Envoy configuration variables - Amazon App Mesh
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Envoy configuration variables

Use the following environment variables to configure the Envoy containers for your App Mesh virtual node task groups.


App Mesh Envoy 1.17 doesn't supports Envoy’s v2 xDS API. If you're using Envoy configuration variables that accept Envoy config files, they must be updated to the latest v3 xDS API.

Required variables

The following environment variable is required for all App Mesh Envoy containers. This variable can only be used with version 1.15.0 or later of the Envoy image. If you're using an earlier version of the image, then you must set the APPMESH_VIRTUAL_NODE_NAME variable instead.


When you add the Envoy container to a task group, set this environment variable to the ARN of the virtual node or the virtual gateway that the task group represents. The following list contains example ARNs:

  • Virtual node – arn:aws:appmesh:Region-code:111122223333:mesh/meshName/virtualNode/virtualNodeName

  • Virtual gateway – arn:aws:appmesh:Region-code:111122223333:mesh/meshName/virtualGateway/virtualGatewayName

When using the App Mesh Preview Channel, ARNs must use the us-west-2 Region and use appmesh-preview, instead of appmesh. For example, the ARN of a virtual node in the App Mesh Preview Channel is arn:aws:appmesh-preview:us-west-2:111122223333:mesh/meshName/virtualNode/virtualNodeName.

Optional variables

The following environment variable is optional for App Mesh Envoy containers.


Specifies the log level for the Envoy container.

Valid values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, off

Default: info


Specifies the amount of time Envoy waits for the first configuration response from the management server during the initialization process.

For more information, see Configuration sources in Envoy Documentation. When set to 0, there is no timeout.

Default: 0


Sets the --concurrency command line option while starting the Envoy. This is not set by default. This option is available from Envoy version v1.24.0.0-prod or above.

For more information, see Command line options in Envoy Documentation.

Admin variables

Use these environment variables to configure Envoy's administrative interface.


Specify a custom admin port for Envoy to listen on. Default: 9901.


The Envoy admin port should be different from any listener port on the virtual gateway or virtual node


Specify a custom path to write Envoy access logs to. Default: /tmp/envoy_admin_access.log.


Toggles Envoy’s administration interface to accept IPv6 traffic, which allows this interface to accept both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. By default this flag is set to false, and Envoy only listens to IPv4 traffic. This variable can only be used with Envoy image version 1.22.0 or later.

Agent variables

Use these environment variables to configure the Amazon App Mesh Agent for Envoy. For more information, see App Mesh Agent for Envoy.


Specifies the number of times that the Agent restarts the Envoy proxy process within a running task or pod if it exits. The Agent also logs the exit status every time Envoy exits to ease troubleshooting. The default value of this variable is 0. When the default value is set, the Agent doesn't attempt to restart the process.

Default: 0

Maximum: 10


Specifies the interval in milliseconds at which the Envoy proxy’s process state is checked by the Agent. The default value is 100.

Default: 100

Minimum: 100

Maximum: 1000


Specifies the amount of time in seconds the Envoy proxy waits for active connections to close before the process exits.

Default: 20

Minimum: 5

Maximum: 110


Starts Agent's management interface server and binds it to either a tcp address or a unix socket.

Valid values: tcp, uds


Specify a port to be used for binding Agent's management interface in tcp mode. Ensure port value is > 1024 if uid != 0. Ensure port is less than 65535.

Default: 9902


Specify unix domain socket path for Agent's management interface in uds mode.

Default: /var/run/ecs/appnet_admin.sock

Tracing variables

You can configure none or one of the following tracing drivers.

Amazon X-Ray variables

Use the following environment variables to configure App Mesh with Amazon X-Ray. For more information, see the Amazon X-Ray Developer Guide.


Enables X-Ray tracing using as the default daemon endpoint. To enable, set the value to 1. The default value is 0.


Specify a port value to override the default X-Ray daemon port: 2000.


Specify a sampling rate to override the X-Ray tracer's default sampling rate of 0.05 (5%). Specify the value as a decimal between 0 and 1.00 (100%). This value is overridden if XRAY_SAMPLING_RULE_MANIFEST is specified. This variable is supported with Envoy images of version v1.19.1.1-prod and later.


Specify a file path in the Envoy container file system to configure the localized custom sampling rules for the X-Ray tracer. For more information, see Sampling rules in the Amazon X-Ray Developer Guide. This variable is supported with Envoy images of version v1.19.1.0-prod and later.


Specify a segment name for traces to override the default X-Ray segment name. By default this value will be set as mesh/resourceName. This variable is supported with Envoy image version v1.23.1.0-prod or later.

