Creating a CloudWatch metrics configuration for all the objects in your bucket - Amazon Simple Storage Service
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Creating a CloudWatch metrics configuration for all the objects in your bucket

When you configure request metrics, you can create a CloudWatch metrics configuration for all the objects in your bucket, or you can filter by prefix, object tag, or access point. The procedures in this topic show you how to create a configuration for all the objects in your bucket. To create a configuration that filters by object tag, prefix, or access point, see Creating a metrics configuration that filters by prefix, object tag, or access point.

There are three types of Amazon CloudWatch metrics for Amazon S3: storage metrics, request metrics, and replication metrics. Storage metrics are reported once per day and are provided to all customers at no additional cost. Request metrics are available at one-minute intervals after some latency for processing. Request metrics are billed at the standard CloudWatch rate. You must opt in to request metrics by configuring them in the console or using the Amazon S3 API. S3 Replication metrics provide detailed metrics for the replication rules in your replication configuration. With replication metrics, you can monitor minute-by-minute progress by tracking bytes pending, operations pending, operations that failed replication, and replication latency.

For more information about CloudWatch metrics for Amazon S3, see Monitoring metrics with Amazon CloudWatch.

You can add metrics configurations to a bucket using the Amazon S3 console, the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI), or the Amazon S3 REST API.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose General purpose buckets.

  3. In the buckets list, choose the name of the bucket that contains the objects you want request metrics for.

  4. Choose the Metrics tab.

  5. Under Bucket metrics, choose View additional charts.

  6. Choose the Request metrics tab.

  7. Choose Create filter.

  8. In the Filter name box, enter your filter name.

    Names can only contain letters, numbers, periods, dashes, and underscores. We recommend using the name EntireBucket for a filter that applies to all objects.

  9. Under Filter scope, choose This filter applies to all objects in the bucket.

    You can also define a filter so that the metrics are only collected and reported on a subset of objects in the bucket. For more information, see Creating a metrics configuration that filters by prefix, object tag, or access point.

  10. Choose Save changes.

  11. On the Request metrics tab, under Filters, choose the filter that you just created.

    After about 15 minutes, CloudWatch begins tracking these request metrics. You can see them on the Request metrics tab. You can see graphs for the metrics on the Amazon S3 or CloudWatch console. Request metrics are billed at the standard CloudWatch rate. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch pricing.

You can also add metrics configurations programmatically with the Amazon S3 REST API. For more information about adding and working with metrics configurations, see the following topics in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference:

  1. Install and set up the Amazon CLI. For instructions, see Installing, updating, and uninstalling the Amazon CLI in the Amazon Command Line Interface User Guide.

  2. Open a terminal.

  3. Run the following command to add a metrics configuration.

    aws s3api put-bucket-metrics-configuration --endpoint --bucket bucket-name --id metrics-config-id --metrics-configuration '{"Id":"metrics-config-id"}'