Resolver mapping template reference for DynamoDB - Amazon AppSync
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Resolver mapping template reference for DynamoDB


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The Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver enables you to use GraphQL to store and retrieve data in existing Amazon DynamoDB tables in your account. This resolver works by enabling you to map an incoming GraphQL request into a DynamoDB call, and then map the DynamoDB response back to GraphQL. This section describes the mapping templates for supported DynamoDB operations.


The GetItem request mapping document lets you tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a GetItem request to DynamoDB, and enables you to specify:

  • The key of the item in DynamoDB

  • Whether to use a consistent read or not

The GetItem mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "GetItem", "key" : { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }, "consistentRead" : true, "projection" : { ... } }

The fields are defined as follows:

GetItem fields


The template definition version. 2017-02-28 and 2018-05-29 are currently supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the GetItem DynamoDB operation, this must be set to GetItem. This value is required.


The key of the item in DynamoDB. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This value is required.


Whether or not to perform a strongly consistent read with DynamoDB. This is optional, and defaults to false.


A projection that's used to specify the attributes to return from the DynamoDB operation. For more information about projections, see Projections. This field is optional.

The item returned from DynamoDB is automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types, and is available in the mapping context ($context.result).

For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type system (response mapping).

For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver mapping template overview.


The following example is a mapping template for a GraphQL query getThing(foo: String!, bar: String!):

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "GetItem", "key" : { "foo" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($, "bar" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ }, "consistentRead" : true }

For more information about the DynamoDB GetItem API, see the DynamoDB API documentation.


The PutItem request mapping document lets you tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a PutItem request to DynamoDB, and enables you to specify the following:

  • The key of the item in DynamoDB

  • The full contents of the item (composed of key and attributeValues)

  • Conditions for the operation to succeed

The PutItem mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version" : "2018-05-29", "operation" : "PutItem", "customPartitionKey" : "foo", "populateIndexFields" : boolean value, "key": { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }, "attributeValues" : { "baz" : ... typed value }, "condition" : { ... }, "_version" : 1 }

The fields are defined as follows:

PutItem fields


The template definition version. 2017-02-28 and 2018-05-29 are currently supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the PutItem DynamoDB operation, this must be set to PutItem. This value is required.


The key of the item in DynamoDB. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This value is required.


The rest of the attributes of the item to be put into DynamoDB. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This field is optional.


A condition to determine if the request should succeed or not, based on the state of the object already in DynamoDB. If no condition is specified, the PutItem request overwrites any existing entry for that item. For more information about conditions, see Condition expressions. This value is optional.


A numeric value that represents the latest known version of an item. This value is optional. This field is used for Conflict Detection and is only supported on versioned data sources.


When enabled, this string value modifies the format of the ds_sk and ds_pk records used by the delta sync table when versioning has been enabled (for more information, see Conflict detection and sync in the Amazon AppSync Developer Guide). When enabled, the processing of the populateIndexFields entry is also enabled. This field is optional.


A boolean value that, when enabled along with the customPartitionKey, creates new entries for each record in the delta sync table, specifically in the gsi_ds_pk and gsi_ds_sk columns. For more information, see Conflict detection and sync in the Amazon AppSync Developer Guide. This field is optional.

The item written to DynamoDB is automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types and is available in the mapping context ($context.result).

For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type system (response mapping).

For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver mapping template overview.

Example 1

The following example is a mapping template for a GraphQL mutation updateThing(foo: String!, bar: String!, name: String!, version: Int!).

If no item with the specified key exists, it’s created. If an item already exists with the specified key, it’s overwritten.

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "PutItem", "key": { "foo" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($, "bar" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ }, "attributeValues" : { "name" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($, "version" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ctx.args.version) } }

Example 2

The following example is a mapping template for a GraphQL mutation updateThing(foo: String!, bar: String!, name: String!, expectedVersion: Int!).

This example checks to be sure the item currently in DynamoDB has the version field set to expectedVersion.

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "PutItem", "key": { "foo" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($, "bar" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ }, "attributeValues" : { "name" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($, #set( $newVersion = $context.arguments.expectedVersion + 1 ) "version" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($newVersion) }, "condition" : { "expression" : "version = :expectedVersion", "expressionValues" : { ":expectedVersion" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($expectedVersion) } } }

For more information about the DynamoDB PutItem API, see the DynamoDB API documentation.


The UpdateItem request mapping document enables you to tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a UpdateItem request to DynamoDB and allows you to specify the following:

  • The key of the item in DynamoDB

  • An update expression describing how to update the item in DynamoDB

  • Conditions for the operation to succeed

The UpdateItem mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version" : "2018-05-29", "operation" : "UpdateItem", "customPartitionKey" : "foo", "populateIndexFields" : boolean value, "key": { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }, "update" : { "expression" : "someExpression", "expressionNames" : { "#foo" : "foo" }, "expressionValues" : { ":bar" : ... typed value } }, "condition" : { ... }, "_version" : 1 }

The fields are defined as follows:

UpdateItem fields


The template definition version. 2017-02-28 and 2018-05-29 are currently supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the UpdateItem DynamoDB operation, this must be set to UpdateItem. This value is required.


The key of the item in DynamoDB. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about specifying a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This value is required.


The update section lets you specify an update expression that describes how to update the item in DynamoDB. For more information about how to write update expressions, see the DynamoDB UpdateExpressions documentation. This section is required.

The update section has three components:


The update expression. This value is required.


The substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The key corresponds to a name placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a string corresponding to the attribute name of the item in DynamoDB. This field is optional, and should only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders used in the expression.


The substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The key corresponds to a value placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a typed value. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This must be specified. This field is optional, and should only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders used in the expression.


A condition to determine if the request should succeed or not, based on the state of the object already in DynamoDB. If no condition is specified, the UpdateItem request updates the existing entry regardless of its current state. For more information about conditions, see Condition expressions. This value is optional.


A numeric value that represents the latest known version of an item. This value is optional. This field is used for Conflict Detection and is only supported on versioned data sources.


When enabled, this string value modifies the format of the ds_sk and ds_pk records used by the delta sync table when versioning has been enabled (for more information, see Conflict detection and sync in the Amazon AppSync Developer Guide). When enabled, the processing of the populateIndexFields entry is also enabled. This field is optional.


A boolean value that, when enabled along with the customPartitionKey, creates new entries for each record in the delta sync table, specifically in the gsi_ds_pk and gsi_ds_sk columns. For more information, see Conflict detection and sync in the Amazon AppSync Developer Guide. This field is optional.

The item updated in DynamoDB is automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types and is available in the mapping context ($context.result).

For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type system (response mapping).

For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver mapping template overview.

Example 1

The following example is a mapping template for the GraphQL mutation upvote(id: ID!).

In this example, an item in DynamoDB has its upvotes and version fields incremented by 1.

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "UpdateItem", "key" : { "id" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ }, "update" : { "expression" : "ADD #votefield :plusOne, version :plusOne", "expressionNames" : { "#votefield" : "upvotes" }, "expressionValues" : { ":plusOne" : { "N" : 1 } } } }

Example 2

The following example is a mapping template for a GraphQL mutation updateItem(id: ID!, title: String, author: String, expectedVersion: Int!).

