Subscription Workflow Tutorial Part 3: Implementing the Activities - Amazon Simple Workflow Service
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Subscription Workflow Tutorial Part 3: Implementing the Activities

We'll now implement each of the activities in our workflow, beginning with a base class that provides some common features for the activity code.

Defining a Basic Activity Type

When designing the workflow, we identified the following activities:

  • get_contact_activity

  • subscribe_topic_activity

  • wait_for_confirmation_activity

  • send_result_activity

We'll implement each of these activities now. Since our activities will share some features, let's do a little groundwork and create some common code they can share. We'll call it BasicActivity, and define it in a new file called basic_activity.rb.

As with the other source files, we'll include utils.rb to access the init_domain function to set up the sample domain.

require_relative 'utils.rb'

Next, we'll declare the basic activity class and some common data that we'll be interested in for each activity. We'll save the activity's AWS::SimpleWorkflow::ActivityType instance, name, and results in attributes of the class.

class BasicActivity attr_accessor :activity_type attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :results

These attributes access instance data that's defined in the class' initialize method, which takes an activity name, and an optional version and map of options to be used when registering the activity with Amazon SWF.

def initialize(name, version = 'v1', options = nil) @activity_type = nil @name = name @results = nil # get the domain to use for activity tasks. @domain = init_domain # Check to see if this activity type already exists. @domain.activity_types.each do | a | if ( == @name) && (a.version == version) @activity_type = a end end if @activity_type.nil? # If no options were specified, use some reasonable defaults. if options.nil? options = { # All timeouts are in seconds. :default_task_heartbeat_timeout => 900, :default_task_schedule_to_start_timeout => 120, :default_task_schedule_to_close_timeout => 3800, :default_task_start_to_close_timeout => 3600 } end @activity_type = @domain.activity_types.register(@name, version, options) end end

As with workflow type registration, if an activity type is already registered, we can retrieve it by looking at the domain's activity_types collection. If the activity can't be found, it will be registered.

Also, as with workflow types, you can set default options that are stored with your activity type when you register it.

The last thing our basic activity gets is a consistent way to run it. We'll define a do_activity method that takes an activity task. As shown, we can use the passed-in activity task to receive data via its input instance attribute.

def do_activity(task) @results = task.input # may be nil return true end end

That wraps up the BasicActivity class. Now we'll use it to make defining our activities simple and consistent.

Defining GetContactActivity

The first activity that is run during a workflow execution is get_contact_activity, which retrieves the user's Amazon SNS topic subscription information.

Create a new file called get_contact_activity.rb, and require both yaml, which we'll use to prepare a string for passing to Amazon SWF, and basic_activity.rb, which we'll use as the basis for this GetContactActivity class.

require 'yaml' require_relative 'basic_activity.rb' # **GetContactActivity** provides a prompt for the user to enter contact # information. When the user successfully enters contact information, the # activity is complete. class GetContactActivity < BasicActivity

Since we put the activity registration code in BasicActivity, the initialize method for GetContactActivity is pretty simple. We simply call the base class constructor with the activity name, get_contact_activity. This is all that is required to register our activity.

# initialize the activity def initialize super('get_contact_activity') end

We'll now define the do_activity method, which prompts for the user's email and/or phone number.

def do_activity(task) puts "" puts "Please enter either an email address or SMS message (mobile phone) number to" puts "receive SNS notifications. You can also enter both to use both address types." puts "" puts "If you enter a phone number, it must be able to receive SMS messages, and must" puts "be 11 digits (such as 12065550101 to represent the number 1-206-555-0101)." input_confirmed = false while !input_confirmed puts "" print "Email: " email = $stdin.gets.strip print "Phone: " phone = $stdin.gets.strip puts "" if (email == '') && (phone == '') print "You provided no subscription information. Quit? (y/n)" confirmation = $stdin.gets.strip.downcase if confirmation == 'y' return false end else puts "You entered:" puts " email: #{email}" puts " phone: #{phone}" print "\nIs this correct? (y/n): " confirmation = $stdin.gets.strip.downcase if confirmation == 'y' input_confirmed = true end end end # make sure that @results is a single string. YAML makes this easy. @results = { :email => email, :sms => phone }.to_yaml return true end end

At the end of do_activity, we take the email and phone number retrieved from the user, place it in a map and then use to_yaml to convert the entire map to a YAML string. There's an important reason for this: any results that you pass to Amazon SWF when you complete an activity must be string data only. Ruby's ability to easily convert objects to YAML strings and then back again into objects is, thankfully, well-suited for this purpose.

That's the end of the get_contact_activity implementation. This data will be used next in the subscribe_topic_activity implementation.

Defining SubscribeTopicActivity

We'll now delve into Amazon SNS and create an activity that uses the information generated by get_contact_activity to subscribe the user to an Amazon SNS topic.

Create a new file called subscribe_topic_activity.rb, add the same requirements that we used for get_contact_activity, declare your class, and provide its initialize method.

require 'yaml' require_relative 'basic_activity.rb' # **SubscribeTopicActivity** sends an SMS / email message to the user, asking for # confirmation. When this action has been taken, the activity is complete. class SubscribeTopicActivity < BasicActivity def initialize super('subscribe_topic_activity') end

Now that we have the code in place to get the activity set up and registered, we will add some code to create an Amazon SNS topic. To do so, we'll use the AWS::SNS::Client object's create_topic method.

Add the create_topic method to your class, which takes a passed-in Amazon SNS client object.

def create_topic(sns_client) topic_arn = sns_client.create_topic(:name => 'SWF_Sample_Topic')[:topic_arn] if topic_arn != nil # For an SMS notification, setting `DisplayName` is *required*. Note that # only the *first 10 characters* of the DisplayName will be shown on the # SMS message sent to the user, so choose your DisplayName wisely! sns_client.set_topic_attributes( { :topic_arn => topic_arn, :attribute_name => 'DisplayName', :attribute_value => 'SWFSample' } ) else @results = { :reason => "Couldn't create SNS topic", :detail => "" }.to_yaml return nil end return topic_arn end

Once we have the topic's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), we can use it with the Amazon SNS client's set_topic_attributes method to set the topic's DisplayName, which is required for sending SMS messages with Amazon SNS.

Lastly, we'll define the do_activity method. We'll start by collecting any data that was passed via the input option when the activity was scheduled. As previously mentioned, this must be passed as a string, which we created using to_yaml. When retrieving it, we'll use YAML.load to turn the data into Ruby objects.

Here's the beginning of do_activity, in which we retrieve the input data.

def do_activity(task) activity_data = { :topic_arn => nil, :email => { :endpoint => nil, :subscription_arn => nil }, :sms => { :endpoint => nil, :subscription_arn => nil }, } if task.input != nil input = YAML.load(task.input) activity_data[:email][:endpoint] = input[:email] activity_data[:sms][:endpoint] = input[:sms] else @results = { :reason => "Didn't receive any input!", :detail => "" }.to_yaml puts(" #{@results.inspect}") return false end # Create an SNS client. This is used to interact with the service. Set the # region to $SMS_REGION, which is a region that supports SMS notifications # (defined in the file `utils.rb`). sns_client = :config => AWS.config.with(:region => $SMS_REGION))

If we didn't receive any input, there isn't much to do, so we'll just fail the activity.

Assuming that everything is fine, however, we'll continue filling in our do_activity method, get an Amazon SNS client with the Amazon SDK for Ruby, and pass it to our create_topic method to create the Amazon SNS topic.

# Create the topic and get the ARN activity_data[:topic_arn] = create_topic(sns_client) if activity_data[:topic_arn].nil? return false end

There are a couple of things worth noting here:

  • We use AWS.config.with to set the region for our Amazon SNS client. Because we want to send SMS messages, we use the SMS-enabled region that we declared in utils.rb.

  • We save the topic's ARN in our activity_data map. This is part of the data that will be passed to the next activity in our workflow.

Finally, this activity subscribes the user to the Amazon SNS topic, using the passed-in endpoints (email and SMS). We don't require the user to enter both endpoints, but we do need at least one.

# Subscribe the user to the topic, using either or both endpoints. [:email, :sms].each do | x | ep = activity_data[x][:endpoint] # don't try to subscribe an empty endpoint if (ep != nil && ep != "") response = sns_client.subscribe( { :topic_arn => activity_data[:topic_arn], :protocol => x.to_s, :endpoint => ep } ) activity_data[x][:subscription_arn] = response[:subscription_arn] end end

AWS::SNS::Client.subscribe takes the topic ARN, the protocol (which, cleverly, we disguised as the activity_data map key for the corresponding endpoint).

Finally, we re-package the information for the next activity in YAML format, so that we can send it back to Amazon SWF.

# if at least one subscription arn is set, consider this a success. if (activity_data[:email][:subscription_arn] != nil) or (activity_data[:sms][:subscription_arn] != nil) @results = activity_data.to_yaml else @results = { :reason => "Couldn't subscribe to SNS topic", :detail => "" }.to_yaml puts(" #{@results.inspect}") return false end return true end end

That completes the implementation of the subscribe_topic_activity. Next, we'll define wait_for_confirmation_activity.

Defining WaitForConfirmationActivity

Once a user is subscribed to an Amazon SNS topic, he or she will still need to confirm the subscription request. In this case, we'll be waiting for the user to confirm by either email or an SMS message.

