Gateway routes - Amazon App Mesh
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Gateway routes

A gateway route is attached to a virtual gateway and routes traffic to an existing virtual service. If a route matches a request, it can distribute traffic to a target virtual service. This topic helps you work with gateway routes in a service mesh.

Creating a gateway route

Amazon Web Services Management Console
To create a gateway route using the Amazon Web Services Management Console
  1. Open the App Mesh console at

  2. Choose the mesh in which you want to create the gateway route. All of the meshes that you own and that have been shared with you are listed.

  3. Choose Virtual gateways in the left navigation.

  4. Choose the virtual gateway with which you want to associate a new gateway route. If none are listed, then you need to create a virtual gateway first. You can only create a gateway route for a virtual gateway of which your account is listed as the Resource owner.

  5. In the Gateway routes table, choose Create gateway route.

  6. For Gateway route name, specify the name to use for your gateway route.

  7. For Gateway route type choose either http, http2, or grpc.

  8. Select an existing Virtual service name. If none are listed, then you need to create a virtual service first.

  9. Choose the port that corresponds to the target for Virtual service provider port. Virtual service provider port is required when the provider (router or node) of the selected virtual service has multiple listeners.

  10. (Optional) For Priority, specify the priority for this gateway route.

  11. For Match configuration, specify:

    • If http/http2 is the selected type:

      • (Optional) Method ‐ Specifies the method header to be matched in the incoming http/http2 requests.

      • (Optional) Port match ‐ Match the port for incoming traffic. Port match is required if this virtual gateway has multiple listeners.

      • (Optional) Exact/Suffix hostname ‐ Specifies the hostname that should be matched on the incoming request to route to the target virtual service.

      • (Optional) Prefix/Exact/Regex path ‐ The method of matching the path of the URL.

        • Prefix match ‐ A matched request by a gateway route is rewritten to the target virtual service's name and the matched prefix is rewritten to /, by default. Depending on how you configure your virtual service, it could use a virtual router to route the request to different virtual nodes, based on specific prefixes or headers.

          • You can't specify either /aws-appmesh* or /aws-app-mesh* for Prefix match. These prefixes are reserved for future App Mesh internal use.

          • If multiple gateway routes are defined, then a request is matched to the route with the longest prefix. For example, if two gateway routes existed, with one having a prefix of /chapter and one having a prefix of /, then a request for would be matched to the gateway route with the /chapter prefix.


          If you enable Path/Prefix based matching, App Mesh enables path normalization (normalize_path and merge_slashes) to minimize the probability of path confusion vulnerabilities.

          Path confusion vulnerabilities occur when parties participating in the request use different path representations.

        • Exact match ‐ The exact parameter disables the partial matching for a route and makes sure that it only returns the route if the path is an EXACT match to the current URL.

        • Regex match ‐ Used to describe patterns where multiple URLs may actually identify a single page on the website.

      • (Optional) Query parameters ‐ This field allows you to match on the query parameters.

      • (Optional) Headers ‐ Specifies the headers for http and http2. It should match the incoming request to route to the target virtual service..

    • If grpc is the selected type:

      • Hostname match type and (optional) Exact/Suffix match ‐ Specifies the hostname that should be matched on the incoming request to route to the target virtual service.

      • grpc service name ‐ The grpc service acts as an API for your application and is defined with ProtoBuf.


        You can't specify /* or aws.appmesh for the Service name. These service names are reserved for future App Mesh internal use.

      • (Optional) Metadata ‐ Specifies the metadata for grpc. It should match the incoming request to route to the target virtual service.

  12. (Optional) For Rewrite configuration:

    • If http/http2 is the selected type:

      • If Prefix is the selected match type:

        • Override automatic rewrite of hostname ‐ By default the hostname is rewritten to the target virtual service's name.

        • Override automatic rewrite of prefix ‐ When toggled on, Prefix rewrite specifies the value of the rewritten prefix.

