Policy examples for ACLs
You can use condition keys in bucket policies to control access to Amazon S3.
Granting s3:PutObject permission with a condition requiring the bucket owner to get full control
The PUT Object operation allows access control list (ACL)–specific headers that you can use to grant ACL-based permissions. Using these keys, the bucket owner can set a condition to require specific access permissions when the user uploads an object.
Suppose that Account A owns a bucket, and the account administrator wants
to grant Dave, a user in Account B, permissions to upload objects. By
default, objects that Dave uploads are owned by Account B, and Account A has
no permissions on these objects. Because the bucket owner is paying the
bills, it wants full permissions on the objects that Dave uploads. The
Account A administrator can do this by granting the
permission to Dave, with a condition that the
request include ACL-specific headers that either grant full permission
explicitly or use a canned ACL. For more information, see PUT Object.
Require the x-amz-full-control header
You can require the x-amz-full-control
header in the
request with full control permission to the bucket owner. The following
bucket policy grants the s3:PutObject
permission to user
Dave with a condition using the s3:x-amz-grant-full-control
condition key, which requires the request to include the
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "statement1", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws-cn:iam::
:user/Dave" }, "Action": "s3:PutObject", "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:s3:::awsexamplebucket1
/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:x-amz-grant-full-control": "id=AccountA-CanonicalUserID
" } } } ] }
This example is about cross-account permission. However, if Dave (who is getting the permission) belongs to the Amazon Web Services account that owns the bucket, this conditional permission is not necessary. This is because the parent account to which Dave belongs owns objects that the user uploads.
Add explicit deny
The preceding bucket policy grants conditional permission to user
Dave in Account B. While this policy is in effect, it is possible
for Dave to get the same permission without any condition via some
other policy. For example, Dave can belong to a group, and you grant
the group s3:PutObject
permission without any
condition. To avoid such permission loopholes, you can write a
stricter access policy by adding explicit deny. In this example, you
explicitly deny the user Dave upload permission if he does not
include the necessary headers in the request granting full
permissions to the bucket owner. Explicit deny always supersedes any
other permission granted. The following is the revised access policy
example with explicit deny added.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "statement1", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws-cn:iam::
:user/AccountBadmin" }, "Action": "s3:PutObject", "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:s3:::awsexamplebucket1
/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:x-amz-grant-full-control": "id=AccountA-CanonicalUserID
" } } }, { "Sid": "statement2", "Effect": "Deny", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws-cn:iam::AccountB-ID
:user/AccountBadmin" }, "Action": "s3:PutObject", "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:s3:::awsexamplebucket1
/*", "Condition": { "StringNotEquals": { "s3:x-amz-grant-full-control": "id=AccountA-CanonicalUserID
" } } } ] }
Test the policy with the Amazon CLI
If you have two Amazon Web Services accounts, you can test the policy using the
Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI). You attach the policy and use Dave's credentials
to test the permission using the following Amazon CLI
command. You provide Dave's credentials
by adding the --profile
parameter. You grant full
control permission to the bucket owner by adding the
parameter. For more
information about setting up and using the Amazon CLI, see Developing with Amazon S3 using the Amazon CLI in the Amazon S3 API Reference.
aws s3api put-object --bucket
--key HappyFace.jpg --body c:\HappyFace.jpg --grant-full-control id="AccountA-CanonicalUserID
" --profile AccountBUserProfile
Require the x-amz-acl header
You can require the x-amz-acl
header with a canned ACL
granting full control permission to the bucket owner. To require the
header in the request, you can replace the
key-value pair in the Condition
block and specify the
condition key, as shown in the following
"Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:x-amz-acl": "bucket-owner-full-control" } }
To test the permission using the Amazon CLI, you specify the
parameter. The Amazon CLI then adds the
header when it sends the request.
aws s3api put-object --bucket
--key HappyFace.jpg --body c:\HappyFace.jpg --acl "bucket-owner-full-control" --profile AccountBadmin
Granting s3:PutObject permission with a condition on the x-amz-acl header
The following bucket policy grants the s3:PutObject
for two Amazon Web Services accounts if the request includes the x-amz-acl
making the object publicly readable. The Condition
block uses the
condition, and it is provided a key-value pair,
, for evaluation. In the key-value
pair, the s3:x-amz-acl
is an Amazon S3–specific key, as
indicated by the prefix s3:
{ "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid":"AddCannedAcl", "Effect":"Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": [ "arn:aws-cn:iam::
:root", "arn:aws-cn:iam::Account2-ID
:root" ] }, "Action":"s3:PutObject", "Resource": ["arn:aws-cn:s3:::awsexamplebucket1
/*"], "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:x-amz-acl":["public-read"] } } } ] }
Not all conditions make sense for all actions. For example, it makes sense
to include an s3:LocationConstraint
condition on a policy that
grants the s3:CreateBucket
Amazon S3 permission. However, it does
not make sense to include this condition on a policy that grants the
permission. Amazon S3 can test for semantic errors
of this type that involve Amazon S3–specific conditions. However, if you
are creating a policy for an IAM user or role and you include a semantically
invalid Amazon S3 condition, no error is reported because IAM cannot validate
Amazon S3 conditions.