Set up tags for an API stage in API Gateway - Amazon API Gateway
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Set up tags for an API stage in API Gateway

In API Gateway, you can add a tag to an API stage, remove the tag from the stage, or view the tag. To do this, you can use the API Gateway console, the Amazon CLI/SDK, or the API Gateway REST API.

A stage can also inherit tags from its parent REST API. For more information, see Tag inheritance in the Amazon API Gateway V1 API.

For more information about tagging API Gateway resources, see Tagging your API Gateway resources.

Set up tags for an API stage using the API Gateway console

The following procedure describes how to set up tags for an API stage.

To set up tags for an API stage by using the API Gateway console
  1. Sign in to the API Gateway console.

  2. Choose an existing API, or create a new API that includes resources, methods, and the corresponding integrations.

  3. Choose a stage or deploy the API to a new stage.

  4. In the main navigation pane, choose Stages.

  5. Choose the Tags tab. You might need to choose the right arrow button to show the tab.

  6. Choose Manage tags.

  7. In the Tag Editor, choose Add tag. Enter a tag key (for example, Department) in the Key field, and enter a tag value (for example, Sales) in the Value field. Choose Save to save the tag.

  8. If needed, repeat step 5 to add more tags to the API stage. The maximum number of tags per stage is 50.

  9. To remove an existing tag from the stage, choose Remove.

  10. If the API has been deployed previously in the API Gateway console, you need to redeploy it for the changes to take effect.

Set up tags for an API stage using the Amazon CLI

You can set up tags for an API stage using the Amazon CLI using the create-stage command or the tag-resource command. You can delete one or more tags from an API stage using the untag-resource command.

The following example adds a tag when creating a test stage:

aws apigateway create-stage --rest-api-id abc1234 --stage-name test --description 'Testing stage' --deployment-id efg456 --tag Department=Sales

The following example adds a tag to a prod stage:

aws apigateway tag-resource --resource-arn arn:aws-cn:apigateway:us-west-2::/restapis/abc123/stages/prod --tags Department=Sales

The following example removes the Department=Sales tag from the test stage:

aws apigateway untag-resource --resource-arn arn:aws-cn:apigateway:us-west-2::/restapis/abc123/stages/test --tag-keys Department

Set up tags for an API stage using the API Gateway REST API

You can set up tags for an API stage using the API Gateway REST API by doing one of the following:

  • Call tags:tag to tag an API stage.

  • Call tags:untag to delete one or more tags from an API stage.

  • Call stage:create to add one or more tags to an API stage that you're creating.

You can also call tags:get to describe tags in an API stage.

Tag an API stage

After you deploy an API (m5zr3vnks7) to a stage (test), tag the stage by calling tags:tag. The required stage Amazon Resource Name (ARN) (arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1::/restapis/m5zr3vnks7/stages/test) must be URL encoded (arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A%3A%2Frestapis%2Fm5zr3vnks7%2Fstages%2Ftest).

PUT /tags/arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A%3A%2Frestapis%2Fm5zr3vnks7%2Fstages%2Ftest { "tags" : { "Department" : "Sales" } }

You can also use the previous request to update an existing tag to a new value.

You can add tags to a stage when calling stage:create to create the stage:

POST /restapis/<restapi_id>/stages { "stageName" : "test", "deploymentId" : "adr134", "description" : "test deployment", "cacheClusterEnabled" : "true", "cacheClusterSize" : "500", "variables" : { "sv1" : "val1" }, "documentationVersion" : "test", "tags" : { "Department" : "Sales", "Division" : "Retail" } }

Untag an API stage

To remove the Department tag from the stage, call tags:untag:

DELETE /tags/arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A%3A%2Frestapis%2Fm5zr3vnks7%2Fstages%2Ftest?tagKeys=Department Host: Authorization: ...

To remove more than one tag, use a comma-separated list of tag keys in the query expression—for example, ?tagKeys=Department,Division,….

Describe tags for an API stage

To describe existing tags on a given stage, call tags:get:

GET /tags/arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A%3A%2Frestapis%2Fm5zr3vnks7%2Fstages%2Ftags Host: Authorization: ...

The successful response is similar to the following:

200 OK { "_links": { "curies": { "href": "{rel}.html", "name": "tags", "templated": true }, "tags:tag": { "href": "/tags/arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A%3A%2Frestapis%2Fm5zr3vnks7%2Fstages%2Ftags" }, "tags:untag": { "href": "/tags/arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A%3A%2Frestapis%2Fm5zr3vnks7%2Fstages%2Ftags{?tagKeys}", "templated": true } }, "tags": { "Department": "Sales" } }