Expiring objects - Amazon Simple Storage Service
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Expiring objects

You can add transition actions to an S3 Lifecycle configuration to tell Amazon S3 to delete objects at the end of their lifetime. When an object reaches the end of its lifetime based on its lifecycle configuration, Amazon S3 takes an Expiration action based on which S3 Versioning state the bucket is in:

  • Nonversioned bucket – Amazon S3 queues the object for removal and removes it asynchronously, permanently removing the object.

  • Versioning-enabled bucket – If the current object version is not a delete marker, Amazon S3 adds a delete marker with a unique version ID. This makes the current version noncurrent, and the delete marker the current version.

  • Versioning-suspended bucket – Amazon S3 creates a delete marker with null as the version ID. This delete marker replaces any object version with a null version ID in the version hierarchy, which effectively deletes the object.

For a versioned bucket (that is, versioning-enabled or versioning-suspended), there are several considerations that guide how Amazon S3 handles the Expiration action. For versioning-enabled or versioning-suspended buckets, the following applies:

  • Object expiration applies only to an object's current version (it has no impact on noncurrent object versions).

  • Amazon S3 doesn't take any action if there are one or more object versions and the delete marker is the current version.

  • If the current object version is the only object version and it is also a delete marker (also referred as an expired object delete marker, where all object versions are deleted and you only have a delete marker remaining), Amazon S3 removes the expired object delete marker. You can also use the Expiration action to direct Amazon S3 to remove any expired object delete markers. For example, see Removing expired object delete markers in a versioning-enabled bucket.

  • You can use the NoncurrentVersionExpiration action element to direct Amazon S3 to permanently delete noncurrent versions of objects. These deleted objects can't be recovered. You can base this expiration on a certain number of days since the objects became noncurrent. In addition to the number of days, you can also provide a maximum number of noncurrent versions to retain (between 1 and 100). This value specifies how many newer noncurrent versions must exist before Amazon S3 can perform the associated action on a given version. To specify the maximum number of noncurrent versions, you must also provide a Filter element. If you don't specify a Filter element, Amazon S3 generates an InvalidRequest error when you provide a maximum number of noncurrent versions. For more information about using the NoncurrentVersionExpiration action element, see Elements to describe lifecycle actions.

  • Amazon S3 doesn't take any action on noncurrent versions of objects that have the S3 Object Lock configuration applied.

  • For objects with a Pending replication status, Amazon S3 doesn't take any action on current or non-current versions of objects.

For more information, see Retaining multiple versions of objects with S3 Versioning.


When you have multiple rules in an S3 Lifecycle configuration, an object can become eligible for multiple S3 Lifecycle actions on the same day. In such cases, Amazon S3 follows these general rules:

  • Permanent deletion takes precedence over transition.

  • Transition takes precedence over creation of delete markers.

  • When an object is eligible for both an S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval and an S3 Standard-IA (or an S3 One Zone-IA) transition, Amazon S3 chooses the S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval transition.

For examples, see Examples of overlapping filters and conflicting lifecycle actions.

Existing and new objects

When you add a Lifecycle configuration to a bucket, the configuration rules apply to both existing objects and objects that you add later. For example, if you add a Lifecycle configuration rule today with an expiration action that causes objects with a specific prefix to expire 30 days after creation, Amazon S3 will queue for removal any existing objects that are more than 30 days old and that have the specified prefix.


You can't use a bucket policy to prevent deletions or transitions by an S3 Lifecycle rule. For example, even if your bucket policy denies all actions for all principals, your S3 Lifecycle configuration still functions as normal.

How to find when objects will expire

To find when the current version of an object is scheduled to expire, use the HeadObject or GetObject API operation. These API operations return response headers that provide the date and time at which the current version of the object is no longer cacheable.


Minimum storage duration charge

If you create an S3 Lifecycle expiration rule that causes objects that have been in S3 Standard-IA or S3 One Zone-IA storage for less than 30 days to expire, you are charged for 30 days. If you create a Lifecycle expiration rule that causes objects that have been in S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval storage for less than 90 days to expire, you are charged for 90 days. If you create a Lifecycle expiration rule that causes objects that have been in S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage for less than 180 days to expire, you are charged for 180 days.

For more information, see Amazon S3 pricing.