Logging - Amazon App Mesh
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When you create your virtual nodes and virtual gateways, you have the option to configure Envoy access logs. In the console, this is in the Logging section of the virtual node and virtual gateway create or edit workflows.

The preceding image shows a logging path of /dev/stdout for Envoy access logs.

For format, specify one of two possible formats, json or text, and the pattern. json takes key pairs and transforms them into JSON struct before passing them to Envoy.

The following code block shows the JSON representation that you can use in the Amazon CLI.

"logging": { "accessLog": { "file": { "path": "/dev/stdout", "format" : { // Exactly one of json or text should be specified "json": [ // json will be implemented with key pairs { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ] "text": "string" //e.g. "%LOCAL_REPLY_BODY%:%RESPONSE_CODE%:path=%REQ(:path)%\n" } } } }

Make sure to check that your input pattern is valid for Envoy, or Envoy will reject the update and store the latest changes in the error state.

When you send Envoy access logs to /dev/stdout, they are mixed in with the Envoy container logs. You can export them to a log storage and processing service like CloudWatch Logs using standard Docker log drivers such as awslogs. For more information, see Using the awslogs Log Driver in the Amazon ECS Developer Guide. To export only the Envoy access logs (and ignore the other Envoy container logs), you can set the ENVOY_LOG_LEVEL to off. You can log request without query string by including the format string %REQ_WITHOUT_QUERY(X?Y):Z%. For examples, see ReqWithoutQuery Formatter. For more information, see Access logging in the Envoy documentation.

Enable access logs on Kubernetes

When using the App Mesh Controller for Kubernetes, you can configure virtual nodes with access logging by adding the logging configuration to the virtual node spec, as shown in the following example.

--- apiVersion: appmesh.k8s.aws/v1beta2 kind: VirtualNode metadata: name: virtual-node-name namespace: namespace spec: listeners: - portMapping: port: 9080 protocol: http serviceDiscovery: dns: hostName: hostname logging: accessLog: file: path: "/dev/stdout"

Your cluster must have a log forwarder to collect these logs, such as Fluentd. For more information see, Set up Fluentd as a DaemonSet to send logs to CloudWatch Logs.

Envoy also writes various debugging logs from its filters to stdout. These logs are useful for gaining insights into both Envoy’s communication with App Mesh and service-to-service traffic. Your specific logging level can be configured using the ENVOY_LOG_LEVEL environment variable. For example, the following text is from an example debug log showing the cluster that Envoy matched for a particular HTTP request.

[debug][router] [source/common/router/router.cc:434] [C4][S17419808847192030829] cluster 'cds_ingress_howto-http2-mesh_color_client_http_8080' match for URL '/ping'

Firelens and Cloudwatch

Firelens is a container log router you can use to collect logs for Amazon ECS and Amazon Fargate. You can find an example of using Firelens in our Amazon Samples repository.

You can use CloudWatch to gather logging information as well as metrics. You can find more information on CloudWatch in our Exporting metrics section of the App Mesh docs.