Datadog tracing variables

The following environment variables help you configure App Mesh with the Datadog agent tracer. For more information, see Agent Configuration in the Datadog documentation.


Enables Datadog trace collection using as the default Datadog agent endpoint. To enable, set the value to 1 (default value is 0).


Specify a port value to override the default Datadog agent port: 8126.


Specify an IP address to override the default Datadog agent address:


Specify a service name for traces to override the default Datadog service name: envoy-meshName/virtualNodeName. This variable is supported with Envoy images of version v1.18.3.0-prod and later.

Jaeger tracing variables

Use the following environment variables to configure App Mesh with Jaeger tracing. For more information, see Getting Started in the Jaeger documentation. These variables are supported with Envoy images of version and later.


Enables Jaeger trace collection using as the default Jaeger endpoint. To enable, set the value to 1 (default value is 0).


Specify a port value to override the default Jaeger port: 9411.


Specify an IP address to override the default Jaeger address:


Specify whether the collector needs traces in JSON or PROTO encoded format. By default this value will be set to PROTO. This variable is supported with Envoy image version v1.23.1.0-prod or later.

Envoy tracing variable

Set the following environment variable to use your own tracing configuration.


Specify a file path in the Envoy container file system. For more information, see config.trace.v3.Tracing in the Envoy documentation.


If the tracing configuration requires specifying a tracing cluster, make sure to configure the associated cluster configuration under static_resources in the same tracing config file. For example, Zipkin has a collector_cluster field for the cluster name that hosts the trace collectors, and that cluster needs to be statically defined.

DogStatsD variables

Use the following environment variables to configure App Mesh with DogStatsD. For more information, see the DogStatsD documentation.


Enables DogStatsD stats using as the default daemon endpoint. To enable, set the value to 1.


Specify a port value to override the default DogStatsD daemon port.


Specify an IP address value to override the default DogStatsD daemon IP address. Default: This variable can only be used with version 1.15.0 or later of the Envoy image.


Specify a unix domain socket for the DogStatsD daemon. If this variable isn't specified and DogStatsD is enabled, then this value defaults to the DogStatsD daemon IP address port of If the ENVOY_STATS_SINKS_CFG_FILE variable is specified containing a stats sinks configuration, it overrides all of the DogStatsD variables. This variable is supported with Envoy image version v1.19.1.0-prod or later.

App Mesh variables

The following variables help you configure App Mesh.


Set the value to 1 to connect to the App Mesh Preview Channel endpoint. For more information about using the App Mesh Preview Channel, see App Mesh Preview Channel.


By default, App Mesh uses the name of the resource that you specified in APPMESH_RESOURCE_ARN when Envoy is referring to itself in metrics and traces. You can override this behavior by setting the APPMESH_RESOURCE_CLUSTER environment variable with your own name. This variable can only be used with version 1.15.0 or later of the Envoy image.


Set the value to 1 to enable the App Mesh metrics extension. For more information about using the App Mesh metrics extension, see Metrics extension for App Mesh.


Set the value to 1 to connect to App Mesh Dual Stack endpoint. When this flag is set, Envoy uses our dual stack capable domain. By default this flag is set to false and only connects to our IPv4 domain. This variable can only be used with Envoy image version 1.22.0 or later.

Envoy stats variables

Use the following environment variables to configure App Mesh with Envoy Stats. For more information, see the Envoy Stats documentation.


Enables the use of App Mesh defined tags appmesh.mesh and appmesh.virtual_node. For more information, see config.metrics.v3.TagSpecifier in the Envoy documentation. To enable, set the value to 1.


Specify a file path in the Envoy container file system to override the default Stats tags configuration file with your own. For more information, see config.metrics.v3.StatsConfig.


Setting a customized stats configuration that includes stats filters might lead Envoy to enter a state where it will no longer properly synchronize with the App Mesh state of the world. This is a bug in Envoy. Our recommendation is to not perform any filtering of statistics in Envoy. If filtering is absolutely necessary, we have a listed a couple of workarounds in this issue on our roadmap.


Specify a file path in the Envoy container file system to override the default configuration with your own. For more information, see config.metrics.v3.StatsSink in the Envoy documentation.

Deprecated variables

The environment variables APPMESH_VIRTUAL_NODE_NAME and APPMESH_RESOURCE_NAME are no longer supported in Envoy version 1.15.0 or later. However, they're still supported for existing meshes. Instead of using these variables with Envoy version 1.15.0 or later, use APPMESH_RESOURCE_ARN for all App Mesh endpoints.