This is a complex example that inspects the arguments and dynamically generates the update expression that only includes the arguments that have been provided by the client. For example, if title and author are omitted, they are not updated. If an argument is specified but its value is null, then that field is deleted from the object in DynamoDB. Finally, the operation has a condition, which verifies whether the item currently in DynamoDB has the version field set to expectedVersion:

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "UpdateItem", "key" : { "id" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ }, ## Set up some space to keep track of things we're updating ** #set( $expNames = {} ) #set( $expValues = {} ) #set( $expSet = {} ) #set( $expAdd = {} ) #set( $expRemove = [] ) ## Increment "version" by 1 ** $!{expAdd.put("version", ":newVersion")} $!{expValues.put(":newVersion", { "N" : 1 })} ## Iterate through each argument, skipping "id" and "expectedVersion" ** #foreach( $entry in $context.arguments.entrySet() ) #if( $entry.key != "id" && $entry.key != "expectedVersion" ) #if( (!$entry.value) && ("$!{entry.value}" == "") ) ## If the argument is set to "null", then remove that attribute from the item in DynamoDB ** #set( $discard = ${expRemove.add("#${entry.key}")} ) $!{expNames.put("#${entry.key}", "$entry.key")} #else ## Otherwise set (or update) the attribute on the item in DynamoDB ** $!{expSet.put("#${entry.key}", ":${entry.key}")} $!{expNames.put("#${entry.key}", "$entry.key")} #if( $entry.key == "ups" || $entry.key == "downs" ) $!{expValues.put(":${entry.key}", { "N" : $entry.value })} #else $!{expValues.put(":${entry.key}", { "S" : "${entry.value}" })} #end #end #end #end ## Start building the update expression, starting with attributes we're going to SET ** #set( $expression = "" ) #if( !${expSet.isEmpty()} ) #set( $expression = "SET" ) #foreach( $entry in $expSet.entrySet() ) #set( $expression = "${expression} ${entry.key} = ${entry.value}" ) #if ( $foreach.hasNext ) #set( $expression = "${expression}," ) #end #end #end ## Continue building the update expression, adding attributes we're going to ADD ** #if( !${expAdd.isEmpty()} ) #set( $expression = "${expression} ADD" ) #foreach( $entry in $expAdd.entrySet() ) #set( $expression = "${expression} ${entry.key} ${entry.value}" ) #if ( $foreach.hasNext ) #set( $expression = "${expression}," ) #end #end #end ## Continue building the update expression, adding attributes we're going to REMOVE ** #if( !${expRemove.isEmpty()} ) #set( $expression = "${expression} REMOVE" ) #foreach( $entry in $expRemove ) #set( $expression = "${expression} ${entry}" ) #if ( $foreach.hasNext ) #set( $expression = "${expression}," ) #end #end #end ## Finally, write the update expression into the document, along with any expressionNames and expressionValues ** "update" : { "expression" : "${expression}" #if( !${expNames.isEmpty()} ) ,"expressionNames" : $utils.toJson($expNames) #end #if( !${expValues.isEmpty()} ) ,"expressionValues" : $utils.toJson($expValues) #end }, "condition" : { "expression" : "version = :expectedVersion", "expressionValues" : { ":expectedVersion" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ctx.args.expectedVersion) } } }

For more information about the DynamoDB UpdateItem API, see the DynamoDB API documentation.


The DeleteItem request mapping document lets you tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a DeleteItem request to DynamoDB, and enables you to specify the following:

  • The key of the item in DynamoDB

  • Conditions for the operation to succeed

The DeleteItem mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version" : "2018-05-29", "operation" : "DeleteItem", "customPartitionKey" : "foo", "populateIndexFields" : boolean value, "key": { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }, "condition" : { ... }, "_version" : 1 }

The fields are defined as follows:

DeleteItem fields


The template definition version. 2017-02-28 and 2018-05-29 are currently supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the DeleteItem DynamoDB operation, this must be set to DeleteItem. This value is required.


The key of the item in DynamoDB. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about specifying a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This value is required.


A condition to determine if the request should succeed or not, based on the state of the object already in DynamoDB. If no condition is specified, the DeleteItem request deletes an item regardless of its current state. For more information about conditions, see Condition expressions. This value is optional.


A numeric value that represents the latest known version of an item. This value is optional. This field is used for Conflict Detection and is only supported on versioned data sources.


When enabled, this string value modifies the format of the ds_sk and ds_pk records used by the delta sync table when versioning has been enabled (for more information, see Conflict detection and sync in the Amazon AppSync Developer Guide). When enabled, the processing of the populateIndexFields entry is also enabled. This field is optional.


A boolean value that, when enabled along with the customPartitionKey, creates new entries for each record in the delta sync table, specifically in the gsi_ds_pk and gsi_ds_sk columns. For more information, see Conflict detection and sync in the Amazon AppSync Developer Guide. This field is optional.

The item deleted from DynamoDB is automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types and is available in the mapping context ($context.result).

For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type system (response mapping).

For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver mapping template overview.

Example 1

The following example is a mapping template for a GraphQL mutation deleteItem(id: ID!). If an item exists with this ID, it’s deleted.

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "DeleteItem", "key" : { "id" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ } }

Example 2

The following example is a mapping template for a GraphQL mutation deleteItem(id: ID!, expectedVersion: Int!). If an item exists with this ID, it’s deleted, but only if its version field set to expectedVersion:

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "DeleteItem", "key" : { "id" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ }, "condition" : { "expression" : "attribute_not_exists(id) OR version = :expectedVersion", "expressionValues" : { ":expectedVersion" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($expectedVersion) } } }

For more information about the DynamoDB DeleteItem API, see the DynamoDB API documentation.


The Query request mapping document lets you tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a Query request to DynamoDB, and enables you to specify the following:

  • Key expression

  • Which index to use

  • Any additional filter

  • How many items to return

  • Whether to use consistent reads

  • query direction (forward or backward)

  • Pagination token

The Query mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "Query", "query" : { "expression" : "some expression", "expressionNames" : { "#foo" : "foo" }, "expressionValues" : { ":bar" : ... typed value } }, "index" : "fooIndex", "nextToken" : "a pagination token", "limit" : 10, "scanIndexForward" : true, "consistentRead" : false, "select" : "ALL_ATTRIBUTES" | "ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES" | "SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES", "filter" : { ... }, "projection" : { ... } }

The fields are defined as follows:

Query fields


The template definition version. 2017-02-28 and 2018-05-29 are currently supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the Query DynamoDB operation, this must be set to Query. This value is required.


The query section lets you specify a key condition expression that describes which items to retrieve from DynamoDB. For more information about how to write key condition expressions, see the DynamoDB KeyConditions documentation . This section must be specified.


The query expression. This field must be specified.


The substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The key corresponds to a name placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a string corresponding to the attribute name of the item in DynamoDB. This field is optional, and should only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders used in the expression.


The substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The key corresponds to a value placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a typed value. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This value is required. This field is optional, and should only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders used in the expression.


An additional filter that can be used to filter the results from DynamoDB before they are returned. For more information about filters, see Filters. This field is optional.


The name of the index to query. The DynamoDB query operation allows you to scan on Local Secondary Indexes and Global Secondary Indexes in addition to the primary key index for a hash key. If specified, this tells DynamoDB to query the specified index. If omitted, the primary key index is queried.


The pagination token to continue a previous query. This would have been obtained from a previous query. This field is optional.


The maximum number of items to evaluate (not necessarily the number of matching items). This field is optional.


A boolean indicating whether to query forwards or backwards. This field is optional, and defaults to true.


A boolean indicating whether to use consistent reads when querying DynamoDB. This field is optional, and defaults to false.


By default, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver only returns attributes that are projected into the index. If more attributes are required, you can set this field. This field is optional. The supported values are:


Returns all of the item attributes from the specified table or index. If you query a local secondary index, DynamoDB fetches the entire item from the parent table for each matching item in the index. If the index is configured to project all item attributes, all of the data can be obtained from the local secondary index and no fetching is required.


Allowed only when querying an index. Retrieves all attributes that have been projected into the index. If the index is configured to project all attributes, this return value is equivalent to specifying ALL_ATTRIBUTES.


Returns only the attributes listed in the projection's expression. This return value is equivalent to specifying the projection's expression without specifying any value for Select.


A projection that's used to specify the attributes to return from the DynamoDB operation. For more information about projections, see Projections. This field is optional.

The results from DynamoDB are automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types and are available in the mapping context ($context.result).

For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type system (response mapping).

For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver mapping template overview.

The results have the following structure:

{ items = [ ... ], nextToken = "a pagination token", scannedCount = 10 }

The fields are defined as follows:


A list containing the items returned by the DynamoDB query.


If there might be more results, nextToken contains a pagination token that you can use in another request. Note that Amazon AppSync encrypts and obfuscates the pagination token returned from DynamoDB. This prevents your table data from being inadvertently leaked to the caller. Also note that these pagination tokens cannot be used across different resolvers.


