GetLatestConfiguration - Amazon AppConfig
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


Retrieves the latest deployed configuration. This API may return empty configuration data if the client already has the latest version. For more information about this API action and to view example Amazon CLI commands that show how to use it with the StartConfigurationSession API action, see Retrieving feature flags and configuration data in Amazon AppConfig in the Amazon AppConfig User Guide.


Note the following important information.

  • Each configuration token is only valid for one call to GetLatestConfiguration. The GetLatestConfiguration response includes a NextPollConfigurationToken that should always replace the token used for the just-completed call in preparation for the next one.

  • GetLatestConfiguration is a priced call. For more information, see Pricing.

  • You can configure applications to retrieve configuration data from a local cache rather than directly calling Amazon AppConfig. Caching can improve performance and reduce costs. You can use the Amazon AppConfig Amazon Lambda extension to cache data on your behalf. For more information, see Amazon AppConfig integration with Lambda extensions in the Amazon AppConfig User Guide.

    For containerized environments, you can use the Amazon AppConfig agent for Amazon Elastic Container Service or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. For more information, see Amazon AppConfig integration with Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS.

Request Syntax

GET /configuration?configuration_token=ConfigurationToken HTTP/1.1

URI Request Parameters

The request uses the following URI parameters.


Token describing the current state of the configuration session. To obtain a token, first call the StartConfigurationSession API. Note that every call to GetLatestConfiguration will return a new ConfigurationToken (NextPollConfigurationToken in the response) and must be provided to subsequent GetLatestConfiguration API calls.


This token should only be used once. To support long poll use cases, the token is valid for up to 24 hours. If a GetLatestConfiguration call uses an expired token, the system returns BadRequestException.

Pattern: \S{1,8192}

Required: Yes

Request Body

The request does not have a request body.

Response Syntax

HTTP/1.1 200 Next-Poll-Configuration-Token: NextPollConfigurationToken Next-Poll-Interval-In-Seconds: NextPollIntervalInSeconds Content-Type: ContentType Version-Label: VersionLabel Configuration

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The response returns the following HTTP headers.


A standard MIME type describing the format of the configuration content.


The latest token describing the current state of the configuration session. This must be provided to the next call to GetLatestConfiguration.


This token should only be used once. To support long poll use cases, the token is valid for up to 24 hours. If a GetLatestConfiguration call uses an expired token, the system returns BadRequestException.

Pattern: \S{1,8192}


The amount of time the client should wait before polling for configuration updates again. The default value is 60 seconds. If you specify a value for RequiredMinimumPollIntervalInSeconds, the service uses the specified value for the desired poll interval instead.


The user-defined label for the Amazon AppConfig hosted configuration version. This attribute doesn't apply if the configuration is not from an Amazon AppConfig hosted configuration version. If the client already has the latest version of the configuration data, this value is empty.

The response returns the following as the HTTP body.


The data of the configuration. This may be empty if the client already has the latest version of configuration.


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by the service.

HTTP Status Code: 400


There was an internal failure in the service.

HTTP Status Code: 500


The requested resource could not be found.

HTTP Status Code: 404


The request was denied due to request throttling.

HTTP Status Code: 429



This example illustrates one usage of GetLatestConfiguration.

Sample Request

GET /configuration?configuration_token=AYADeNgfsRxdKiJ37A12OZ9vN2cAXwABABVhd3MtY3J5cHRvLXB1YmxpYy1rZXkAREF1RzlLMTg1Tkx2Wjk4OGV2UXkyQ1UxV2ZxaGJTdkt2MkprKzJ4TlY2VkM0ZDVoRzBvbXFBTnFHcXpXcjU0dUM3Zz09AAEAB2F3cy1rbXMAS2Fybjphd3M6a21zOnVzLXdlc3QtMTo4MzIyNzQ3ODA3Mzc6a2V5LzA4MGYxYWI3LTNjNmYtNGE1Yi04ZTg2LWE2MjdmNWJiMmRlMQC4AQIBAHiWVBJIpqEFGgjvLHxtJImRmyljpZnxt7FfxeEOE5H8xQF1SfOlWZFnHujbzJmIvNeSAAAAfjB8BgkqhkiG9w0BBwagbzBtAgEAMGgGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQM0iTa25yw3uwnO6%2BrAgEQgDvLYYILWH%2Fx3SKKgyW1nOeBtS6go21vVPA6b8%2FwoFpxhzwjxy80jOfkVC2lM2l626BnJCvSPFfuZvcz%2FQIAAAAADAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADpQpWKSwnomgzEkYmidGKJ%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAD8yfxkWB0geYfyI%2BDNJGiryebhmEoi8S8UHZSNN5JjJzTN2iORkjrA3DVvnhBTfoPh7o5bl4jwSYa%2F6as%2BmuQ9ntjYwymTZu7inYhsICYUKEDFxonBFJaEC32jEfg%2FMbPaGLOhNHdISiPAlMlOYmsw7phgl6ldbs9qrKVLlk1WNO3XTJiXyaWY4ANMfAX2JgMbGvNNY3HbfUneDGOENg6IfwKDykELIrJ6feE0JyKOV7mXfp%2F0r2pNiW9d6q%2BWDD1w4T87gCxgUGEPB%2FJ7JG3RhpGvECUmgKA0T06MjA7kWdt2IofDaLzRppFGpgLoPmxpM4qHz%2Fw6dMDmeXybKNZP84UP12zsJtUMhuspEQBnMGUCMQD8ssc6G8e6u8nov1ZdgF4m1ad3qyjiFd9DNRZHgLRFpw7%2BQIO%2FRB1l%2FIExP2ftUlkCMBT9oNlClJg4l9uGW5%2FqAiJ5n9ivK0ElRMwpvx96damGxt125XtMkmYf6a0OWSqnBw%3D%3D HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept-Encoding: identity User-Agent: aws-cli/2.4.15 Python/3.8.8 Windows/10 exe/AMD64 prompt/off command/appconfigdata.get-latest-configuration X-Amz-Date: 20220218T190734Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20220218/us-west-1/appconfig/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date, Signature=39c3b3042cd2aEXAMPLE

Sample Response

{ "betaGroup": { "enabled": true } }

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: