Troubleshoot Batch Operations - Amazon Simple Storage Service
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Troubleshoot Batch Operations

The following topics list common errors to help you troubleshoot issues that you might encounter during Batch Operations.

Job report isn’t delivered when there is a permissions issue or an S3 Object Lock retention mode is enabled

The following error occurs if required permissions are missing or Object Lock retention mode (either governance mode or compliance mode) is enabled on the destination bucket.

Error: Reasons for failure. The job report could not be written to your report bucket. Please check your permissions.

The IAM role and trust policy must be configured to allow S3 Batch Operations access to PUT objects in the bucket where the report will be delivered. If these required permissions are missing a job report delivery failure occurs.

When a retention mode is enabled, the bucket is write-once-read-many (WORM) protected. Object Lock with retention mode enabled on the destination bucket is not supported so job completion report delivery attempts fail. To fix this problem, choose a destination bucket for your job completion reports that doesn't have an Object Lock retention mode enabled.

S3 Batch Replication failure with error: Manifest generation found no keys matching the filter criteria

Error: Manifest generation found no keys matching the filter criteria.

This error occurs for one of the following reasions:

  • When objects in the source bucket are stored in the S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval or S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage classes.

    To use Batch Replication on these objects, first restore them to the S3 Standard storage class by using an S3 Initiate Restore Object operation in a Batch Operations job. For more information, see Restoring an archived object and Restore objects (Batch Operations). After you've restored the objects, you can replicate them by using a Batch Replication job.

  • When the provided filter criteria doesn’t match any valid objects in the source bucket.

    Verify and correct the filter criteria. For example, in the Batch Replication rule, the filter criteria is looking for all objects in the DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET with the prefix Tax/. If the prefix name was entered inaccurately, with a slash in the beginning and the end /Tax/ instead of only at the end, then no S3 objects were found. To resolve the error, correct the prefix, in this case, from /Tax/ to Tax/ in the replication rule.

Batch Operations failures occur after adding a new replication rule to an existing replication configuration

Batch Operations attempts to perform existing object replication for every rule in the source bucket's replication configuration. If there are problems with any of the existing replication rules, failures might occur.

The Batch Operations job's completion report explains the job failure reasons. For a list of common errors, see Amazon S3 replication failure reasons.

Batch Operations failing objects with the error 400 InvalidRequest: Task failed due to missing VersionId

The following example error occurs if a Batch Operations job is performing actions on objects in a versioned bucket and encounters an object in the manifest with an empty version ID field.

Error: BUCKET_NAME,prefix/file_name,failed,400,InvalidRequest,Task failed due to missing VersionId

This error occurs because the version ID field in the manifest is an empty string, instead of the literal null string.

Batch Operations will fail for that particular object or objects, but not the entire job. This problem occurs if the manifest format is configured to use version IDs during the operation. Non-versioned jobs don't encounter this issue because they operate only on the most recent version of each object and ignore the version IDs in the manifest.

To fix this problem, convert the empty version IDs to null strings. For more information, see Converting empty version ID strings in Amazon S3 Inventory reports to null strings.

Create job failure with job tag option enabled

Without the s3:PutJobTagging permission, creating Batch Operations jobs with the job tag option enabled causes 403 access denied errors.

To create Batch Operations jobs with the job tag option enabled, the Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) user that's creating the Batch Operations job must have the s3:PutJobTagging permission in addition to the s3:CreateJob permission.

For more information about the permissions required for Batch Operations, see Granting permissions for Amazon S3 Batch Operations.

Access Denied to read the manifest

If Batch Operations can't read the manifest file when you attempt to create a Batch Operations job, the following errors can occur.

Amazon CLI

Reason for failure Reading the manifest is forbidden: AccessDenied

Amazon S3 console

Warning: Unable to get the manifest object's ETag. Specify a different object to continue.

To solve this problem, do the following:

  • Verify that the IAM role for the Amazon Web Services account that you used to create the Batch Operations job has s3:GetObject permissions. The account's IAM role must have s3:GetObject permissions to allow Batch Operations to read the manifest file.

    For more information about the permissions required for Batch Operations, see Granting permissions for Amazon S3 Batch Operations.

  • Check the manifest objects' metadata for any access mismatches with S3 Object Ownership. For more information about S3 Object Ownership, see Controlling ownership of objects and disabling ACLs for your bucket.

  • Check whether Amazon Key Management Service (Amazon KMS) keys are used to encrypt the manifest file.

    Batch Operations support CSV inventory reports that are Amazon KMS-encrypted. However, Batch Operations don't support CSV manifest files that are Amazon KMS-encrypted. For more information, see Configuring Amazon S3 Inventory and Specifying a manifest.