Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point failover controls errors
When you update the failover configuration for your Multi-Region Access Point, you might encounter one of these errors:
HTTP 400 Bad Request
: This error can occur if you enter an invalid Multi-Region Access Point ARN while updating your failover configuration. You can confirm your Multi-Region Access Point ARN by reviewing your Multi-Region Access Point policy. To review or update your Multi-Region Access Point policy, see Editing the Multi-Region Access Point policy. This error can also occur if you use an empty string or a random string while updating your Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point failover controls. Make sure to use the Multi-Region Access Point ARN format:arn:aws:s3::
HTTP 503 Slow Down
: This error occurs if you send too many requests in a short period of time. Rejected requests will result in an error. -
HTTP 409 Conflict
: This error occurs when two or more concurrent route configuration update requests are targeting a single Multi-Region Access Point. The first request succeeds, but any other requests fail with an error. -
HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed
: This error occurs when you've selected a Multi-Region Access Point with only one Amazon Web Services Region when initiating failover. You must select two Regions before you can initiate failover. Otherwise, an error is returned.