The number of items that matched the query condition expression, before a filter expression (if present) was applied.


The following example is a mapping template for a GraphQL query getPosts(owner: ID!).

In this example, a global secondary index on a table is queried to return all posts owned by the specified ID.

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "Query", "query" : { "expression" : "ownerId = :ownerId", "expressionValues" : { ":ownerId" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($context.arguments.owner) } }, "index" : "owner-index" }

For more information about the DynamoDB Query API, see the DynamoDB API documentation.


The Scan request mapping document lets you tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a Scan request to DynamoDB, and enables you to specify the following:

  • A filter to exclude results

  • Which index to use

  • How many items to return

  • Whether to use consistent reads

  • Pagination token

  • Parallel scans

The Scan mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "Scan", "index" : "fooIndex", "limit" : 10, "consistentRead" : false, "nextToken" : "aPaginationToken", "totalSegments" : 10, "segment" : 1, "filter" : { ... }, "projection" : { ... } }

The fields are defined as follows:

Scan fields


The template definition version. 2017-02-28 and 2018-05-29 are currently supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the Scan DynamoDB operation, this must be set to Scan. This value is required.


A filter that can be used to filter the results from DynamoDB before they are returned. For more information about filters, see Filters. This field is optional.


The name of the index to query. The DynamoDB query operation allows you to scan on Local Secondary Indexes and Global Secondary Indexes in addition to the primary key index for a hash key. If specified, this tells DynamoDB to query the specified index. If omitted, the primary key index is queried.


The maximum number of items to evaluate at a single time. This field is optional.


A Boolean that indicates whether to use consistent reads when querying DynamoDB. This field is optional, and defaults to false.


The pagination token to continue a previous query. This would have been obtained from a previous query. This field is optional.


By default, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver only returns whatever attributes are projected into the index. If more attributes are required, then this field can be set. This field is optional. The supported values are:


Returns all of the item attributes from the specified table or index. If you query a local secondary index, DynamoDB fetches the entire item from the parent table for each matching item in the index. If the index is configured to project all item attributes, all of the data can be obtained from the local secondary index and no fetching is required.


Allowed only when querying an index. Retrieves all attributes that have been projected into the index. If the index is configured to project all attributes, this return value is equivalent to specifying ALL_ATTRIBUTES.


Returns only the attributes listed in the projection's expression. This return value is equivalent to specifying the projection's expression without specifying any value for Select.


The number of segments to partition the table by when performing a parallel scan. This field is optional, but must be specified if segment is specified.


The table segment in this operation when performing a parallel scan. This field is optional, but must be specified if totalSegments is specified.


A projection that's used to specify the attributes to return from the DynamoDB operation. For more information about projections, see Projections. This field is optional.

The results returned by the DynamoDB scan are automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types and is available in the mapping context ($context.result).

For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type system (response mapping).

For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver mapping template overview.

The results have the following structure:

{ items = [ ... ], nextToken = "a pagination token", scannedCount = 10 }

The fields are defined as follows:


A list containing the items returned by the DynamoDB scan.


If there might be more results, nextToken contains a pagination token that you can use in another request. Amazon AppSync encrypts and obfuscates the pagination token returned from DynamoDB. This prevents your table data from being inadvertently leaked to the caller. Also, these pagination tokens can’t be used across different resolvers.


The number of items that were retrieved by DynamoDB before a filter expression (if present) was applied.

Example 1

The following example is a mapping template for the GraphQL query: allPosts.

In this example, all entries in the table are returned.

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "Scan" }

Example 2

The following example is a mapping template for the GraphQL query: postsMatching(title: String!).

In this example, all entries in the table are returned where the title starts with the title argument.

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "Scan", "filter" : { "expression" : "begins_with(title, :title)", "expressionValues" : { ":title" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($context.arguments.title) }, } }

For more information about the DynamoDB Scan API, see the DynamoDB API documentation.


The Sync request mapping document lets you retrieve all the results from a DynamoDB table and then receive only the data altered since your last query (the delta updates). Sync requests can only be made to versioned DynamoDB data sources. You can specify the following:

  • A filter to exclude results

  • How many items to return

  • Pagination Token

  • When your last Sync operation was started

The Sync mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version" : "2018-05-29", "operation" : "Sync", "basePartitionKey": "Base Tables PartitionKey", "deltaIndexName": "delta-index-name", "limit" : 10, "nextToken" : "aPaginationToken", "lastSync" : 1550000000000, "filter" : { ... } }

The fields are defined as follows:

Sync fields


The template definition version. Only 2018-05-29 is currently supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the Sync operation, this must be set to Sync. This value is required.


A filter that can be used to filter the results from DynamoDB before they are returned. For more information about filters, see Filters. This field is optional.


The maximum number of items to evaluate at a single time. This field is optional. If omitted, the default limit will be set to 100 items. The maximum value for this field is 1000 items.


The pagination token to continue a previous query. This would have been obtained from a previous query. This field is optional.


The moment, in epoch milliseconds, when the last successful Sync operation started. If specified, only items that have changed after lastSync are returned. This field is optional, and should only be populated after retrieving all pages from an initial Sync operation. If omitted, results from the Base table will be returned, otherwise, results from the Delta table will be returned.


The partition key of the Base table used when performing a Sync operation. This field allows a Sync operation to be performed when the table utilizes a custom partition key. This is an optional field.


The index used for the Sync operation. This index is required to enable a Sync operation on the whole delta store table when the table uses a custom partition key. The Sync operation will be performed on the GSI (created on gsi_ds_pk and gsi_ds_sk). This field is optional.

The results returned by the DynamoDB sync are automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types and are available in the mapping context ($context.result).

For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type system (response mapping).

For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver mapping template overview.

The results have the following structure:

{ items = [ ... ], nextToken = "a pagination token", scannedCount = 10, startedAt = 1550000000000 }

The fields are defined as follows:


A list containing the items returned by the sync.


If there might be more results, nextToken contains a pagination token that you can use in another request. Amazon AppSync encrypts and obfuscates the pagination token returned from DynamoDB. This prevents your table data from being inadvertently leaked to the caller. Also, these pagination tokens can’t be used across different resolvers.


The number of items that were retrieved by DynamoDB before a filter expression (if present) was applied.


The moment, in epoch milliseconds, when the sync operation started that you can store locally and use in another request as your lastSync argument. If a pagination token was included in the request, this value will be the same as the one returned by the request for the first page of results.

Example 1

The following example is a mapping template for the GraphQL query: syncPosts(nextToken: String, lastSync: AWSTimestamp).

In this example, if lastSync is omitted, all entries in the base table are returned. If lastSync is supplied, only the entries in the delta sync table that have changed since lastSync are returned.

{ "version" : "2018-05-29", "operation" : "Sync", "limit": 100, "nextToken": $util.toJson($util.defaultIfNull($ctx.args.nextToken, null)), "lastSync": $util.toJson($util.defaultIfNull($ctx.args.lastSync, null)) }


The BatchGetItem request mapping document lets you tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a BatchGetItem request to DynamoDB to retrieve multiple items, potentially across multiple tables. For this request template, you must specify the following:

  • The table names where to retrieve the items from

  • The keys of the items to retrieve from each table

The DynamoDB BatchGetItem limits apply and no condition expression can be provided.

The BatchGetItem mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version" : "2018-05-29", "operation" : "BatchGetItem", "tables" : { "table1": { "keys": [ ## Item to retrieve Key { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }, ## Item2 to retrieve Key { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value } ], "consistentRead": true|false, "projection" : { ... } }, "table2": { "keys": [ ## Item3 to retrieve Key { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }, ## Item4 to retrieve Key { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value } ], "consistentRead": true|false, "projection" : { ... } } } }

The fields are defined as follows:

BatchGetItem fields


The template definition version. Only 2018-05-29 is supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the BatchGetItem DynamoDB operation, this must be set to BatchGetItem. This value is required.


The DynamoDB tables to retrieve the items from. The value is a map where table names are specified as the keys of the map. At least one table must be provided. This tables value is required.


