API Gateway WebSocket API mapping template reference - Amazon API Gateway
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API Gateway WebSocket API mapping template reference

This section summarizes the set of variables that are currently supported for WebSocket APIs in API Gateway.

Parameter Description

A unique ID for the connection that can be used to make a callback to the client.


The Epoch-formatted connection time.


A domain name for the WebSocket API. This can be used to make a callback to the client (instead of a hard-coded value).




A unique server-side ID for a message. Available only when the $context.eventType is MESSAGE.


The selected route key.


Same as $context.extendedRequestId.

$context.extendedRequestId An automatically generated ID for the API call, which contains more useful information for debugging/troubleshooting.

The identifier API Gateway assigns to your API.


The principal user identification associated with the token sent by the client and returned from an API Gateway Lambda authorizer (formerly known as a custom authorizer) Lambda function.


The stringified value of the specified key-value pair of the context map returned from an API Gateway Lambda authorizer function. For example, if the authorizer returns the following context map:

"context" : { "key": "value", "numKey": 1, "boolKey": true }

calling $context.authorizer.key returns the "value" string, calling $context.authorizer.numKey returns the "1" string, and calling $context.authorizer.boolKey returns the "true" string.

$context.error.messageString The quoted value of $context.error.message, namely "$context.error.message".

A string containing a detailed validation error message.


The Amazon account ID associated with the request.


The API owner key associated with key-enabled API request.

$context.identity.apiKeyId The API key ID associated with the key-enabled API request

The principal identifier of the caller making the request.


A comma-separated list of the Amazon Cognito authentication providers used by the caller making the request. Available only if the request was signed with Amazon Cognito credentials.

For example, for an identity from an Amazon Cognito user pool, cognito-idp. region.amazonaws.com/user_pool_id,cognito-idp.region.amazonaws.com/user_pool_id:CognitoSignIn:token subject claim

For information, see Using Federated Identities in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.


The Amazon Cognito authentication type of the caller making the request. Available only if the request was signed with Amazon Cognito credentials. Possible values include authenticated for authenticated identities and unauthenticated for unauthenticated identities.


The Amazon Cognito identity ID of the caller making the request. Available only if the request was signed with Amazon Cognito credentials.


The Amazon Cognito identity pool ID of the caller making the request. Available only if the request was signed with Amazon Cognito credentials.


The source IP address of the immediate TCP connection making the request to API Gateway endpoint.


The principal identifier of the user making the request.


The User Agent of the API caller.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the effective user identified after authentication.

$context.requestTime The CLF-formatted request time (dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss +-hhmm).
$context.requestTimeEpoch The Epoch-formatted request time, in milliseconds.

The deployment stage of the API call (for example, Beta or Prod).


The response status.


Returns the raw payload as a string.


This function evaluates a JSONPath expression and returns the results as a JSON string.

For example, $input.json('$.pets') will return a JSON string representing the pets structure.

For more information about JSONPath, see JSONPath or JSONPath for Java.


Takes a JSONPath expression string (x) and returns a JSON object representation of the result. This allows you to access and manipulate elements of the payload natively in Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL).

For example, if the expression $input.path('$.pets') returns an object like this:

[ { "id": 1, "type": "dog", "price": 249.99 }, { "id": 2, "type": "cat", "price": 124.99 }, { "id": 3, "type": "fish", "price": 0.99 } ]

$input.path('$.pets').count() would return "3".

For more information about JSONPath, see JSONPath or JSONPath for Java.


<variable_name> represents a stage variable name.


<variable_name> represents any stage variable name.


<variable_name> represents any stage variable name.


Escapes the characters in a string using JavaScript string rules.


This function will turn any regular single quotes (') into escaped ones (\'). However, the escaped single quotes are not valid in JSON. Thus, when the output from this function is used in a JSON property, you must turn any escaped single quotes (\') back to regular single quotes ('). This is shown in the following example:


Takes "stringified" JSON and returns an object representation of the result. You can use the result from this function to access and manipulate elements of the payload natively in Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL). For example, if you have the following payload:


and use the following mapping template

#set ($errorMessageObj = $util.parseJson($input.path('$.errorMessage'))) { "errorMessageObjKey2ArrVal" : $errorMessageObj.key2.arr[0] }

You will get the following output:

{ "errorMessageObjKey2ArrVal" : 1 }

Converts a string into "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format.


Decodes an "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" string.


Encodes the data into a base64-encoded string.


Decodes the data from a base64-encoded string.