      • If Exact Path is the selected match type:

        • Override automatic rewrite of hostname ‐ by default the hostname is rewritten to the target virtual service's name.

        • Path rewrite ‐ Specifies the value of the rewritten path. No default path.

      • If Regex Path is the selected match type:

        • Override automatic rewrite of hostname ‐ by default the hostname is rewritten to the target virtual service's name.

        • Path rewrite ‐ Specifies the value of the rewritten path. No default path.

    • If grpc is the selected type:

      • Override automatic rewrite of hostname ‐ By default the hostname is rewritten to the target virtual service's name.

  13. Choose Create gateway route to finish.

Amazon CLI

To create a gateway route using the Amazon CLI.

Create a gateway route using the following command and input JSON (replace the red values with your own):

  1. aws appmesh create-virtual-gateway \ --mesh-name meshName \ --virtual-gateway-name virtualGatewayName \ --gateway-route-name gatewayRouteName \ --cli-input-json file://create-gateway-route.json
  2. Contents of example create-gateway-route.json:

    { "spec": { "httpRoute" : { "match" : { "prefix" : "/" }, "action" : { "target" : { "virtualService": { "virtualServiceName": "serviceA.svc.cluster.local" } } } } } }
  3. Example output:

    { "gatewayRoute": { "gatewayRouteName": "gatewayRouteName", "meshName": "meshName", "metadata": { "arn": "arn:aws:appmesh:us-west-2:210987654321:mesh/meshName/virtualGateway/virtualGatewayName/gatewayRoute/gatewayRouteName", "createdAt": "2022-04-06T11:05:32.100000-05:00", "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-04-06T11:05:32.100000-05:00", "meshOwner": "123456789012", "resourceOwner": "210987654321", "uid": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-11111EXAMPLE", "version": 1 }, "spec": { "httpRoute": { "action": { "target": { "virtualService": { "virtualServiceName": "serviceA.svc.cluster.local" } } }, "match": { "prefix": "/" } } }, "status": { "status": "ACTIVE" }, "virtualGatewayName": "gatewayName" } }

For more information on creating a gateway route with the Amazon CLI for App Mesh, see the create-gateway-route command in the Amazon CLI reference.

Deleting a gateway route

Amazon Web Services Management Console
To delete a gateway route using the Amazon Web Services Management Console
  1. Open the App Mesh console at

  2. Choose the mesh from which you want to delete a gateway route. All of the meshes that you own and that have been shared with you are listed.

  3. Choose Virtual gateways in the left navigation.

  4. Choose the virtual gateway from which you want to delete a gateway route.

  5. In the Gateway routes table, choose the gateway route that you want to delete and select Delete. You can only delete a gateway route if your account is listed as Resource owner.

  6. In the confirmation box, type delete and then click on Delete.

Amazon CLI
To delete a gateway route using the Amazon CLI
  1. Use the following command to delete your gateway route (replace the red values with your own):

    aws appmesh delete-gateway-route \ --mesh-name meshName \ --virtual-gateway-name virtualGatewayName \ --gateway-route-name gatewayRouteName
  2. Example output:

    { "gatewayRoute": { "gatewayRouteName": "gatewayRouteName", "meshName": "meshName", "metadata": { "arn": "arn:aws:appmesh:us-west-2:210987654321:mesh/meshName/virtualGateway/virtualGatewayName/gatewayRoute/gatewayRouteName", "createdAt": "2022-04-06T11:05:32.100000-05:00", "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-04-07T10:36:33.191000-05:00", "meshOwner": "123456789012", "resourceOwner": "210987654321", "uid": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-11111EXAMPLE", "version": 2 }, "spec": { "httpRoute": { "action": { "target": { "virtualService": { "virtualServiceName": "serviceA.svc.cluster.local" } } }, "match": { "prefix": "/" } } }, "status": { "status": "DELETED" }, "virtualGatewayName": "virtualGatewayName" } }

For more information on deleting a gateway route with the Amazon CLI for App Mesh, see the delete-gateway-route command in the Amazon CLI reference.