This page is only for existing customers of the S3 Glacier service using Vaults and the original REST API from 2012.
If you're looking for archival storage solutions we suggest using the S3 Glacier storage classes in Amazon S3, S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and S3 Glacier Deep Archive. To learn more about these storage options, see S3 Glacier storage classes
List Jobs (GET jobs)
This operation lists jobs for a vault, including jobs that are in-progress and jobs that have recently finished.
Amazon S3 Glacier (S3 Glacier) retains recently completed jobs for a period before deleting them; however, it eventually removes completed jobs. The output of completed jobs can be retrieved. Retaining completed jobs for a period of time after they have completed enables you to get a job output in the event you miss the job completion notification, or your first attempt to download it fails. For example, suppose that you start an archive retrieval job to download an archive. After the job completes, you start to download the archive but encounter a network error. In this scenario, you can retry and download the archive while the job exists.
The List Jobs
operation supports pagination. You should always check the
response Marker
field. If there are no more jobs to list, the
field is set to null
. If there are more jobs to
list, the Marker
field is set to a non-null value, which you can use to
continue the pagination of the list. To return a list of jobs that begins at a specific
job, set the marker
request parameter to the Marker
value for
that job that you obtained from a previous List Jobs
You can set a maximum limit for the number of jobs returned in the response by specifying
the limit
parameter in the request. The default limit is 50. The number of
jobs returned might be fewer than the limit, but the number of returned jobs never
exceeds the limit.
Additionally, you can filter the jobs list returned by specifying the optional
parameter or completed
parameter, or both.
Using the statuscode
parameter, you can specify to return only jobs that
match either the InProgress
, Succeeded
, or Failed
status. Using the completed
parameter, you can specify to return only jobs
that were completed (true
) or jobs that were not completed
To return a list of jobs of all types, send a GET
request to the URI of the
vault's jobs
/jobs HTTP/1.1 Host: glacier.Region Date:Date
x-amz-glacier-version: 2012-06-01
The AccountId
value is the Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that owns the vault. You can either specify an Amazon Web Services account ID or optionally a single '-
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
Request Parameters
Name | Description | Required |
The state of the jobs to return. You can specify Type: Boolean Constraints: None |
No |
The maximum number of jobs to be returned. The default limit is 50. The number of jobs returned might be fewer than the specified limit, but the number of returned jobs never exceeds the limit. Type: String Constraints: Minimum integer value of 1. Maximum integer value of 50. |
No |
An opaque string used for pagination that specifies the job at which the listing of
jobs should begin. You get the Type: String Constraints: None |
No |
The type of job status to return. Type: String Constraints: One of the values |
No |
Request Headers
This operation uses only response headers that are common to most responses. For information about common response headers, see Common Response Headers.
Request Body
This operation does not have a request body.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-amzn-RequestId: x-amzn-RequestId Date: Date Location: Location Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: Length { "JobList": [ { "Action": "
", "ArchiveId": "string
", "ArchiveSHA256TreeHash": "string
", "ArchiveSizeInBytes":number
, "Completed":boolean
, "CompletionDate": "string
", "CreationDate": "string
", "InventoryRetrievalParameters": { "EndDate": "string
", "Format": "string
", "Limit": "string
", "Marker": "string
", "StartDate": "string
" }, "InventorySizeInBytes":number
, "JobDescription": "string
", "JobId": "string
", "JobOutputPath": "string
", "OutputLocation": { "S3": { "AccessControlList": [ { "Grantee": { "DisplayName": "string
", "EmailAddress": "string
", "ID": "string
", "Type": "string
", "URI": "string
" }, "Permission": "string
" } ], "BucketName": "string
", "CannedACL": "string
", "Encryption": { "EncryptionType": "string
", "KMSContext": "string
", "KMSKeyId": "string
" }, "Prefix": "string
", "StorageClass": "string
", "Tagging": { "string
": "string
" }, "UserMetadata": { "string
": "string
" } } }, "RetrievalByteRange": "string
", "SelectParameters": { "Expression": "string
", "ExpressionType": "string
", "InputSerialization": { "csv": { "Comments": "string
", "FieldDelimiter": "string
", "FileHeaderInfo": "string
", "QuoteCharacter": "string
", "QuoteEscapeCharacter": "string
", "RecordDelimiter": "string
" } }, "OutputSerialization": { "csv": { "FieldDelimiter": "string
", "QuoteCharacter": "string
", "QuoteEscapeCharacter": "string
", "QuoteFields": "string
", "RecordDelimiter": "string
" } } }, "SHA256TreeHash": "string
", "SNSTopic": "string
", "StatusCode": "string
", "StatusMessage": "string
", "Tier": "string
", "VaultARN": "string
" } ], "Marker": "string
" }
Response Headers
This operation uses only response headers that are common to most responses. For information about common response headers, see Common Response Headers.
