Getting started with S3 Access Grants
Amazon S3 Access Grants is an Amazon S3 feature that provides a scalable access control solution for your S3 data. S3 Access Grants is an S3 credential vendor, meaning that you register with S3 Access Grants your list of grants and at what level. Thereafter, when users or clients need access to your S3 data, they first ask S3 Access Grants for credentials. If there is a corresponding grant that authorizes access, S3 Access Grants vends temporary, least-privilege access credentials. The users or clients can then use S3 Access Grants vended credentials to access your S3 data. With that in mind, if your S3 data requirements mandate a complex or large permission configuration, you can use S3 Access Grants to scale S3 data permissions for users, groups, roles, and applications.
For most use cases, you can manage access control for your S3 data by using Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) with bucket policies or IAM identity-based policies.
However, if you have complex S3 access control requirements, such as the following, you could benefit greatly from using S3 Access Grants:
You are running into the bucket policy size limit of 20 KB.
You grant human identities, for example, Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory), Okta, or Ping users and groups, access to S3 data for analytics and big data.
You must provide cross-account access without making frequent updates to IAM policies.
Your data is unstructured and object-level rather than structured, in row and column format.
The S3 Access Grants workflow is as follows:
Steps | Description |
1 | Create an S3 Access Grants instance
To get started, initiate an S3 Access Grants instance that will contain your individual access grants. |
2 | Register a location
Second, register an S3 data location (such as the default,
3 | Create grants
Create individual permission grants. Specify in these permission
grants the registered S3 location, the scope of data access within the
location, the identity of the grantee, and their access level
( |
4 | Request
access to S3 data
When users, applications, and Amazon Web Services services want to access S3 data, they first make an access request. S3 Access Grants determines if the request should be authorized. If there is a corresponding grant that authorizes access, S3 Access Grants uses the registered location's IAM role that's associated with that grant to vend temporary credentials back to the requester. |
5 | Access S3 data
Applications use the temporary credentials vended by S3 Access Grants to access S3 data. |