List of DynamoDB keys representing the primary key of the items to retrieve. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping).


Whether to use a consistent read when executing a GetItem operation. This value is optional and defaults to false.


A projection that's used to specify the attributes to return from the DynamoDB operation. For more information about projections, see Projections. This field is optional.

Things to remember:

  • If an item has not been retrieved from the table, a null element appears in the data block for that table.

  • Invocation results are sorted per table, based on the order in which they were provided inside the request mapping template.

  • Each Get command inside a BatchGetItem is atomic, however, a batch can be partially processed. If a batch is partially processed due to an error, the unprocessed keys are returned as part of the invocation result inside the unprocessedKeys block.

  • BatchGetItem is limited to 100 keys.

For the following example request mapping template:

{ "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "BatchGetItem", "tables": { "authors": [ { "author_id": { "S": "a1" } }, ], "posts": [ { "author_id": { "S": "a1" }, "post_id": { "S": "p2" } } ], } }

The invocation result available in $ctx.result is as follows:

{ "data": { "authors": [null], "posts": [ # Was retrieved { "author_id": "a1", "post_id": "p2", "post_title": "title", "post_description": "description", } ] }, "unprocessedKeys": { "authors": [ # This item was not processed due to an error { "author_id": "a1" } ], "posts": [] } }

The $ctx.error contains details about the error. The keys data, unprocessedKeys, and each table key that was provided in the request mapping template are guaranteed to be present in the invocation result. Items that have been deleted appear in the data block. Items that haven’t been processed are marked as null inside the data block and are placed inside the unprocessedKeys block.

For a more complete example, follow the DynamoDB Batch tutorial with AppSync here Tutorial: DynamoDB batch resolvers.


The BatchDeleteItem request mapping document lets you tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a BatchWriteItem request to DynamoDB to delete multiple items, potentially across multiple tables. For this request template, you must specify the following:

  • The table names where to delete the items from

  • The keys of the items to delete from each table

The DynamoDB BatchWriteItem limits apply and no condition expression can be provided.

The BatchDeleteItem mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version" : "2018-05-29", "operation" : "BatchDeleteItem", "tables" : { "table1": [ ## Item to delete Key { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }, ## Item2 to delete Key { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }], "table2": [ ## Item3 to delete Key { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }, ## Item4 to delete Key { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }], } }

The fields are defined as follows:

BatchDeleteItem fields


The template definition version. Only 2018-05-29 is supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the BatchDeleteItem DynamoDB operation, this must be set to BatchDeleteItem. This value is required.


The DynamoDB tables to delete the items from. Each table is a list of DynamoDB keys representing the primary key of the items to delete. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). At least one table must be provided. The tables value is required.

Things to remember:

  • Contrary to the DeleteItem operation, the fully deleted item isn’t returned in the response. Only the passed key is returned.

  • If an item has not been deleted from the table, a null element appears in the data block for that table.

  • Invocation results are sorted per table, based on the order in which they were provided inside the request mapping template.

  • Each Delete command inside a BatchDeleteItem is atomic. However a batch can be partially processed. If a batch is partially processed due to an error, the unprocessed keys are returned as part of the invocation result inside the unprocessedKeys block.

  • BatchDeleteItem is limited to 25 keys.

For the following example request mapping template:

{ "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "BatchDeleteItem", "tables": { "authors": [ { "author_id": { "S": "a1" } }, ], "posts": [ { "author_id": { "S": "a1" }, "post_id": { "S": "p2" } } ], } }

The invocation result available in $ctx.result is as follows:

{ "data": { "authors": [null], "posts": [ # Was deleted { "author_id": "a1", "post_id": "p2" } ] }, "unprocessedKeys": { "authors": [ # This key was not processed due to an error { "author_id": "a1" } ], "posts": [] } }

The $ctx.error contains details about the error. The keys data, unprocessedKeys, and each table key that was provided in the request mapping template are guaranteed to be present in the invocation result. Items that have been deleted are present in the data block. Items that haven’t been processed are marked as null inside the data block and are placed inside the unprocessedKeys block.

For a more complete example, follow the DynamoDB Batch tutorial with AppSync here Tutorial: DynamoDB batch resolvers.


The BatchPutItem request mapping document lets you tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a BatchWriteItem request to DynamoDB to put multiple items, potentially across multiple tables. For this request template, you must specify the following:

  • The table names where to put the items in

  • The full items to put in each table

The DynamoDB BatchWriteItem limits apply and no condition expression can be provided.

The BatchPutItem mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version" : "2018-05-29", "operation" : "BatchPutItem", "tables" : { "table1": [ ## Item to put { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }, ## Item2 to put { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }], "table2": [ ## Item3 to put { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }, ## Item4 to put { "foo" : ... typed value, "bar" : ... typed value }], } }

The fields are defined as follows:

BatchPutItem fields


The template definition version. Only 2018-05-29 is supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the BatchPutItem DynamoDB operation, this must be set to BatchPutItem. This value is required.


The DynamoDB tables to put the items in. Each table entry represents a list of DynamoDB items to insert for this specific table. At least one table must be provided. This value is required.

Things to remember:

  • The fully inserted items are returned in the response, if successful.

  • If an item hasn’t been inserted in the table, a null element is displayed in the data block for that table.

  • The inserted items are sorted per table, based on the order in which they were provided inside the request mapping template.

  • Each Put command inside a BatchPutItem is atomic, however, a batch can be partially processed. If a batch is partially processed due to an error, the unprocessed keys are returned as part of the invocation result inside the unprocessedKeys block.

  • BatchPutItem is limited to 25 items.

For the following example request mapping template:

{ "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "BatchPutItem", "tables": { "authors": [ { "author_id": { "S": "a1" }, "author_name": { "S": "a1_name" } }, ], "posts": [ { "author_id": { "S": "a1" }, "post_id": { "S": "p2" }, "post_title": { "S": "title" } } ], } }

The invocation result available in $ctx.result is as follows:

{ "data": { "authors": [ null ], "posts": [ # Was inserted { "author_id": "a1", "post_id": "p2", "post_title": "title" } ] }, "unprocessedItems": { "authors": [ # This item was not processed due to an error { "author_id": "a1", "author_name": "a1_name" } ], "posts": [] } }

The $ctx.error contains details about the error. The keys data, unprocessedItems, and each table key that was provided in the request mapping template are guaranteed to be present in the invocation result. Items that have been inserted are in the data block. Items that haven’t been processed are marked as null inside the data block and are placed inside the unprocessedItems block.

For a more complete example, follow the DynamoDB Batch tutorial with AppSync here Tutorial: DynamoDB batch resolvers.


The TransactGetItems request mapping document lets you to tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a TransactGetItems request to DynamoDB to retrieve multiple items, potentially across multiple tables. For this request template, you must specify the following:

  • The table name of each request item where to retrieve the item from

  • The key of each request item to retrieve from each table

The DynamoDB TransactGetItems limits apply and no condition expression can be provided.

The TransactGetItems mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "TransactGetItems", "transactItems": [ ## First request item { "table": "table1", "key": { "foo": ... typed value, "bar": ... typed value }, "projection" : { ... } }, ## Second request item { "table": "table2", "key": { "foo": ... typed value, "bar": ... typed value }, "projection" : { ... } } ] }

The fields are defined as follows:

TransactGetItems fields


The template definition version. Only 2018-05-29 is supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the TransactGetItems DynamoDB operation, this must be set to TransactGetItems. This value is required.


The request items to include. The value is an array of request items. At least one request item must be provided. This transactItems value is required.


The DynamoDB table to retrieve the item from. The value is a string of the table name. This table value is required.


The DynamoDB key representing the primary key of the item to retrieve. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping).


A projection that's used to specify the attributes to return from the DynamoDB operation. For more information about projections, see Projections. This field is optional.

Things to remember:

  • If a transaction succeeds, the order of retrieved items in the items block will be the same as the order of request items.

  • Transactions are performed in an all-or-nothing way. If any request item causes an error, the whole transaction will not be performed and error details will be returned.

