Configuring and using Mountpoint - Amazon Simple Storage Service
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Configuring and using Mountpoint

To use Mountpoint for Amazon S3, your host needs valid Amazon credentials with access to the bucket or buckets that you would like to mount. For different ways to authenticate, see Mountpoint Amazon Credentials on GitHub.

For example, you can create a new Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) user and role for this purpose. Make sure that this role has access to the bucket or buckets that you would like to mount. You can pass the IAM role to your Amazon EC2 instance with an instance profile.

Using Mountpoint for Amazon S3

Use Mountpoint for Amazon S3 to do the following:

  1. Mount buckets with the mount-s3 command.

    In the following example, replace amzn-s3-demo-bucket with the name of your S3 bucket, and replace ~/mnt with the directory on your host where you want your S3 bucket to be mounted.

    mkdir ~/mnt mount-s3 amzn-s3-demo-bucket ~/mnt

    Because the Mountpoint client runs in the background by default, the ~/mnt directory now gives you access to the objects in your S3 bucket.

  2. Access the objects in your bucket through Mountpoint.

    After you mount your bucket locally, you can use common Linux commands, such as cat or ls, to work with your S3 objects. Mountpoint for Amazon S3 interprets keys in your S3 bucket as file system paths by splitting them on the forward slash (/) character. For example, if you have the object key Data/2023-01-01.csv in your bucket, you will have a directory named Data in your Mountpoint file system, with a file named 2023-01-01.csv inside it.

  3. Unmount your bucket by using the umount command. This command unmounts your S3 bucket and exits Mountpoint.

    To use the following example command, replace ~/mnt with the directory on your host where your S3 bucket is mounted.

    umount ~/mnt

    To get a list of options for this command, run umount --help.

For additional Mountpoint configuration details, see S3 bucket configuration, and file system configuration on GitHub.

Configuring caching in Mountpoint

Mountpoint for Amazon S3 supports different types of data caching. To accelerate repeated read requests, you can opt in to the following:

  • Local cache – You can use a local cache in your Amazon EC2 instance storage or an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume. If you repeatedly read the same data from the same compute instance and if you have unused space in your local instance storage for the repeatedly read dataset, you should opt in to a local cache.

  • Shared cache – You can use a shared cache on S3 Express One Zone. If you repeatedly read small objects from multiple compute instances or if you do not know the size of your repeatedly read dataset and want to benefit from elasticity of cache size, you should opt in to the shared cache. Once you opt in, Mountpoint retains objects with sizes up to one megabyte in a directory bucket that uses S3 Express One Zone.

  • Combined local and shared cache – If you have unused space in your local cache but also want a shared cache across multiple instances, you can opt in to both a local cache and shared cache.

Caching in Mountpoint is ideal for use cases where you repeatedly read the same data that doesn’t change during the multiple reads. For example, you can use caching with machine learning training jobs that need to read a training dataset multiple times to improve model accuracy.

For more information about how to configure caching in Mountpoint, see the following examples.

Local cache

You can opt in to a local cache with the --cache CACHE_PATH flag. In the following example, replace CACHE_PATH with the filepath to the directory that you want to cache your data in. Replace amzn-s3-demo-bucket with the name of your S3 bucket, and replace ~/mnt with the directory on your host where you want your S3 bucket to be mounted.

mkdir ~/mnt mount-s3 --cache CACHE_PATH amzn-s3-demo-bucket ~/mnt

When you opt in to local caching while mounting an S3 bucket, Mountpoint creates an empty sub-directory at the configured cache location, if that sub-directory doesn’t already exist. When you first mount a bucket and when you unmount, Mountpoint deletes the contents of the local cache.


If you enable local caching, Mountpoint will persist unencrypted object content from your mounted S3 bucket at the local cache location provided at mount. In order to protect your data, you should restrict access to the data cache location by using file system access control mechanisms.

Shared cache

If you repeatedly read small objects (up to 1 MB) from multiple compute instances or the size of the dataset that you repeatedly read often exceeds the size of your local cache, you should use a shared cache in S3 Express One Zone. When you read the same data repeatedly from multiple instances, this improves latency by avoiding redundant requests to your mounted S3 bucket.

Once you opt in to the shared cache, you pay for the data cached in your directory bucket in S3 Express One Zone. You also pay for requests made against your data in the directory bucket in S3 Express One Zone. For more information, see Amazon S3 pricing. Mountpoint never deletes cached objects from directory buckets. To manage your storage costs, you should set up a Lifecycle policy on your directory bucket so that Amazon S3 expires the cached data in S3 Express One Zone after a period of time that you specify. For more information, see Mountpoint for Amazon S3 caching configuration on GitHub.

To opt in to caching in S3 Express One Zone when you mount a general purpose bucket to your compute instance, use the --cache-xz flag and specify a directory bucket as your cache location. In the following example, replace the user input placeholders.

mount-s3 amzn-s3-demo-bucket ~/mnt --cache-xz amzn-s3-demo-bucket--usw2-az1--x-s3

Combined local and shared cache

If you have unused space on your instance but you also want to use a shared cache across multiple instances, you can opt in to both a local cache and shared cache. With this caching configuration, you can avoid redundant read requests from the same instance to the shared cache in directory bucket when the required data is cached in local storage. This can reduce request costs and improve performance.

To opt in to both a local cache and shared cache when you mount an S3 bucket, you specify both cache locations by using the --cache and --cache-xz flags. To use the following example to opt into both a local and shared cache, replace the user input placeholders.

mount -s3 amzn-s3-demo-bucket ~/mnt --cache /path/to/mountpoint/cache --cache -xz amzn-s3-demo-bucket--usw2-az1--x-s3

For more information, Mountpoint for Amazon S3 caching configuration on GitHub.


If you enable shared caching, Mountpoint will copy object content from your mounted S3 bucket into the S3 directory bucket that you provide as your shared cache location, making it accessible to any caller with access to the S3 directory bucket. To protect your cached data, you should follow the Security best practices for Amazon S3 to ensure that your buckets use the correct policies and are not publicly accessible. You should use a directory bucket dedicated to Mountpoint shared caching and grant access only to Mountpoint clients.