Creating a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot - Amazon Relational Database Service
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Creating a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot

When you create a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot, make sure to identify which Multi-AZ DB cluster you are going to back up, and then give your DB cluster snapshot a name so you can restore from it later. You can also share a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot. For instructions, see Sharing a DB snapshot.

You can create a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, the Amazon CLI, or the RDS API.

For very long-term backups, we recommend exporting snapshot data to Amazon S3. If the major version of your DB engine is no longer supported, you can't restore to that version from a snapshot. For more information, see Exporting DB snapshot data to Amazon S3.

To create a DB cluster snapshot
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.

  3. In the list, choose the Multi-AZ DB cluster for which you want to take a snapshot.

  4. For Actions, choose Take snapshot.

    The Take DB snapshot window appears.

  5. For Snapshot name, enter the name of the snapshot.

  6. Choose Take snapshot.

The Snapshots page appears, with the new Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot's status shown as Creating. After its status is Available, you can see its creation time.

You can create a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot by using the Amazon CLI create-db-cluster-snapshot command with the following options:

  • --db-cluster-identifier

  • --db-cluster-snapshot-identifier

In this example, you create a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot called mymultiazdbclustersnapshot for a DB cluster called mymultiazdbcluster.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds create-db-cluster-snapshot \ --db-cluster-identifier mymultiazdbcluster \ --db-cluster-snapshot-identifier mymultiazdbclustersnapshot

For Windows:

aws rds create-db-cluster-snapshot ^ --db-cluster-identifier mymultiazdbcluster ^ --db-cluster snapshot-identifier mymultiazdbclustersnapshot

You can create a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot by using the Amazon RDS API CreateDBClusterSnapshot operation with the following parameters:

  • DBClusterIdentifier

  • DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier

Deleting a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot

You can delete Multi-AZ DB snapshots managed by Amazon RDS when you no longer need them. For instructions, see Deleting a DB snapshot.