Integrating ActiveMQ brokers with LDAP - Amazon MQ
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Integrating ActiveMQ brokers with LDAP


LDAP integration is not supported for RabbitMQ brokers.

Amazon MQ does not support server certificate issued by a private CA.

You can access your ActiveMQ brokers using the following protocols with TLS enabled:

Amazon MQ offers a choice between native ActiveMQ authentication and LDAP authentication and authorization to manage user permissions. For information about restrictions related to ActiveMQ usernames and passwords, see Users.

To authorize ActiveMQ users and groups to works with queues and topics, you must edit your broker's configuration. Amazon MQ uses ActiveMQ's Simple Authentication Plugin to restrict reading and writing to destinations. For more information and examples, see Always configure an authorization map and authorizationEntry.


Currently, Amazon MQ doesn't support Client Certificate Authentication.

Integrate LDAP with ActiveMQ

You can authenticate Amazon MQ users through the credentials stored in your lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) server. You can also add, delete, and modify Amazon MQ users and assign permissions to topics and queues through it. Management operations like creating, updating and deleting brokers still require IAM credentials and are not integrated with LDAP.

Customers who want to simplify and centralize their Amazon MQ broker authentication and authorization using an LDAP server can use this feature. Keeping all user credentials in the LDAP server saves time and effort by providing a central location for storing and managing these credentials.

Amazon MQ provides LDAP support using the Apache ActiveMQ JAAS plugin. Any LDAP server, such as Microsoft Active Directory or OpenLDAP that is supported by the plugin is also supported by Amazon MQ. For more information about the plugin, see the Security section of the Active MQ documentation.

In addition to users, you can specify access to topics and queues for a specific group or a user through your LDAP server. You do this by creating entries that represent topics and queues in your LDAP server and then assigning permissions to a specific LDAP user or a group. You can then configure broker to retrieve authorization data from the LDAP server.


Before you add LDAP support to a new or existing Amazon MQ broker, you must set up a service account. This service account is required to initiate a connection to an LDAP server and must have the correct permissions to make this connection. This service account will set up LDAP authentication for your broker. Any successive client connections will be authenticated through the same connection.

The service account is an account in your LDAP server, which has access to initiate a connection. It is a standard LDAP requirement and you have to provide the service account credentials only once. After the connection is setup, all the future client connections are authenticated through your LDAP server. Your service account credentials are stored securely in an encrypted form, which is accessible only to Amazon MQ.

To integrate with ActiveMQ, a specific Directory Information Tree (DIT) is required on the LDAP server. For an example ldif file that clearly shows this structure, see Import the following LDIF file into the LDAP server in the Security section of the ActiveMQ documentation.

Getting Started with LDAP

To get started, navigate to the Amazon MQ console and choose LDAP authentication and authorization when you create a new Amazon MQ or edit an existing broker instance.

Provide the following information about the service account:

  • Fully qualified domain name The location of the LDAP server to which authentication and authorization requests are to be issued.


    The fully qualified domain name of the LDAP server you supply must not include the protocol or port number. Amazon MQ will prepend the fully qualified domain name with the protocol ldaps, and will append the port number 636.

    For example, if you provide the following fully qualified domain:, Amazon MQ will access your LDAP server using the following URL: ldaps://

    For the broker host to be able to successfully communicate with the LDAP server, the fully qualified domain name must be publicly resolvable. To keep the LDAP server private and secure, restrict inbound traffic in the server's inbound rules to only allow traffic originated from within the broker's VPC.

  • Service account username The distinguished name of the user that will be used to perform the initial bind to the LDAP server.

  • Service account password The password of the user performing the initial bind.

The following image highlights where to supply these details.

Where to specify LDAP service account details.

In the LDAP login configuration section, provide the following required information:

  • User Base The distinguished name of the node in the directory information tree (DIT) that will be searched for users.

  • User Search Matching The LDAP search filter that will be used to find users within the userBase. The client's username will be substituted into the {0} placeholder in the search filter. For more information, see Authentication and Authorization.

  • Role Base The distinguished name of the node in the DIT that will be searched for roles. Roles can be configured as explicit LDAP group entries in your directory. A typical role entry may consist of one attribute for the name of the role, such as common name (CN), and another attribute, such as member, with values representing the distinguished names or usernames of the users belonging to the role group. For example, given the organizational unit, group, you can provide the following distinguished name: ou=group,dc=example,dc=com.

  • Role Search Matching The LDAP search filter that will be used to find roles within the roleBase. The distinguished name of the user matched by userSearchMatching will be substituted into the {0} placeholder in the search filter. The client's username will be substituted in place of the {1} placeholder. For example, if role entries in your directory include an attribute named member, containing the usernames for all users in that role, you can provide the following search filter: (member:=uid={1}).

The following image highlights where to specify these details.

Where to specify LDAP login details.

In the Optional settings section, you can provide the following optional information:

  • User Role Name The name of the LDAP attribute in the user's directory entry for the user's group membership. In some cases, user roles may be identified by the value of an attribute in the user's directory entry. The userRoleName option allows you to provide the name of this attribute. For example, let's consider the following user entry:

    dn: uid=jdoe,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: user uid: jdoe sn: jane cn: Jane Doe mail: memberOf: role1 userPassword: password

    To provide the correct userRoleName for the example above, you would specify the memberOf attribute. If authentication is successful, the user is assigned the role role1.