Response Body
The response body contains the following JSON fields.
- JobList
A list of job objects. Each job object contains metadata describing the job.
Type: Array of GlacierJobDescription objects
- Marker
An opaque string that represents where to continue pagination of the results. You use the
value in a newList Jobs
request to obtain more jobs in the list. If there are no more jobs to list, this value isnull
.Type: String
For information about Amazon S3 Glacier exceptions and error messages, see Error Responses.
The following examples demonstrate how to return information about vault jobs. The first example returns a list of two jobs, and the second example returns a subset of jobs.
Example: Return All Jobs
Example Request
The following GET
request returns the jobs for a vault.
GET /-/vaults/examplevault/jobs HTTP/1.1 Host: x-amz-Date: 20170210T120000Z x-amz-glacier-version: 2012-06-01 Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20141123/us-west-2/glacier/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-glacier-version,Signature=9257c16da6b25a715ce900a5b45b03da0447acf430195dcb540091b12966f2a2
Example Response
The following response includes an archive retrieval job and an inventory retrieval job
that contains a marker used to continue pagination of the vault inventory
retrieval. The response also shows the Marker
field set to
, which indicates there are no more jobs to list.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-amzn-RequestId: AAABZpJrTyioDC_HsOmHae8EZp_uBSJr6cnGOLKp_XJCl-Q Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2017 12:00:00 GMT Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 1444 { "JobList": [ { "Action": "ArchiveRetrieval", "ArchiveId": "BDfaUQul0dVzYwAMr8YSa_6_8abbhZq-i1oT69g8ByClfJyBgAGBkWl2QbF5os851P7Y7KdZDOHWJIn4rh1ZHaOYD3MgFhK_g0oDPesW34uHQoVGwoIqubf6BgUEfQm_wrU4Jlm3cA", "ArchiveSizeInBytes": 1048576, "ArchiveSHA256TreeHash": "25499381569ab2f85e1fd0eb93c5406a178ab77c5933056eb5d6e7d4adda609b", "Completed": true, "CompletionDate": "2012-05-01T00:00:09.304Z", "CreationDate": "2012-05-01T00:00:06.663Z", "InventorySizeInBytes": null, "JobDescription": null, "JobId": "hDe9t9DTHXqFw8sBGpLQQOmIM0-JrGtu1O_YFKLnzQ64548qJc667BRWTwBLZC76Ygy1jHYruqXkdcAhRsh0hYv4eVRU", "RetrievalByteRange": "0-1048575", "SHA256TreeHash": "25499381569ab2f85e1fd0eb93c5406a178ab77c5933056eb5d6e7d4adda609b", "SNSTopic": null, "StatusCode": "Succeeded", "StatusMessage": "Succeeded", "Tier": "Bulk", "VaultARN": "arn:aws:glacier:us-west-2:012345678901:vaults/examplevault" }, { "Action": "InventoryRetrieval", "ArchiveId": null, "ArchiveSizeInBytes": null, "ArchiveSHA256TreeHash": null, "Completed": true, "CompletionDate": "2013-05-11T00:25:18.831Z", "CreationDate": "2013-05-11T00:25:14.981Z", "InventorySizeInBytes": 1988, "JobDescription": null, "JobId": "2cvVOnBL36btzyP3pobwIceiaJebM1bx9vZOOUtmNAr0KaVZ4WkWgVjiPldJ73VU7imlm0pnZriBVBebnqaAcirZq_C5", "RetrievalByteRange": null, "SHA256TreeHash": null, "SNSTopic": null, "StatusCode": "Succeeded", "StatusMessage": "Succeeded", "VaultARN": "arn:aws:glacier:us-west-2:012345678901:vaults/examplevault" "InventoryRetrievalParameters": { "StartDate": "2013-11-12T13:43:12Z", "EndDate": "2013-11-20T08:12:45Z", "Limit": "120000", "Format": "JSON", "Marker": "vyS0t2jHQe5qbcDggIeD50chS1SXwYMrkVKo0KHiTUjEYxBGCqRLKaiySzdN7QXGVVV5XZpNVG67pCZ_uykQXFMLaxOSu2hO_-5C0AtWMDrfo7LgVOyfnveDRuOSecUo3Ueq7K0" } ], "Marker": null }
Example: Return a Partial List of Jobs
Example Request
The following GET
request returns the job specified by the
parameter. Setting the limit
parameter as
specifies that up to two jobs are returned.