  • A request item being unable to be retrieved is not an error. Instead, a null element appears in the items block in the corresponding position.

  • If the error of a transaction is TransactionCanceledException, the cancellationReasons block will be populated. The order of cancellation reasons in cancellationReasons block will be the same as the order of request items.

  • TransactGetItems is limited to 25 request items.

For the following example request mapping template:

{ "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "TransactGetItems", "transactItems": [ ## First request item { "table": "posts", "key": { "post_id": { "S": "p1" } } }, ## Second request item { "table": "authors", "key": { "author_id": { "S": a1 } } } ] }

If the transaction succeeds and only the first requested item is retrieved, the invocation result available in $ctx.result is as follows:

{ "items": [ { // Attributes of the first requested item "post_id": "p1", "post_title": "title", "post_description": "description" }, // Could not retrieve the second requested item null, ], "cancellationReasons": null }

If the transaction fails due to TransactionCanceledException caused by the first request item, the invocation result available in $ctx.result is as follows:

{ "items": null, "cancellationReasons": [ { "type":"Sample error type", "message":"Sample error message" }, { "type":"None", "message":"None" } ] }

The $ctx.error contains details about the error. The keys items and cancellationReasons are guaranteed to be present in $ctx.result.

For a more complete example, follow the DynamoDB Transaction tutorial with AppSync here Tutorial: DynamoDB transaction resolvers.


The TransactWriteItems request mapping document lets you tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a TransactWriteItems request to DynamoDB to write multiple items, potentially to multiple tables. For this request template, you must specify the following:

  • The destination table name of each request item

  • The operation of each request item to perform. There are four types of operations that are supported: PutItem, UpdateItem, DeleteItem, and ConditionCheck

  • The key of each request item to write

The DynamoDB TransactWriteItems limits apply.

The TransactWriteItems mapping document has the following structure:

{ "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "TransactWriteItems", "transactItems": [ { "table": "table1", "operation": "PutItem", "key": { "foo": ... typed value, "bar": ... typed value }, "attributeValues": { "baz": ... typed value }, "condition": { "expression": "someExpression", "expressionNames": { "#foo": "foo" }, "expressionValues": { ":bar": ... typed value }, "returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure": true|false } }, { "table":"table2", "operation": "UpdateItem", "key": { "foo": ... typed value, "bar": ... typed value }, "update": { "expression": "someExpression", "expressionNames": { "#foo": "foo" }, "expressionValues": { ":bar": ... typed value } }, "condition": { "expression": "someExpression", "expressionNames": { "#foo":"foo" }, "expressionValues": { ":bar": ... typed value }, "returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure": true|false } }, { "table": "table3", "operation": "DeleteItem", "key":{ "foo": ... typed value, "bar": ... typed value }, "condition":{ "expression": "someExpression", "expressionNames": { "#foo": "foo" }, "expressionValues": { ":bar": ... typed value }, "returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure": true|false } }, { "table": "table4", "operation": "ConditionCheck", "key":{ "foo": ... typed value, "bar": ... typed value }, "condition":{ "expression": "someExpression", "expressionNames": { "#foo": "foo" }, "expressionValues": { ":bar": ... typed value }, "returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure": true|false } } ] }

TransactWriteItems fields

The fields are defined as follows:

The template definition version. Only 2018-05-29 is supported. This value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the TransactWriteItems DynamoDB operation, this must be set to TransactWriteItems. This value is required.


The request items to include. The value is an array of request items. At least one request item must be provided. This transactItems value is required.

For PutItem, the fields are defined as follows:


The destination DynamoDB table. The value is a string of the table name. This table value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the PutItem DynamoDB operation, this must be set to PutItem. This value is required.


The DynamoDB key representing the primary key of the item to put. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This value is required.


The rest of the attributes of the item to be put into DynamoDB. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This field is optional.


A condition to determine if the request should succeed or not, based on the state of the object already in DynamoDB. If no condition is specified, the PutItem request overwrites any existing entry for that item. You can specify whether to retrieve the existing item back when condition check fails. For more information about transactional conditions, see Transaction condition expressions. This value is optional.

For UpdateItem, the fields are defined as follows:


The DynamoDB table to update. The value is a string of the table name. This table value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the UpdateItem DynamoDB operation, this must be set to UpdateItem. This value is required.


The DynamoDB key representing the primary key of the item to update. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This value is required.


The update section lets you specify an update expression that describes how to update the item in DynamoDB. For more information about how to write update expressions, see the DynamoDB UpdateExpressions documentation. This section is required.


A condition to determine if the request should succeed or not, based on the state of the object already in DynamoDB. If no condition is specified, the UpdateItem request updates the existing entry regardless of its current state. You can specify whether to retrieve the existing item back when condition check fails. For more information about transactional conditions, see Transaction condition expressions. This value is optional.

For DeleteItem, the fields are defined as follows:


The DynamoDB table in which to delete the item. The value is a string of the table name. This table value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the DeleteItem DynamoDB operation, this must be set to DeleteItem. This value is required.


The DynamoDB key representing the primary key of the item to delete. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This value is required.


A condition to determine if the request should succeed or not, based on the state of the object already in DynamoDB. If no condition is specified, the DeleteItem request deletes an item regardless of its current state. You can specify whether to retrieve the existing item back when condition check fails. For more information about transactional conditions, see Transaction condition expressions. This value is optional.

For ConditionCheck, the fields are defined as follows:


The DynamoDB table in which to check the condition. The value is a string of the table name. This table value is required.


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the ConditionCheck DynamoDB operation, this must be set to ConditionCheck. This value is required.


The DynamoDB key representing the primary key of the item to condition check. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping). This value is required.


A condition to determine if the request should succeed or not, based on the state of the object already in DynamoDB. You can specify whether to retrieve the existing item back when condition check fails. For more information about transactional conditions, see Transaction condition expressions. This value is required.

Things to remember:

  • Only keys of request items are returned in the response, if successful. The order of keys will be the same as the order of request items.

  • Transactions are performed in an all-or-nothing way. If any request item causes an error, the whole transaction will not be performed and error details will be returned.

  • No two request items can target the same item. Otherwise they will cause TransactionCanceledException error.

  • If the error of a transaction is TransactionCanceledException, the cancellationReasons block will be populated. If a request item’s condition check fails and you did not specify returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure to be false, the item existing in the table will be retrieved and stored in item at the corresponding position of cancellationReasons block.

  • TransactWriteItems is limited to 25 request items.

For the following example request mapping template:

{ "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "TransactWriteItems", "transactItems": [ { "table": "posts", "operation": "PutItem", "key": { "post_id": { "S": "p1" } }, "attributeValues": { "post_title": { "S": "New title" }, "post_description": { "S": "New description" } }, "condition": { "expression": "post_title = :post_title", "expressionValues": { ":post_title": { "S": "Expected old title" } } } }, { "table":"authors", "operation": "UpdateItem", "key": { "author_id": { "S": "a1" }, }, "update": { "expression": "SET author_name = :author_name", "expressionValues": { ":author_name": { "S": "New name" } } }, } ] }

If the transaction succeeds, the invocation result available in $ctx.result is as follows:

{ "keys": [ // Key of the PutItem request { "post_id": "p1", }, // Key of the UpdateItem request { "author_id": "a1" } ], "cancellationReasons": null }

If the transaction fails due to condition check failure of the PutItem request, the invocation result available in $ctx.result is as follows:

{ "keys": null, "cancellationReasons": [ { "item": { "post_id": "p1", "post_title": "Actual old title", "post_description": "Old description" }, "type": "ConditionCheckFailed", "message": "The condition check failed." }, { "type": "None", "message": "None" } ] }

The $ctx.error contains details about the error. The keys keys and cancellationReasons are guaranteed to be present in $ctx.result.

For a more complete example, follow the DynamoDB Transaction tutorial with AppSync here Tutorial: DynamoDB transaction resolvers.

Type system (request mapping)

When using the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to call your DynamoDB tables, Amazon AppSync needs to know the type of each value to use in that call. This is because DynamoDB supports more type primitives than GraphQL or JSON (such as sets and binary data). Amazon AppSync needs some hints when translating between GraphQL and DynamoDB, otherwise it would have to make some assumptions on how data is structured in your table.

