Deny or allow viewing database names - Amazon Relational Database Service
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Deny or allow viewing database names

The master user cannot set DENY VIEW ANY DATABASE TO LOGIN 
 to hide databases from a user. 
 To change this permission, use the following stored procedure instead:

  • Denying database view access to LOGIN:

    EXEC msdb.dbo.rds_manage_view_db_permission @permission=‘DENY’, @server_principal=‘LOGIN’
  • Allowing database view access to LOGIN:

    EXEC msdb.dbo.rds_manage_view_db_permission @permission='GRANT', @server_principal='LOGIN' 

Consider the following when using this stored procedure:

  • Database names are hidden from the SSMS and internal DMV (dynamic management views). However, database names are still visible from audit, logs and metadata tables. These are secured VIEW ANY DATABASE server permissions. For more information, see 
 DENY Server Permissions.

  • Once the permission is reverted to GRANT (allowed), the LOGIN can view all databases.

  • If you delete and recreate LOGIN, the view permission related to the LOGIN is reset to ALLOW.

  • For Multi-AZ instances, set the DENY or GRANT permission only for the LOGIN on the primary host. The changes are propagated to the secondary host automatically.

  • This permission only changes whether a login can view the database names. However, access to databases and objects within are managed separately.