Amazon Simple Workflow Service Developer Guide History - Amazon Simple Workflow Service
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Amazon Simple Workflow Service Developer Guide History

The following table describes the important changes to the documentation since the last release of the Amazon Simple Workflow Service Developer Guide.

  • API version: 2012-01-25

  • Latest documentation update: May, 2021

Change Description Date Changed

Documentation-only update

Amazon SWF now includes a section about Amazon User Notifications, an Amazon Web Services service that acts as a central location for your Amazon notifications in the Amazon Web Services Management Console. For more information, see Using Amazon User Notifications with Amazon Simple Workflow Service. May 4, 2023

New feature

Amazon SWF now includes Amazon PrivateLink support in the China Region. For more information, see Amazon VPC endpoints for Amazon SWF.

March 31, 2023


Updated the Quotas on Task Executions section to include Maximum tasks scheduled per second, and the Amazon SWF Metrics for CloudWatch page to include information about using non-ASCII resource names with CloudWatch.

May 12, 2021
New feature

Amazon Simple Workflow Service now supports Amazon EventBridge. For more information, see:

December 18, 2020
New feature

Amazon Simple Workflow Service supports IAM permissions using tags. For more information, see the following.

June 20, 2019
New feature

Amazon Simple Workflow Service is now available the Europe (Stockholm) region.

December 12, 2018


Improved the Amazon Simple Workflow Service topic on CloudTrail integration. See Recording API calls with Amazon CloudTrail.

August 7, 2018

Update Added information on the new PendingTasks metric for CloudWatch. For more information, see Amazon SWF Metrics. June 18, 2018
Update Improved syntax highlighting in code samples. March 29, 2018
Update Added a topic describing options for Ruby Flow users to migrate off of that platform. For more information, see Migration options for Ruby Flow. March 9, 2018
Update Improved navigation on advanced concepts topic. See Advanced Concepts in Amazon SWF. February 19, 2018
Update Improved CloudWatch metrics documentation by adding valid statistics information. See Amazon SWF Metrics for CloudWatch. December 4, 2017
Update Changed the TOC to improve the document structure. Added new information on API and Decision Event Metrics. November 9, 2017


Updated the Amazon SWF Quotas section to include throttling limits for all regions.

October 18, 2017


Changed task_list to workflowId in the Subscription Workflow Tutorial with Amazon SWF and Amazon SNS to avoid confusion with activity_list.

July 25, 2017


Cleaned up the code examples throughout this guide.

June 5, 2017


Simplified and improved the organization and contents of this guide.

May 19, 2017


Updates and link fixes.

May 16, 2017


Updates and link fixes.

October 1, 2016

Lambda task support

You can specify Lambda tasks in addition to traditional Activity tasks in your workflows. For more information, see Amazon Lambda Tasks.

July 21, 2015

Support for setting task priority

Amazon SWF now includes support for setting the priority of tasks on a task list, and will attempt to deliver those with higher priority before tasks with lower priority. Information about how to set the task priority for workflows and for activities is provided in Setting Task Priority.

December 17, 2014


Added a new topic that describes how to log Amazon SWF API calls using CloudTrail: Recording API calls with Amazon CloudTrail.

May 8, 2014


Two new topics related to CloudWatch metrics for Amazon SWF have been added: Amazon SWF Metrics for CloudWatch, which provides a list and descriptions of the supported metrics, and Viewing Amazon SWF Metrics for CloudWatch using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, which provides information about how to view metrics and set alarms with the Amazon Web Services Management Console.

April 28, 2014


Added a new section: Amazon Simple Workflow Service Resources. This section provides some service reference information and provides information about additional documentation, samples, code and other web resources for Amazon SWF developers.

March 19, 2014


Added a workflow tutorial. See Subscription Workflow Tutorial with Amazon SWF and Amazon SNS.

October 25, 2013


Added Amazon CLI information and example.

August 26, 2013


Updates and fixes.

August 1, 2013


Updated the document to describe how to use IAM for access control.

February 22, 2013

Initial Release

This is the first release of the Amazon Simple Workflow Service Developer Guide.

October 16, 2012