  • Role Name The group name attribute in a role entry whose value is the name of that role. For example, you can specify cn for a group entry's common name. If authentication succeeds, the user is assigned the the value of the cn attribute for each role entry that they are a member of.

  • User Search Subtree Defines the scope for the LDAP user search query. If true, the scope is set to search the entire subtree under the node defined by userBase.

  • Role Search Subtree Defines the scope for the LDAP role search query. If true, the scope is set to search the entire subtree under the node defined by roleBase.

The following image highlights where to specify these optional settings.

Optional settings for LDAP attributes and search scope in role search matching.

How LDAP integration works

You can think of integration in two main categories: the structure for authentication, and the structure for authorization.


For authentication, client credentials must be valid. These credentials are validated against users in the user base in the LDAP server.

The user base supplied to the ActiveMQ broker must point to the node in the DIT where users are stored in the LDAP server. For example, if you are using Amazon Managed Microsoft AD, and you have the domain components corp, example, and com, and within those you have organizational units corp and Users, you would use the following as your user base:


The ActiveMQ broker would search at this location in the DIT for users in order to authenticate client connection requests to the broker.

Location to search for users

Because the ActiveMQ source code hardcodes the attribute name for users to uid, you must make sure that each user has this attribute set. For simplicity, you can use the user’s connection username. For more information, see the activemq source code and Configuring ID mappings in Active Directory Users and Computers for Windows Server 2016 (and subsequent) versions.

To enable ActiveMQ console access for specific users, make sure they belong to the amazonmq-console-admins group.


For authorization, permissions search bases are specified in the broker configuration. Authorization is done on a per-destination basis (or wildcard, destination set) via the cachedLdapAuthorizationMap element, found in the broker’s activemq.xml configuration file. For more information, see Cached LDAP Authorization Module.


To be able to use the cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap element in your broker's activemq.xml configuration file, you must choose the LDAP Authentication and Authorization option when creating a configuration via the Amazon Web Services Management Console, or set the authenticationStrategy property to LDAP when creating a new configuration using the Amazon MQ API.

You must provide the following three attributes as part of the cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap element:

  • queueSearchBase

  • topicSearchBase

  • tempSearchBase


To prevent sensitive information from being directly placed in the broker's configuration file, Amazon MQ blocks the following attributes from being used in cachedLdapAuthorizationMap:

  • connectionURL

  • connectionUsername

  • connectionPassword

When you create a broker, Amazon MQ substitutes the values you provide via the Amazon Web Services Management Console, or in the ldapServerMetadata property of your API request, for the above attributes.

The following demonstrates a working example of the cachedLdapAuthorizationMap.

<authorizationPlugin> <map> <cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap queueSearchBase="ou=Queue,ou=Destination,ou=corp,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com" topicSearchBase="ou=Topic,ou=Destination,ou=corp,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com" tempSearchBase="ou=Temp,ou=Destination,ou=corp,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com" refreshInterval="300000" legacyGroupMapping="false" /> </map> </authorizationPlugin>

These values identify the locations within the DIT where permissions for each type of destination are specified. So for the above example with Amazon Managed Microsoft AD, using the same domain components of corp, example, and com, you would specify an organizational unit named destination to contain all your destination types. Within that OU, you would create one for queues, one for topics, and one for temp destinations.

This would mean that your queue search base, which provides authorization information for destinations of type queue, would have the following location in your DIT:

Queue search base location.

Similarly, permissions rules for topics and temp destinations would be located at the same level in the DIT:


Within the OU for each type of destination (queue, topic, temp), either a wildcard or specific destination name can be provided. For example, to provide an authorization rule for all queues that start with the prefix DEMO.EVENTS.$., you could create the following OU:


The DEMO.EVENTS.$ OU is within the Queue OU.

For more info on wildcards in ActiveMQ, see Wildcards

To provide authorization rules for specific queues, such as DEMO.MYQUEUE, specify something like the following:

Authorization rules for specific queues

Security Groups

Within each OU that represents a destination or a wildcard, you must create three security groups. As with all permissions in ActiveMQ, these are read/write/admin permissions. For more information on what each of these permissions allows a user to do, see Security in the ActiveMQ documentation.

You must name these security groups read, write, and admin. Within each of these security groups, you can add users or groups, who will then have permission to perform the associated actions. You’ll need these security groups for each wildcard destination set or individual destination.

Security groups

When you create the admin group, a conflict will arise with the group name. This conflict happens because the legacy pre-Windows 2000 rules do not allow groups to share the same name, even if the groups are in different locations of the DIT. The value in the pre-Windows 2000 text box has no impact on the setup, but it must be globally unique. To avoid this conflict, you can append a uuid suffix to each admin group.

This is my image.

Adding a user to the admin security group for a particular destination will enable the user to create and delete that topic. Adding them to the read security group will enable them to read from the destination, and adding them to the write group will enable them to write to the destination.

In addition to adding individual users to security group permissions, you can also add entire groups. However, because ActiveMQ again hardcodes attribute names for groups, you must ensure the group you want to add has the object class groupOfNames, as shown in the activemq source code.

To do this, follow the same process as with the uid for users. See Configuring ID mappings in Active Directory Users and Computers for Windows Server 2016 (and subsequent) versions.