For more information about DynamoDB data types, see the DynamoDB Data type descriptors and Data types documentation.

A DynamoDB value is represented by a JSON object containing a single key-value pair. The key specifies the DynamoDB type, and the value specifies the value itself. In the following example, the key S denotes that the value is a string, and the value identifier is the string value itself.

{ "S" : "identifier" }

Note that the JSON object cannot have more than one key-value pair. If more than one key-value pair is specified, the request mapping document isn’t parsed.

A DynamoDB value is used anywhere in a request mapping document where you need to specify a value. Some places where you need to do this include: key and attributeValue sections, and the expressionValues section of expression sections. In the following example, the DynamoDB String value identifier is being assigned to the id field in a key section (perhaps in a GetItem request mapping document).

"key" : { "id" : { "S" : "identifier" } }

Supported Types

Amazon AppSync supports the following DynamoDB scalar, document, and set types:

String type S

A single string value. A DynamoDB String value is denoted by:

{ "S" : "some string" }

An example usage is:

"key" : { "id" : { "S" : "some string" } }
String set type SS

A set of string values. A DynamoDB String Set value is denoted by:

{ "SS" : [ "first value", "second value", ... ] }

An example usage is:

"attributeValues" : { "phoneNumbers" : { "SS" : [ "+1 555 123 4567", "+1 555 234 5678" ] } }
Number type N

A single numeric value. A DynamoDB Number value is denoted by:

{ "N" : 1234 }

An example usage is:

"expressionValues" : { ":expectedVersion" : { "N" : 1 } }
Number set type NS

A set of number values. A DynamoDB Number Set value is denoted by:

{ "NS" : [ 1, 2.3, 4 ... ] }

An example usage is:

"attributeValues" : { "sensorReadings" : { "NS" : [ 67.8, 12.2, 70 ] } }
Binary type B

A binary value. A DynamoDB Binary value is denoted by:

{ "B" : "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=" }

Note that the value is actually a string, where the string is the base64-encoded representation of the binary data. Amazon AppSync decodes this string back into its binary value before sending it to DynamoDB. Amazon AppSync uses the base64 decoding scheme as defined by RFC 2045: any character that isn’t in the base64 alphabet is ignored.

An example usage is:

"attributeValues" : { "binaryMessage" : { "B" : "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=" } }
Binary set type BS

A set of binary values. A DynamoDB Binary Set value is denoted by:

{ "BS" : [ "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=", "SG93IGFyZSB5b3U/Cg==" ... ] }

Note that the value is actually a string, where the string is the base64-encoded representation of the binary data. Amazon AppSync decodes this string back into its binary value before sending it to DynamoDB. Amazon AppSync uses the base64 decoding scheme as defined by RFC 2045: any character that is not in the base64 alphabet is ignored.

An example usage is:

"attributeValues" : { "binaryMessages" : { "BS" : [ "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=", "SG93IGFyZSB5b3U/Cg==" ] } }
Boolean type BOOL

A Boolean value. A DynamoDB Boolean value is denoted by:

{ "BOOL" : true }

Note that only true and false are valid values.

An example usage is:

"attributeValues" : { "orderComplete" : { "BOOL" : false } }
List type L

A list of any other supported DynamoDB value. A DynamoDB List value is denoted by:

{ "L" : [ ... ] }

Note that the value is a compound value, where the list can contain zero or more of any supported DynamoDB value (including other lists). The list can also contain a mix of different types.

An example usage is:

{ "L" : [ { "S" : "A string value" }, { "N" : 1 }, { "SS" : [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ] } ] }
Map type M

Representing an unordered collection of key-value pairs of other supported DynamoDB values. A DynamoDB Map value is denoted by:

{ "M" : { ... } }

Note that a map can contain zero or more key-value pairs. The key must be a string, and the value can be any supported DynamoDB value (including other maps). The map can also contain a mix of different types.

An example usage is:

{ "M" : { "someString" : { "S" : "A string value" }, "someNumber" : { "N" : 1 }, "stringSet" : { "SS" : [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ] } } }
Null type NULL

A null value. A DynamoDB Null value is denoted by:

{ "NULL" : null }

An example usage is:

"attributeValues" : { "phoneNumbers" : { "NULL" : null } }

For more information about each type, see the DynamoDB documentation .

Type system (response mapping)

When receiving a response from DynamoDB, Amazon AppSync automatically converts it into GraphQL and JSON primitive types. Each attribute in DynamoDB is decoded and returned in the response mapping context.

For example, if DynamoDB returns the following:

{ "id" : { "S" : "1234" }, "name" : { "S" : "Nadia" }, "age" : { "N" : 25 } }

Then the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver converts it into GraphQL and JSON types as:

{ "id" : "1234", "name" : "Nadia", "age" : 25 }

This section explains how Amazon AppSync converts the following DynamoDB scalar, document, and set types:

String type S

A single string value. A DynamoDB String value is returned as a string.

For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB String value:

{ "S" : "some string" }

Amazon AppSync converts it to a string:

"some string"
String set type SS

A set of string values. A DynamoDB String Set value is returned as a list of strings.

For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB String Set value:

{ "SS" : [ "first value", "second value", ... ] }

Amazon AppSync converts it to a list of strings:

[ "+1 555 123 4567", "+1 555 234 5678" ]
Number type N

A single numeric value. A DynamoDB Number value is returned as a number.

For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Number value:

{ "N" : 1234 }

Amazon AppSync converts it to a number:

Number set type NS

A set of number values. A DynamoDB Number Set value is returned as a list of numbers.

For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Number Set value:

{ "NS" : [ 67.8, 12.2, 70 ] }

Amazon AppSync converts it to a list of numbers:

[ 67.8, 12.2, 70 ]
Binary type B

A binary value. A DynamoDB Binary value is returned as a string containing the base64 representation of that value.

For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Binary value:

{ "B" : "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=" }

Amazon AppSync converts it to a string containing the base64 representation of the value:


Note that the binary data is encoded in the base64 encoding scheme as specified in RFC 4648 and RFC 2045.

Binary set type BS

A set of binary values. A DynamoDB Binary Set value is returned as a list of strings containing the base64 representation of the values.

For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Binary Set value:

{ "BS" : [ "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=", "SG93IGFyZSB5b3U/Cg==" ... ] }

Amazon AppSync converts it to a list of strings containing the base64 representation of the values:

[ "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=", "SG93IGFyZSB5b3U/Cg==" ... ]

Note that the binary data is encoded in the base64 encoding scheme as specified in RFC 4648 and RFC 2045.

Boolean type BOOL

A Boolean value. A DynamoDB Boolean value is returned as a Boolean.

For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Boolean value:

{ "BOOL" : true }

Amazon AppSync converts it to a Boolean:

List type L

A list of any other supported DynamoDB value. A DynamoDB List value is returned as a list of values, where each inner value is also converted.

For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB List value:

{ "L" : [ { "S" : "A string value" }, { "N" : 1 }, { "SS" : [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ] } ] }

Amazon AppSync converts it to a list of converted values:

[ "A string value", 1, [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ] ]
Map type M

A key/value collection of any other supported DynamoDB value. A DynamoDB Map value is returned as a JSON object, where each key/value is also converted.

For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Map value:

{ "M" : { "someString" : { "S" : "A string value" }, "someNumber" : { "N" : 1 }, "stringSet" : { "SS" : [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ] } } }

Amazon AppSync converts it to a JSON object:

{ "someString" : "A string value", "someNumber" : 1, "stringSet" : [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ] }
Null type NULL

A null value.

For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Null value:

{ "NULL" : null }

Amazon AppSync converts it to a null:



When querying objects in DynamoDB using the Query and Scan operations, you can optionally specify a filter that evaluates the results and returns only the desired values.

The filter mapping section of a Query or Scan mapping document has the following structure:

"filter" : { "expression" : "filter expression" "expressionNames" : { "#name" : "name", }, "expressionValues" : { ":value" : ... typed value }, }

The fields are defined as follows:


The query expression. For more information about how to write filter expressions, see the DynamoDB QueryFilter and DynamoDB ScanFilter documentation. This field must be specified.


The substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The key corresponds to a name placeholder used in the expression. The value must be a string that corresponds to the attribute name of the item in DynamoDB. This field is optional, and should only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders used in the expression.


The substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The key corresponds to a value placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a typed value. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type System (Request Mapping). This must be specified. This field is optional, and should only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders used in the expression.


The following example is a filter section for a mapping template, where entries retrieved from DynamoDB are only returned if the title starts with the title argument.

"filter" : { "expression" : "begins_with(#title, :title)", "expressionNames" : { "#title" : "title" }, "expressionValues" : { ":title" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($context.arguments.title) } }

Condition expressions

When you mutate objects in DynamoDB by using the PutItem, UpdateItem, and DeleteItem DynamoDB operations, you can optionally specify a condition expression that controls whether the request should succeed or not, based on the state of the object already in DynamoDB before the operation is performed.

The Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver allows a condition expression to be specified in PutItem, UpdateItem, and DeleteItem request mapping documents, and also a strategy to follow if the condition fails and the object was not updated.

Example 1

The following PutItem mapping document doesn’t have a condition expression. As a result, it puts an item in DynamoDB even if an item with the same key already exists, thereby overwriting the existing item.

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "PutItem", "key" : { "id" : { "S" : "1" } } }

Example 2

The following PutItem mapping document does have a condition expression that allows the operation succeed only if an item with the same key does not exist in DynamoDB.

{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "PutItem", "key" : { "id" : { "S" : "1" } }, "condition" : { "expression" : "attribute_not_exists(id)" } }

By default, if the condition check fails, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver returns an error for the mutation and the current value of the object in DynamoDB in a data field in the error section of the GraphQL response. However, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver offers some additional features to help developers handle some common edge cases:

  • If Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver can determine that the current value in DynamoDB matches the desired result, it treats the operation as if it succeeded anyway.

  • Instead of returning an error, you can configure the resolver to invoke a custom Lambda function to decide how the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver should handle the failure.

These are described in greater detail in the Handling a Condition Check Failure section.

For more information about DynamoDB conditions expressions, see the DynamoDB ConditionExpressions documentation .

Specifying a condition

The PutItem, UpdateItem, and DeleteItem request mapping documents all allow an optional condition section to be specified. If omitted, no condition check is made. If specified, the condition must be true for the operation to succeed.

A condition section has the following structure:

"condition" : { "expression" : "someExpression" "expressionNames" : { "#foo" : "foo" }, "expressionValues" : { ":bar" : ... typed value }, "equalsIgnore" : [ "version" ], "consistentRead" : true, "conditionalCheckFailedHandler" : { "strategy" : "Custom", "lambdaArn" : "arn:..." } }

The following fields specify the condition:


The update expression itself. For more information about how to write condition expressions, see the DynamoDB ConditionExpressions documentation . This field must be specified.


The substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The key corresponds to a name placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a string corresponding to the attribute name of the item in DynamoDB. This field is optional, and should only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders used in the expression.


The substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The key corresponds to a value placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a typed value. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type System (Request Mapping). This must be specified. This field is optional, and should only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders used in the expression.

The remaining fields tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver how to handle a condition check failure:


When a condition check fails when using the PutItem operation, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver compares the item currently in DynamoDB against the item it tried to write. If they are the same, it treats the operation as it if succeeded anyway. You can use the equalsIgnore field to specify a list of attributes that Amazon AppSync should ignore when performing that comparison. For example, if the only difference was a version attribute, it treats the operation as if it succeeded. This field is optional.


When a condition check fails, Amazon AppSync gets the current value of the item from DynamoDB using a strongly consistent read. You can use this field to tell the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to use an eventually consistent read instead. This field is optional, and defaults to true.


This section allows you to specify how the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver treats a condition check failure after it has compared the current value in DynamoDB against the expected result. This section is optional. If omitted, it defaults to a strategy of Reject.


The strategy the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver takes after it has compared the current value in DynamoDB against the expected result. This field is required and has the following possible values:


The mutation fails, and an error for the mutation and the current value of the object in DynamoDB in a data field in the error section of the GraphQL response.


The Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver invokes a custom Lambda function to decide how to handle the condition check failure. When the strategy is set to Custom, the lambdaArn field must contain the ARN of the Lambda function to invoke.


The ARN of the Lambda function to invoke that determines how the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver should handle the condition check failure. This field must only be specified when strategy is set to Custom. For more information about how to use this feature, see Handling a Condition Check Failure.

Handling a condition check failure

By default, when a condition check fails, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver returns an error for the mutation and the current value of the object in DynamoDB in a data field in the error section of the GraphQL response. However, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver offers some additional features to help developers handle some common edge cases:

  • If Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver can determine that the current value in DynamoDB matches the desired result, it treats the operation as if it succeeded anyway.

  • Instead of returning an error, you can configure the resolver to invoke a custom Lambda function to decide how the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver should handle the failure.

The flowchart for this process is:

Checking for the desired result

When the condition check fails, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver performs a GetItem DynamoDB request to get the current value of the item from DynamoDB. By default, it uses a strongly consistent read, however this can be configured using the consistentRead field in the condition block and compare it against the expected result:

  • For the PutItem operation, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver compares the current value against the one it attempted to write, excluding any attributes listed in equalsIgnore from the comparison. If the items are the same, it treats the operation as successful and returns the item that was retrieved from DynamoDB. Otherwise, it follows the configured strategy.

    For example, if the PutItem request mapping document looked like the following:

    { "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "PutItem", "key" : { "id" : { "S" : "1" } }, "attributeValues" : { "name" : { "S" : "Steve" }, "version" : { "N" : 2 } }, "condition" : { "expression" : "version = :expectedVersion", "expressionValues" : { ":expectedVersion" : { "N" : 1 } }, "equalsIgnore": [ "version" ] } }

    And the item currently in DynamoDB looked like the following:

    { "id" : { "S" : "1" }, "name" : { "S" : "Steve" }, "version" : { "N" : 8 } }

    The Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver would compare the item it tried to write against the current value, see that the only difference was the version field, but because it’s configured to ignore the version field, it treats the operation as successful and returns the item that was retrieved from DynamoDB.

  • For the DeleteItem operation, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver checks to verify that an item was returned from DynamoDB. If no item was returned, it treats the operation as successful. Otherwise, it follows the configured strategy.

  • For the UpdateItem operation, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver does not have enough information to determine if the item currently in DynamoDB matches the expected result, and therefore follows the configured strategy.

If the current state of the object in DynamoDB is different from the expected result, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver follows the configured strategy, to either reject the mutation or invoke a Lambda function to determine what to do next.

Following the “reject” strategy

When following the Reject strategy, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver returns an error for the mutation, and the current value of the object in DynamoDB is also returned in a data field in the error section of the GraphQL response. The item returned from DynamoDB is put through the response mapping template to translate it into a format the client expects, and it is filtered by the selection set.

For example, given the following mutation request:

mutation { updatePerson(id: 1, name: "Steve", expectedVersion: 1) { Name theVersion } }

If the item returned from DynamoDB looks like the following:

{ "id" : { "S" : "1" }, "name" : { "S" : "Steve" }, "version" : { "N" : 8 } }

And the response mapping template looks like the following:

{ "id" : $util.toJson($, "Name" : $util.toJson($, "theVersion" : $util.toJson($context.result.version) }

The GraphQL response looks like the following:

{ "data": null, "errors": [ { "message": "The conditional request failed (Service: AmazonDynamoDBv2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ConditionalCheckFailedException; Request ID: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ)" "errorType": "DynamoDB:ConditionalCheckFailedException", "data": { "Name": "Steve", "theVersion": 8 }, ... } ] }

Also, if any fields in the returned object are filled by other resolvers and the mutation had succeeded, they won’t be resolved when the object is returned in the error section.