The activity that waits for the user to confirm the subscription is called wait_for_confirmation_activity, and we'll define it here. To begin, create a new file called wait_for_confirmation_activity.rb and set it up as we've set up the previous activities.

require 'yaml' require_relative 'basic_activity.rb' # **WaitForConfirmationActivity** waits for the user to confirm the SNS # subscription. When this action has been taken, the activity is complete. It # might also time out... class WaitForConfirmationActivity < BasicActivity # Initialize the class def initialize super('wait_for_confirmation_activity') end

Next, we'll begin defining the do_activity method and retrieve any input data into a local variable called subscription_data.

def do_activity(task) if task.input.nil? @results = { :reason => "Didn't receive any input!", :detail => "" }.to_yaml return false end subscription_data = YAML.load(task.input)

Now that we have the topic ARN, we can retrieve the topic by creating a new instance of AWS::SNS::Topic and pass it the ARN.

topic =[:topic_arn]) if topic.nil? @results = { :reason => "Couldn't get SWF topic ARN", :detail => "Topic ARN: #{topic.arn}" }.to_yaml return false end

Now, we'll check the topic to see if the user has confirmed the subscription using one of the endpoints. We'll only require that one endpoint has been confirmed to consider the activity a success.

An Amazon SNS topic maintains a list of the subscriptions for that topic, and we can check whether or not the user has confirmed a particular subscription by checking to see if the subscription's ARN is set to anything other than PendingConfirmation.

# loop until we get some indication that a subscription was confirmed. subscription_confirmed = false while(!subscription_confirmed) topic.subscriptions.each do | sub | if subscription_data[sub.protocol.to_sym][:endpoint] == sub.endpoint # this is one of the endpoints we're interested in. Is it subscribed? if sub.arn != 'PendingConfirmation' subscription_data[sub.protocol.to_sym][:subscription_arn] = sub.arn puts "Topic subscription confirmed for (#{sub.protocol}: #{sub.endpoint})" @results = subscription_data.to_yaml return true else puts "Topic subscription still pending for (#{sub.protocol}: #{sub.endpoint})" end end end

If we get an ARN for the subscription, we'll save it in the activity's result data, convert it to YAML, and return true from do_activity, which signals that the activity completed successfully.

Since waiting for a subscription to be confirmed might take a while, we'll occasionally call record_heartbeat on the activity task. This signals to Amazon SWF that the activity is still processing, and can also be used to provide updates about the progress of the activity (if you are doing something, like processing files, that you can report progress for).

task.record_heartbeat!( { :details => "#{topic.num_subscriptions_confirmed} confirmed, #{topic.num_subscriptions_pending} pending" }) # sleep a bit. sleep(4.0) end

This ends our while loop. If we somehow get out of the while loop without success, we'll report failure and finish the do_activity method.

if (subscription_confirmed == false) @results = { :reason => "No subscriptions could be confirmed", :detail => "#{topic.num_subscriptions_confirmed} confirmed, #{topic.num_subscriptions_pending} pending" }.to_yaml return false end end end

That ends the implementation of wait_for_confirmation_activity. We have only one more activity to define: send_result_activity.

Defining SendResultActivity

If the workflow has progressed this far, we've successfully subscribed the user to an Amazon SNS topic and the user has confirmed the subscription.

Our last activity, send_result_activity, sends the user a confirmation of the successful topic subscription, using the topic that the user subscribed to and the endpoint that the user confirmed the subscription with.

Create a new file called send_result_activity.rb and set it up as we've set up all the activities so far.

require 'yaml' require_relative 'basic_activity.rb' # **SendResultActivity** sends the result of the activity to the screen, and, if # the user successfully registered using SNS, to the user using the SNS contact # information collected. class SendResultActivity < BasicActivity def initialize super('send_result_activity') end

Our do_activity method begins similarly, as well, getting the input data from the workflow, converting it from YAML, and then using the topic ARN to create an AWS::SNS::Topic instance.

def do_activity(task) if task.input.nil? @results = { :reason => "Didn't receive any input!", :detail => "" } return false end input = YAML.load(task.input) # get the topic, so we publish a message to it. topic =[:topic_arn]) if topic.nil? @results = { :reason => "Couldn't get SWF topic", :detail => "Topic ARN: #{topic.arn}" } return false end

Once we have the topic, we'll publish a message to it (and echo it to the screen, as well).

@results = "Thanks, you've successfully confirmed registration, and your workflow is complete!" # send the message via SNS, and also print it on the screen. topic.publish(@results) puts(@results) return true end end

Publishing to an Amazon SNS topic sends the message that you supply to all of the subscribed and confirmed endpoints that exist for that topic. So, if the user confirmed with both an email and an SMS number, he or she will receive two confirmation messages, one at each endpoint.

Next Steps

This completes the implementation of send_result_activity. Now, you will tie all these activities together in an activity application that handles the activity tasks and can launch activities in response, in Subscription Workflow Tutorial Part 4: Implementing the Activities Task Poller.