GET /-/vaults/examplevault/jobs?marker=HkF9p6o7yjhFx-K3CGl6fuSm6VzW9T7esGQfco8nUXVYwS0jlb5gq1JZ55yHgt5vP54ZShjoQzQVVh7vEXAMPLEjobID&limit=2 HTTP/1.1 Host: x-amz-Date: 20170210T120000Z x-amz-glacier-version: 2012-06-01 Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20141123/us-west-2/glacier/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-glacier-version,Signature=9257c16da6b25a715ce900a5b45b03da0447acf430195dcb540091b12966f2a2
Example Response
The following response shows two jobs returned and the Marker
field set to a
non-null value that can be used to continue pagination of the job list.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-amzn-RequestId: AAABZpJrTyioDC_HsOmHae8EZp_uBSJr6cnGOLKp_XJCl-Q Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2017 12:00:00 GMT Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 1744 { "JobList": [ { "Action": "ArchiveRetrieval", "ArchiveId": "58-3KpZfcMPUznvMZNPaKyJx9wODCsWTnqcjtx2CjKZ6b-XgxEuA8yvZOYTPQfd7gWR4GRm2XR08gcnWbLV4VPV_kDWtZJKi0TFhKKVPzwrZnA4-FXuIBfViYUIVveeiBE51FO4bvg", "ArchiveSizeInBytes": 8388608, "ArchiveSHA256TreeHash": "106086b256ddf0fedf3d9e72f461d5983a2566247ebe7e1949246bc61359b4f4", "Completed": true, "CompletionDate": "2012-05-01T00:25:20.043Z", "CreationDate": "2012-05-01T00:25:16.344Z", "InventorySizeInBytes": null, "JobDescription": "aaabbbccc", "JobId": "s4MvaNHIh6mOa1f8iY4ioG2921SDPihXxh3Kv0FBX-JbNPctpRvE4c2_BifuhdGLqEhGBNGeB6Ub-JMunR9JoVa8y1hQ", "RetrievalByteRange": "0-8388607", "SHA256TreeHash": "106086b256ddf0fedf3d9e72f461d5983a2566247ebe7e1949246bc61359b4f4", "SNSTopic": null, "StatusCode": "Succeeded", "StatusMessage": "Succeeded", "Tier": "Bulk", "VaultARN": "arn:aws:glacier:us-west-2:012345678901:vaults/examplevault" }, { "Action": "ArchiveRetrieval", "ArchiveId": "2NVGpf83U6qB9M2u-Ihh61yoFLRDEoh7YLZWKBn80A2i1xG8uieBwGjAr4RkzOHA0E07ZjtI267R03Z-6Hxd8pyGQkBdciCSH1-Lw63Kx9qKpZbPCdU0uTW_WAdwF6lR6w8iSyKdvw", "ArchiveSizeInBytes": 1048576, "ArchiveSHA256TreeHash": "3d2ae052b2978727e0c51c0a5e32961c6a56650d1f2e4ceccab6472a5ed4a0", "Completed": true, "CompletionDate": "2012-05-01T16:59:48.444Z", "CreationDate": "2012-05-01T16:59:42.977Z", "InventorySizeInBytes": null, "JobDescription": "aaabbbccc", "JobId": "CQ_tf6fOR4jrJCL61Mfk6VM03oY8lmnWK93KK4gLig1UPAbZiN3UV4G_5nq4AfmJHQ_dOMLOX5k8ItFv0wCPN0oaz5dG", "RetrievalByteRange": "0-1048575", "SHA256TreeHash": "3d2ae052b2978727e0c51c0a5e32961c6a56650d1f2e4ceccab6472a5ed4a0", "SNSTopic": null, "StatusCode": "Succeeded", "StatusMessage": "Succeeded", "Tier": "Standard", "VaultARN": "arn:aws:glacier:us-west-2:012345678901:vaults/examplevault" } ], "Marker": "CQ_tf6fOR4jrJCL61Mfk6VM03oY8lmnWK93KK4gLig1UPAbZiN3UV4G_5nq4AfmJHQ_dOMLOX5k8ItFv0wCPN0oaz5dG" }
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