Container for specifying the Amazon Lambda notification configuration.
- CloudFunction
Lambda cloud function ARN that Amazon S3 can invoke when it detects events of the specified type.
Type: String
Required: No
- Event
This member has been deprecated.
The bucket event for which to send notifications.
Type: String
Valid Values:
s3:ReducedRedundancyLostObject | s3:ObjectCreated:* | s3:ObjectCreated:Put | s3:ObjectCreated:Post | s3:ObjectCreated:Copy | s3:ObjectCreated:CompleteMultipartUpload | s3:ObjectRemoved:* | s3:ObjectRemoved:Delete | s3:ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated | s3:ObjectRestore:* | s3:ObjectRestore:Post | s3:ObjectRestore:Completed | s3:Replication:* | s3:Replication:OperationFailedReplication | s3:Replication:OperationNotTracked | s3:Replication:OperationMissedThreshold | s3:Replication:OperationReplicatedAfterThreshold | s3:ObjectRestore:Delete | s3:LifecycleTransition | s3:IntelligentTiering | s3:ObjectAcl:Put | s3:LifecycleExpiration:* | s3:LifecycleExpiration:Delete | s3:LifecycleExpiration:DeleteMarkerCreated | s3:ObjectTagging:* | s3:ObjectTagging:Put | s3:ObjectTagging:Delete
Required: No
- Events
Bucket events for which to send notifications.
Type: Array of strings
Valid Values:
s3:ReducedRedundancyLostObject | s3:ObjectCreated:* | s3:ObjectCreated:Put | s3:ObjectCreated:Post | s3:ObjectCreated:Copy | s3:ObjectCreated:CompleteMultipartUpload | s3:ObjectRemoved:* | s3:ObjectRemoved:Delete | s3:ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated | s3:ObjectRestore:* | s3:ObjectRestore:Post | s3:ObjectRestore:Completed | s3:Replication:* | s3:Replication:OperationFailedReplication | s3:Replication:OperationNotTracked | s3:Replication:OperationMissedThreshold | s3:Replication:OperationReplicatedAfterThreshold | s3:ObjectRestore:Delete | s3:LifecycleTransition | s3:IntelligentTiering | s3:ObjectAcl:Put | s3:LifecycleExpiration:* | s3:LifecycleExpiration:Delete | s3:LifecycleExpiration:DeleteMarkerCreated | s3:ObjectTagging:* | s3:ObjectTagging:Put | s3:ObjectTagging:Delete
Required: No
- Id
An optional unique identifier for configurations in a notification configuration. If you don't provide one, Amazon S3 will assign an ID.
Type: String
Required: No
- InvocationRole
The role supporting the invocation of the Lambda function
Type: String
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: