Integration subtype reference - Amazon API Gateway
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Integration subtype reference

The following integration subtypes are supported for HTTP APIs.


Sends custom events to Amazon EventBridge so that they can be matched to rules.

EventBridge-PutEvents 1.0
Parameter Required
Detail True
DetailType True
Source True
Time False
EventBusName False
Resources False
Region False
TraceHeader False

To learn more, see PutEvents in the Amazon EventBridge API Reference.


Delivers a message to the specified queue.

SQS-SendMessage 1.0
Parameter Required
QueueUrl True
MessageBody True
DelaySeconds False
MessageAttributes False
MessageDeduplicationId False
MessageGroupId False
MessageSystemAttributes False
Region False

To learn more, see SendMessage in the Amazon Simple Queue Service API Reference.


Retrieves one or more messages (up to 10), from the specified queue.

SQS-ReceiveMessage 1.0
Parameter Required
QueueUrl True
AttributeNames False
MaxNumberOfMessages False
MessageAttributeNames False
ReceiveRequestAttemptId False
VisibilityTimeout False
WaitTimeSeconds False
Region False

To learn more, see ReceiveMessage in the Amazon Simple Queue Service API Reference.


Deletes the specified message from the specified queue.

SQS-DeleteMessage 1.0
Parameter Required
ReceiptHandle True
QueueUrl True
Region False

To learn more, see DeleteMessage in the Amazon Simple Queue Service API Reference.


Deletes all messages in the specified queue.

SQS-PurgeQueue 1.0
Parameter Required
QueueUrl True
Region False

To learn more, see PurgeQueue in the Amazon Simple Queue Service API Reference.


Receive information about a configuration.

AppConfig-GetConfiguration 1.0
Parameter Required
Application True
Environment True
Configuration True
ClientId True
ClientConfigurationVersion False
Region False

To learn more, see GetConfiguration in the Amazon AppConfig API Reference.


Writes a single data record into an Amazon Kinesis data stream.

Kinesis-PutRecord 1.0
Parameter Required
StreamName True
Data True
PartitionKey True
SequenceNumberForOrdering False
ExplicitHashKey False
Region False

To learn more, see PutRecord in the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams API Reference.


Starts a state machine execution.

StepFunctions-StartExecution 1.0
Parameter Required
StateMachineArn True
Name False
Input False
Region False

To learn more, see StartExecution in the Amazon Step Functions API Reference.


Starts a synchronous state machine execution.

StepFunctions-StartSyncExecution 1.0
Parameter Required
StateMachineArn True
Name False
Input False
Region False
TraceHeader False

To learn more, see StartSyncExecution in the Amazon Step Functions API Reference.


Stops an execution.

StepFunctions-StopExecution 1.0
Parameter Required
ExecutionArn True
Cause False
Error False
Region False

To learn more, see StopExecution in the Amazon Step Functions API Reference.