Create a private API - Amazon API Gateway
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Create a private API

Before you create a private API, you first create a VPC endpoint for API Gateway. Next you create your private API and attach a resource policy to it. Optionally, you can associate your VPC endpoint with your private API to simplify how you invoke your API. Finally, you deploy your API.

The following procedures describe how to accomplish this. You can create a private REST API using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, Amazon CLI or an Amazon SDK.


To follow these steps, you must have a fully configured VPC. To learn how to create a VPC, see Create a VPC only in the Amazon VPC User Guide. To follow all recommend steps when you create your VPC, enable private DNS. This way you can invoke your API within a VPC without having to pass the Host or x-apigw-api-id header.

To enable private DNS, the enableDnsSupport and enableDnsHostnames attributes of your VPC must be set to true. For more information, see DNS Support in Your VPC and Updating DNS Support for Your VPC.

Step 1: Create a VPC endpoint for API Gateway in your VPC

The following procedure shows how to create a VPC endpoint for API Gateway. To create a VPC endpoint for API Gateway, you specify the execute-api domain for the Amazon Web Services Region where you create your private API. The execute-api domain is the API Gateway component service for API execution.

When you create your VPC endpoint for API Gateway, you specify the DNS settings. If you turn off private DNS, you can only access your API using public DNS. For more information, see Issue: I can't connect to my public API from an API Gateway VPC endpoint.

Amazon Web Services Management Console
To create an interface VPC endpoint for API Gateway
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Virtual private cloud, choose Endpoints.

  3. Choose Create endpoint.

  4. (Optional) For Name tag, enter a name to help identify your VPC endpoint.

  5. For Service category, choose Amazon services.

  6. Under Services, in the search bar, enter execute-api. Then, choose the API Gateway service endpoint in the Amazon Web Services Region where you will create your API. The service name should look like and the Type should be Interface.

  7. For VPC, choose the VPC that you want to create the endpoint in.

  8. (Optional) To turn off Enable Private DNS Name, choose Additional settings and then clear Enable Private DNS Name.

  9. For Subnets, choose the Availability Zones where you created the endpoint network interfaces. To improve the availability of your API, choose multiple subnets.

  10. For Security group, select the security group to associate with the VPC endpoint network interfaces.

    The security group you choose must be set to allow TCP Port 443 inbound HTTPS traffic from either an IP range in your VPC or another security group in your VPC.

  11. For Policy, do one of the following:

    • If you have not created your private API or you don't want to configure a custom VPC endpoint policy, choose Full access.

    • If you have already created a private API and want to configure a custom VPC endpoint policy, you can enter a custom VPC endpoint policy. For more information, see Use VPC endpoint policies for private APIs in API Gateway.

    You can update the VPC endpoint policy after you create your VPC endpoint. For more information, see Update a VPC endpoint policy.

  12. Choose Create endpoint.

  13. Copy the resulting VPC endpoint ID, as you might use it in future steps.

Amazon CLI

The following create-vpc-endpoint command creates a VPC endpoint:

aws ec2 create-vpc-endpoint \ --vpc-id vpc-1a2b3c4d \ --vpc-endpoint-type Interface \ --service-name \ --subnet-ids subnet-7b16de0c \ --security-group-id sg-1a2b3c4d

Copy the resulting VPC endpoint ID, as you might use it in future steps.

Step 2: Create a private API

After you create your VPC endpoint, you create a private REST API. The following procedure shows how to create a private API.

Amazon Web Services Management Console
To create a private API
  1. Sign in to the API Gateway console at

  2. Choose Create API.

  3. Under REST API, choose Build.

  4. For Name, enter a name.

  5. (Optional) For Description, enter a description.

  6. For API endpoint type, select Private.

  7. (Optional) For VPC endpoint IDs, enter a VPC endpoint ID.

    If you associate a VPC endpoint ID with your private API, you can invoke your API from within your VPC without overriding a Host header or passing an x-apigw-api-id header For more information, see (Optional) Associate or disassociate a VPC endpoint with a private API.

  8. Choose Create API.

After completing the preceding steps, you can follow the instructions in Get started with the REST API console to set up methods and integrations for this API, but you can't deploy your API. To deploy your API, follow step 3 and attach a resource policy to your API.

Amazon CLI

The following create-rest-api command creates a private API:

aws apigateway create-rest-api \ --name 'Simple PetStore (Amazon CLI, Private)' \ --description 'Simple private PetStore API' \ --region us-west-2 \ --endpoint-configuration '{ "types": ["PRIVATE"] }'

A successful call returns output similar to the following:

{ "createdDate": "2017-10-13T18:41:39Z", "description": "Simple private PetStore API", "endpointConfiguration": { "types": "PRIVATE" }, "id": "0qzs2sy7bh", "name": "Simple PetStore (Amazon CLI, Private)" }

After completing the preceding steps, you can follow the instructions in Tutorial: Create a REST API using Amazon SDKs or the Amazon CLI to set up methods and integrations for this API, but you can't deploy your API. To deploy your API, follow step 3 and attach a resource policy to your API.

SDK JavaScript v3

The following example shows how to create a private API by using the Amazon SDK for JavaScript v3:

import {APIGatewayClient, CreateRestApiCommand} from "@aws-sdk/client-api-gateway"; const apig = new APIGatewayClient({region:"us-east-1"}); const input = { // CreateRestApiRequest name: "Simple PetStore (JavaScript v3 SDK, private)", // required description: "Demo private API created using the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3", version: "0.00.001", endpointConfiguration: { // EndpointConfiguration types: [ "PRIVATE"], }, }; export const handler = async (event) => { const command = new CreateRestApiCommand(input); try { const result = await apig.send(command); console.log(result); } catch (err){ console.error(err) } };

A successful call returns output similar to the following:

{ apiKeySource: 'HEADER', createdDate: 2024-04-03T17:56:36.000Z, description: 'Demo private API created using the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3', disableExecuteApiEndpoint: false, endpointConfiguration: { types: [ 'PRIVATE' ] }, id: 'abcd1234', name: 'Simple PetStore (JavaScript v3 SDK, private)', rootResourceId: 'efg567', version: '0.00.001' }

After completing the preceding steps, you can follow the instructions in Tutorial: Create a REST API using Amazon SDKs or the Amazon CLI to set up methods and integrations for this API, but you can't deploy your API. To deploy your API, follow step 3 and attach a resource policy to your API.

Python SDK

The following example shows how to create a private API by using the Amazon SDK for Python:

import json import boto3 import logging logger = logging.getLogger() apig = boto3.client('apigateway') def lambda_handler(event, context): try: result = apig.create_rest_api( name='Simple PetStore (Python SDK, private)', description='Demo private API created using the AWS SDK for Python', version='0.00.001', endpointConfiguration={ 'types': [ 'PRIVATE', ], }, ) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: logger.exception("Couldn't create private API %s.", error) raise attribute=["id", "name", "description", "createdDate", "version", "apiKeySource", "endpointConfiguration"] filtered_data ={key:result[key] for key in attribute} result = json.dumps(filtered_data, default=str, sort_keys='true') return result

A successful call returns output similar to the following:

"{\"apiKeySource\": \"HEADER\", \"createdDate\": \"2024-04-03 17:27:05+00:00\", \"description\": \"Demo private API created using the AWS SDK for \", \"endpointConfiguration\": {\"types\": [\"PRIVATE\"]}, \"id\": \"abcd1234\", \"name\": \"Simple PetStore (Python SDK, private)\", \"version\": \"0.00.001\"}"

After completing the preceding steps, you can follow the instructions in Tutorial: Create a REST API using Amazon SDKs or the Amazon CLI to set up methods and integrations for this API, but you can't deploy your API. To deploy your API, follow step 3 and attach a resource policy to your API.

Step 3: Set up a resource policy for a private API

Your current private API is inaccessible to all VPCs. Use a resource policy to grant your VPCs and VPC endpoints access to your private APIs. You can grant access to a VPC endpoint in any Amazon account.

Your resource policy should contain aws:SourceVpc or aws:SourceVpce conditions to restrict access. We recommend that you identify specific VPCs and VPC endpoints and don't create a resource policy that allows access for all VPCs and VPC endpoints.

The following procedure shows how to attach a resource policy to your API.

Amazon Web Services Management Console
  1. Sign in to the API Gateway console at

  2. Choose a REST API.

  3. In the main navigation pane, choose Resource policy.

  4. Choose Create policy.

  5. Choose Select a template and then choose Source VPC.

  6. Replace {{vpcID}} (including the curly braces) with your VPC ID.

  7. Choose Save changes.

Amazon CLI

The following update-rest-api command attaches a resource policy to an existing API:

aws apigateway update-rest-api \ --rest-api-id a1b2c3 \ --patch-operations op=replace,path=/policy,value='"{\"jsonEscapedPolicyDocument\"}"'

You might also want to control which resources have access to your VPC endpoint. To control which resources have access to your VPC endpoint, attach an endpoint policy to your VPC endpoint. For more information, see Use VPC endpoint policies for private APIs in API Gateway.

(Optional) Associate or disassociate a VPC endpoint with a private API

When you associate a VPC endpoint with your private API, API Gateway generates a new Route 53 alias DNS record. You can use this record to invoke your private APIs just as you do your public APIs without overriding a Host header or passing an x-apigw-api-id header.

The generated base URL is in the following format:

Associate a VPC endpoint (Amazon Web Services Management Console)

You can associate a VPC endpoint with your private API when you create it, or after it's created. The following procedure shows how to associate a VPC endpoint with a previously created API.

To associate a VPC endpoint with a private API
  1. Sign in to the API Gateway console at

  2. Choose your private API.

  3. In the main navigation pane, choose Resource policy.

  4. Edit your resource policy to allow calls from your additional VPC endpoint.

  5. In the main navigation pane, choose API settings.

  6. In the API details section, choose Edit.

  7. For VPC endpoint IDs, select additional VPC endpoint IDs.

  8. Choose Save.

  9. Redeploy your API for the changes to take effect.

Dissociate a VPC endpoint (Amazon Web Services Management Console)
To disassociate a VPC endpoint from a private REST API
  1. Sign in to the API Gateway console at

  2. Choose your private API.

  3. In the main navigation pane, choose Resource policy.

  4. Edit your resource policy to remove mentions of the VPC endpoint you want to dissociate from your private API.

  5. In the main navigation pane, choose API settings.

  6. In the API details section, choose Edit.

  7. For VPC endpoint IDs, choose the X to dissociate the VPC endpoint.

  8. Choose Save.

  9. Redeploy your API for the changes to take effect.

Associate a VPC endpoint (Amazon CLI)

The following create-rest-api command associates VPC endpoints at the time of API creation:

aws apigateway create-rest-api \ --name Petstore \ --endpoint-configuration '{ "types": ["PRIVATE"], "vpcEndpointIds" : ["vpce-0212a4ababd5b8c3e", "vpce-0393a628149c867ee"] }' \ --region us-west-2

The output will look like the following:

{ "apiKeySource": "HEADER", "endpointConfiguration": { "types": [ "PRIVATE" ], "vpcEndpointIds": [ "vpce-0212a4ababd5b8c3e", "vpce-0393a628149c867ee" ] }, "id": "u67n3ov968", "createdDate": 1565718256, "name": "Petstore" }

The following update-rest-api command associates VPC endpoints to an API that you already created:

aws apigateway update-rest-api \ --rest-api-id u67n3ov968 \ --patch-operations "op='add',path='/endpointConfiguration/vpcEndpointIds',value='vpce-01d622316a7df47f9'" \ --region us-west-2

The output will look like the following:

{ "name": "Petstore", "apiKeySource": "1565718256", "tags": {}, "createdDate": 1565718256, "endpointConfiguration": { "vpcEndpointIds": [ "vpce-0212a4ababd5b8c3e", "vpce-0393a628149c867ee", "vpce-01d622316a7df47f9" ], "types": [ "PRIVATE" ] }, "id": "u67n3ov968" }

Redeploy your API for the changes to take effect.

Disassociate a VPC endpoint (Amazon CLI)

The following update-rest-api command dissociates a VPC endpoint from a private API:

aws apigateway update-rest-api \ --rest-api-id u67n3ov968 \ --patch-operations "op='remove',path='/endpointConfiguration/vpcEndpointIds',value='vpce-0393a628149c867ee'" \ --region us-west-2

The output will look like the following:

{ "name": "Petstore", "apiKeySource": "1565718256", "tags": {}, "createdDate": 1565718256, "endpointConfiguration": { "vpcEndpointIds": [ "vpce-0212a4ababd5b8c3e", "vpce-01d622316a7df47f9" ], "types": [ "PRIVATE" ] }, "id": "u67n3ov968" }

Redeploy your API for the changes to take effect.

Step 4: Deploy a private API

To deploy your API, you create an API deployment and associate it with a stage. The following procedure shows how to deploy your private API.

Amazon Web Services Management Console
To deploy a private API
  1. Choose your API.

  2. Choose Deploy API.

  3. For Stage, select New stage.

  4. For Stage name, enter a stage name.

  5. (Optional) For Description, enter a description.

  6. Choose Deploy.

Amazon CLI

The following create-deployment command deploys a private API:

aws apigateway create-deployment --rest-api-id a1b2c3 \ --stage-name test \ --stage-description 'Private API test stage' \ --description 'First deployment'

Troubleshoot your private API

The following provides troubleshooting advice for errors and issues that you might encounter when creating a private API.

Issue: I can't connect to my public API from an API Gateway VPC endpoint

When you create your VPC, you can configure the DNS settings. We recommend that you turn on private DNS for your VPC. If you choose turn off private DNS, you're only able to access your API via public DNS.

If you enable private DNS, you can't access the default endpoint of a public API Gateway API from your VPC endpoint. You can access an API with a custom domain name.

If you create a Regional custom domain name, use an A type alias record, if you create an edge-optimized custom domain name, there are no restrictions for your record type. You can access these public APIs with private DNS enabled. For more information, see Issue: I connect to my public API from an API Gateway VPC endpoint.

Issue: My API returns {"Message":"User: anonymous is not authorized to perform: execute-api:Invoke on resource: arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:********/****/****/"}

In your resource policy, if you set the Principal to an Amazon principal, such as the following:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", ""Principal": { "AWS": [ "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/developer", "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/Admin" ] }, "Action": "execute-api:Invoke", "Resource": [ "execute-api:/*" ] }, ... }

You must use AWS_IAM authorization for every method in your API, or else your API returns the previous error message. For more instructions on how to turn on AWS_IAM authorization for a method, see Methods for REST APIs in API Gateway.

Issue: I can't tell if my VPC endpoint is associated with my API

If you associate or dissociate a VPC endpoint with your private API, you need to redeploy your API. The update operation might take few minutes to complete due to DNS propagation. During this time, your API is available, but DNS propagation for the newly generated DNS URLs may still be in progress. If after several minutes, your new URLs are not resolving in DNS, we recommend that you redeploy your API.