Use GetJobOutput with an Amazon SDK or command line tool - Amazon S3 Glacier
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

If you're new to archival storage in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), we recommend that you start by learning more about the S3 Glacier storage classes in Amazon S3, S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and S3 Glacier Deep Archive. For more information, see S3 Glacier storage classes and Storage classes for archiving objects in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

Use GetJobOutput with an Amazon SDK or command line tool

The following code examples show how to use GetJobOutput.

Action examples are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. You can see this action in context in the following code example:

Amazon CLI

The following command saves the output from a vault inventory job to a file in the current directory named output.json:

aws glacier get-job-output --account-id - --vault-name my-vault --job-id zbxcm3Z_3z5UkoroF7SuZKrxgGoDc3RloGduS7Eg-RO47Yc6FxsdGBgf_Q2DK5Ejh18CnTS5XW4_XqlNHS61dsO4CnMW output.json

The job-id is available in the output of aws glacier list-jobs. Note that the output file name is a positional argument that is not prefixed by an option name. Amazon Glacier requires an account ID argument when performing operations, but you can use a hyphen to specify the in-use account.


{ "status": 200, "acceptRanges": "bytes", "contentType": "application/json" }


{"VaultARN":"arn:aws:glacier:us-west-2:0123456789012:vaults/my-vault","InventoryDate":"2015-04-07T00:26:18Z","ArchiveList":[{"ArchiveId":"kKB7ymWJVpPSwhGP6ycSOAekp9ZYe_--zM_mw6k76ZFGEIWQX-ybtRDvc2VkPSDtfKmQrj0IRQLSGsNuDp-AJVlu2ccmDSyDUmZwKbwbpAdGATGDiB3hHO0bjbGehXTcApVud_wyDw","ArchiveDescription":"multipart upload test","CreationDate":"2015-04-06T22:24:34Z","Size":3145728,"SHA256TreeHash":"9628195fcdbcbbe76cdde932d4646fa7de5f219fb39823836d81f0cc0e18aa67"}]}
  • For API details, see GetJobOutput in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: Downloads the archive content that was scheduled for retrieval in the specified job and stores the contents into a file on disk. The download validates the checksum for you, if one is available. If required the checksum can be obtained from the service response history like so (assuming this cmdlet was the last run): $AWSHistory.LastServiceResponse. If the cmdlet was not the most recently run, inspect the $AWSHistory.Commands collection to obtain the relevant service response.

Read-GLCJobOutput -VaultName myvault -JobId "HSWjArc...Zq2XLiW" -FilePath "c:\temp\blue.bin"
  • For API details, see GetJobOutput in Amazon Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

SDK for Python (Boto3)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

class GlacierWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon S3 Glacier API operations.""" def __init__(self, glacier_resource): """ :param glacier_resource: A Boto3 Amazon S3 Glacier resource. """ self.glacier_resource = glacier_resource @staticmethod def get_job_output(job): """ Gets the output of a job, such as a vault inventory or the contents of an archive. :param job: The job to get output from. :return: The job output, in bytes. """ try: response = job.get_output() out_bytes = response["body"].read()"Read %s bytes from job %s.", len(out_bytes), if "archiveDescription" in response: "These bytes are described as '%s'", response["archiveDescription"] ) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get output for job %s.", raise else: return out_bytes
  • For API details, see GetJobOutput in Amazon SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.

For a complete list of Amazon SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using S3 Glacier with an Amazon SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.