Following the “custom” strategy

When following the Custom strategy, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver invokes a Lambda function to decide what to do next. The Lambda function chooses one of the following options:

  • reject the mutation. This tells the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to behave as if the configured strategy was Reject, returning an error for the mutation and the current value of the object in DynamoDB as described in the previous section.

  • discard the mutation. This tells the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to silently ignore the condition check failure and returns the value in DynamoDB.

  • retry the mutation. This tells the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to retry the mutation with a new request mapping document.

The Lambda invocation request

The Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver invokes the Lambda function specified in the lambdaArn. It uses the same service-role-arn configured on the data source. The payload of the invocation has the following structure:

{ "arguments": { ... }, "requestMapping": {... }, "currentValue": { ... }, "resolver": { ... }, "identity": { ... } }

The fields are defined as follows:


The arguments from the GraphQL mutation. This is the same as the arguments available to the request mapping document in $context.arguments.


The request mapping document for this operation.


The current value of the object in DynamoDB.


Information about the Amazon AppSync resolver.


Information about the caller. This is the same as the identity information available to the request mapping document in $context.identity.

A full example of the payload:

{ "arguments": { "id": "1", "name": "Steve", "expectedVersion": 1 }, "requestMapping": { "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "PutItem", "key" : { "id" : { "S" : "1" } }, "attributeValues" : { "name" : { "S" : "Steve" }, "version" : { "N" : 2 } }, "condition" : { "expression" : "version = :expectedVersion", "expressionValues" : { ":expectedVersion" : { "N" : 1 } }, "equalsIgnore": [ "version" ] } }, "currentValue": { "id" : { "S" : "1" }, "name" : { "S" : "Steve" }, "version" : { "N" : 8 } }, "resolver": { "tableName": "People", "awsRegion": "us-west-2", "parentType": "Mutation", "field": "updatePerson", "outputType": "Person" }, "identity": { "accountId": "123456789012", "sourceIp": "x.x.x.x", "user": "AIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "userArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/appsync" } }

The Lambda Invocation Response

The Lambda function can inspect the invocation payload and apply any business logic to decide how the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver should handle the failure. There are three options for handling the condition check failure:

  • reject the mutation. The response payload for this option must have this structure:

    { "action": "reject" }

    This tells the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to behave as if the configured strategy was Reject, returning an error for the mutation and the current value of the object in DynamoDB, as described in the section above.

  • discard the mutation. The response payload for this option must have this structure:

    { "action": "discard" }

    This tells the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to silently ignore the condition check failure and returns the value in DynamoDB.

  • retry the mutation. The response payload for this option must have this structure:

    { "action": "retry", "retryMapping": { ... } }

    This tells the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver to retry the mutation with a new request mapping document. The structure of the retryMapping section depends on the DynamoDB operation, and is a subset of the full request mapping document for that operation.

    For PutItem, the retryMapping section has the following structure. For a description of the attributeValues field, see PutItem.

    { "attributeValues": { ... }, "condition": { "equalsIgnore" = [ ... ], "consistentRead" = true } }

    For UpdateItem, the retryMapping section has the following structure. For a description of the update section, see UpdateItem.

    { "update" : { "expression" : "someExpression" "expressionNames" : { "#foo" : "foo" }, "expressionValues" : { ":bar" : ... typed value } }, "condition": { "consistentRead" = true } }

    For DeleteItem, the retryMapping section has the following structure.

    { "condition": { "consistentRead" = true } }

    There is no way to specify a different operation or key to work on. The Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver only allows retries of the same operation on the same object. Also, the condition section doesn’t allow a conditionalCheckFailedHandler to be specified. If the retry fails, the Amazon AppSync DynamoDB resolver follows the Reject strategy.

Here is an example Lambda function to deal with a failed PutItem request. The business logic looks at who made the call. If it was made by jeffTheAdmin, it retries the request, updating the version and expectedVersion from the item currently in DynamoDB. Otherwise, it rejects the mutation.

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => { console.log("Event: "+ JSON.stringify(event)); // Business logic goes here. var response; if ( event.identity.user == "jeffTheAdmin" ) { response = { "action" : "retry", "retryMapping" : { "attributeValues" : event.requestMapping.attributeValues, "condition" : { "expression" : event.requestMapping.condition.expression, "expressionValues" : event.requestMapping.condition.expressionValues } } } response.retryMapping.attributeValues.version = { "N" : event.currentValue.version.N + 1 } response.retryMapping.condition.expressionValues[':expectedVersion'] = event.currentValue.version } else { response = { "action" : "reject" } } console.log("Response: "+ JSON.stringify(response)) callback(null, response) };

Transaction condition expressions

Transaction condition expressions are available in request mapping templates of all four types of operations in TransactWriteItems, namely, PutItem, DeleteItem, UpdateItem, and ConditionCheck.

For PutItem, DeleteItem, and UpdateItem, the transaction condition expression is optional. For ConditionCheck, the transaction condition expression is required.

Example 1

The following transactional DeleteItem mapping document does not have a condition expression. As a result, it deletes the item in DynamoDB.

{ "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "TransactWriteItems", "transactItems": [ { "table": "posts", "operation": "DeleteItem", "key": { "id": { "S" : "1" } } } ] }

Example 2

The following transactional DeleteItem mapping document does have a transaction condition expression that allows the operation succeed only if the author of that post equals a certain name.

{ "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "TransactWriteItems", "transactItems": [ { "table": "posts", "operation": "DeleteItem", "key": { "id": { "S" : "1" } } "condition": { "expression": "author = :author", "expressionValues": { ":author": { "S" : "Chunyan" } } } } ] }

If the condition check fails, it will cause TransactionCanceledException and the error detail will be returned in $ctx.result.cancellationReasons. Note that by default, the old item in DynamoDB that made condition check fail will be returned in $ctx.result.cancellationReasons.

Specifying a condition

The PutItem, UpdateItem, and DeleteItem request mapping documents all allow an optional condition section to be specified. If omitted, no condition check is made. If specified, the condition must be true for the operation to succeed. The ConditionCheck must have a condition section to be specified. The condition must be true for the whole transaction to succeed.

A condition section has the following structure:

"condition": { "expression": "someExpression", "expressionNames": { "#foo": "foo" }, "expressionValues": { ":bar": ... typed value }, "returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure": false }

The following fields specify the condition:


The update expression itself. For more information about how to write condition expressions, see the DynamoDB ConditionExpressions documentation . This field must be specified.


The substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The key corresponds to a name placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a string corresponding to the attribute name of the item in DynamoDB. This field is optional, and should only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders used in the expression.


The substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The key corresponds to a value placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a typed value. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type System (request mapping). This must be specified. This field is optional, and should only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders used in the expression.


Specify whether to retrieve the item in DynamoDB back when a condition check fails. The retrieved item will be in $ctx.result.cancellationReasons[$index].item, where $index is the index of the request item that failed the condition check. This value defaults to true.


When reading objects in DynamoDB using the GetItem, Scan, Query, BatchGetItem, and TransactGetItems operations, you can optionally specify a projection that identifies the attributes that you want. The projection has the following structure, which is similar to filters:

"projection" : { "expression" : "projection expression" "expressionNames" : { "#name" : "name", } }

The fields are defined as follows:


The projection expression, which is a string. To retrieve a single attribute, specify its name. For multiple attributes, the names must be comma-separated values. For more information on writing projection expressions, see the DynamoDB projection expressions documentation. This field is required.


The substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders in the form of key-value pairs. The key corresponds to a name placeholder used in the expression. The value must be a string that corresponds to the attribute name of the item in DynamoDB. This field is optional and should only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders used in the expression. For more information about expressionNames, see the DynamoDB documentation.

Example 1

The following example is a projection section for a VTL mapping template in which only the attributes author and id are returned from DynamoDB:

"projection" : { "expression" : "#author, id", "expressionNames" : { "#author" : "author" } }

You can access your GraphQL request selection set using $ This field allows you to frame your projection expression dynamically according to your requirements.


While using projection expressions with the Query and Scan operations, the value for select must be SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES. For more information, see the DynamoDB documentation.