesUsedForCache |
The total number of bytes used by the data stored in your cache. |
Bytes |
ElastiCacheProcessingUnits |
The total number of ElastiCacheProcessingUnits (ECPUs) consumed by the requests executed on your cache |
Count |
SuccessfulReadRequestLatency |
Latency of successful read requests. |
Microseconds |
SuccessfulWriteRequestLatency |
Latency of successful write requests |
Microseconds |
TotalCmdsCount |
Total count of all commands executed on your cache |
Count |
CacheHitRate |
Indicates the hit rate of your cache. This is calculated
using |
Percent |
CacheHits |
The number of successful read-only key lookups in the cache. |
Count |
CurrConnections |
The number of client connections to your cache. |
Count |
ThrottledCmds |
The number of requests that were throttled by ElastiCache because the workload was scaling faster than ElastiCache can scale. |
Count |
NewConnections |
The total number of connections that have been accepted by the server during this period. |
Count |
CurrItems |
The number of items in the cache. |
Count |
CurrVolatileItems |
The number of items in the cache with TTL. |
Count |
NetworkBytesIn |
Total bytes transferred in to cache |
Bytes |
NetworkBytesOut |
Total bytes transferred out of cache |
Bytes |
Evictions |
The count of keys evicted by the cache |
Count |
IamAuthenticationExpirations |
The total number of expired IAM-authenticated Redis OSS connections. You can find more information about Authenticating with IAM in the user guide. |
Count |
IamAuthenticationThrottling |
The total number of throttled IAM-authenticated Redis OSS AUTH or HELLO requests. You can find more information about Authenticating with IAM in the user guide. |
Count |
KeyAuthorizationFailures |
The total number of failed attempts by users to access keys they don’t have permission to access. We suggest setting an alarm on this to detect unauthorized access attempts. |
Count |
AuthenticationFailures |
The total number of failed attempts to authenticate to Redis OSS using the AUTH command. We suggest setting an alarm on this to detect unauthorized access attempts. |
Count |
CommandAuthorizationFailures |
The total number of failed attempts by users to run commands they don’t have permission to call. We suggest setting an alarm on this to detect unauthorized access attempts. |
Count |
Command level metrics
ElastiCache also emits the following command level metrics. For each command type, ElastiCache emits the total count of commands and the number of ECPUs consumed by that command type.
Metric | Description | Unit |
EvalBasedCmds |
The number of get commands the cache has received. |
Count |
EvalBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by eval-based commands. |
Count |
GeoSpatialBasedCmds |
The total number of commands for geospatial-based commands. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic. It's derived by summing all of the geo type of commands: geoadd, geodist, geohash, geopos, georadius, and georadiusbymember. |
Count |
GeoSpatialBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by geospatial-based commands. |
Count |
GetTypeCmds |
The total number of read-only type commands. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all of the read-only type commands (get, hget, scard, lrange, and so on.) |
Count |
GetTypeCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by read commands. |
Count |
HashBasedCmds |
The total number of commands that are hash-based. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more hashes (hget, hkeys, hvals, hdel, and so on). |
Count |
HashBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by hash-based commands. |
Count |
HyperLogLogBasedCmds |
The total number of HyperLogLog-based commands. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all of the pf type of commands (pfadd, pfcount, pfmerge, and so on.). |
Count |
HyperLogLogBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by HyperLogLog-based commands. |
Count |
JsonBasedCmds |
The total number of JSON commands, including both read and write commands. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all JSON commands that act upon JSON keys. |
Count |
JsonBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by all JSON commands, including both read and write commands. |
Count |
JsonBasedGetCmds |
The total number of JSON read-only commands. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all JSON read commands that act upon JSON keys. |
Count |
JsonBasedGetCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by JSON read-only commands. |
Count |
JsonBasedSetCmds |
The total number of JSON write commands. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all JSON write commands that act upon JSON keys. |
Count |
JsonBasedSetCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by JSON write commands. |
Count |
KeyBasedCmds |
The total number of commands that are key-based. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more keys across multiple data structures (del, expire, rename, and so on.). |
Count |
KeyBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by key-based commands. |
Count |
ListBasedCmds |
The total number of commands that are list-based. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more lists (lindex, lrange, lpush, ltrim, and so on). |
Count |
ListBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by list-based commands. |
Count |
NonKeyTypeCmds |
The total number of commands that are not key-based. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that do not act upon a key, for example, acl, dbsize or info. |
Count |
NonKeyTypeCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by non-key-based commands. |
Count |
PubSubBasedCmds |
The total number of commands for pub/sub functionality. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstatsstatistics by summing all of the commands used for pub/sub functionality: psubscribe, publish, pubsub, punsubscribe, ssubscribe, sunsubscribe, spublish, subscribe, and unsubscribe. |
Count |
PubSubBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by pub/sub-based commands. |
Count |
SetBasedCmds |
The total number of commands that are set-based. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more sets (scard, sdiff, sadd, sunion, and so on). |
Count |
SetBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by set-based commands. |
Count |
SetTypeCmds |
The total number of write types of commands. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all of the mutative types of commands that operate on data (set, hset, sadd, lpop, and so on.) |
Count |
SetTypeCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by write commands. |
Count |
SortedSetBasedCmds |
The total number of commands that are sorted set-based. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more sorted sets (zcount, zrange, zrank, zadd, and so on). |
Count |
SortedSetBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by sorted-based commands. |
Count |
StringBasedCmds |
The total number of commands that are string-based. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more strings (strlen, setex, setrange, and so on). |
Count |
StringBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by string-based commands. |
Count |
StreamBasedCmds |
The total number of commands that are stream-based. This is derived from the Redis OSS commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more streams data types (xrange, xlen, xadd, xdel, and so on). |
Count |
StreamBasedCmdsECPUs |
ECPUs consumed by stream-based commands. |
Count |