Supported runtime features - Amazon AppSync
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Supported runtime features

The sections below describe the supported feature set of the APPSYNC_JS runtime.

Core features

The following core features are supported.


The following types are supported:

  • numbers

  • strings

  • booleans

  • objects

  • arrays

  • functions


Operators are supported, including:

  • standard math operators (+, -, /, %, *, etc.)

  • nullish coalescing operator (??)

  • Optional chaining (?.)

  • bitwise operators

  • void and typeof operators

The following operators are not supported:

  • unary operators (++, --, and ~)

  • in operator


    Use the Object.hasOwn operator to check if the specified property is in the specified object.


The following statements are supported:

  • const

  • let

  • var

  • break

  • else

  • for-in

  • for-of

  • if

  • return

  • switch

  • spread syntax

The following are not supported:

  • catch

  • continue

  • do-while

  • finally

  • for(initialization; condition; afterthought)


    The exceptions are for-in and for-of expressions, which are supported.

  • throw

  • try

  • while

  • labeled statements


The following ES 6 template literals are supported:

  • Multi-line strings

  • Expression interpolation

  • Nesting templates


The following function syntax is supported:

  • Function declarations are supported.

  • ES 6 arrow functions are supported.

  • ES 6 rest parameter syntax is supported.

Strict mode

Functions operate in strict mode by default, so you don’t need to add a use_strict statement in your function code. This cannot be changed.

Primitive objects

The following primitive objects of ES and their functions are supported.


The following objects are supported:

  • Object.assign()

  • Object.entries()

  • Object.hasOwn()

  • Object.keys()

  • Object.values()

  • delete


The following strings are supported:

  • String.prototype.length()

  • String.prototype.charAt()

  • String.prototype.concat()

  • String.prototype.endsWith()

  • String.prototype.indexOf()

  • String.prototype.lastIndexOf()

  • String.raw()

  • String.prototype.replace()


    Regular expressions are not supported.

  • String.prototype.replaceAll()


    Regular expressions are not supported.

  • String.prototype.slice()

  • String.prototype.split()

  • String.prototype.startsWith()

  • String.prototype.toLowerCase()

  • String.prototype.toUpperCase()

  • String.prototype.trim()

  • String.prototype.trimEnd()

  • String.prototype.trimStart()


The following numbers are supported:

  • Number.isFinite

  • Number.isNaN

Built-in objects and functions

The following functions and objects are supported.


The following math functions are supported:

  • Math.random()

  • Math.min()

  • Math.max()

  • Math.round()

  • Math.floor()

  • Math.ceil()


The following array methods are supported:

  • Array.prototype.length

  • Array.prototype.concat()

  • Array.prototype.fill()

  • Array.prototype.flat()

  • Array.prototype.indexOf()

  • Array.prototype.join()

  • Array.prototype.lastIndexOf()

  • Array.prototype.pop()

  • Array.prototype.push()

  • Array.prototype.reverse()

  • Array.prototype.shift()

  • Array.prototype.slice()

  • Array.prototype.sort()


    Array.prototype.sort() doesn't support arguments.

  • Array.prototype.splice()

  • Array.prototype.unshift()

  • Array.prototype.forEach()


  • Array.prototype.flatMap()

  • Array.prototype.filter()

  • Array.prototype.reduce()

  • Array.prototype.reduceRight()

  • Array.prototype.find()

  • Array.prototype.some()

  • Array.prototype.every()

  • Array.prototype.findIndex()

  • Array.prototype.findLast()

  • Array.prototype.findLastIndex()

  • delete


The console object is available for debugging. During live query execution, console log/error statements are sent to Amazon CloudWatch Logs (if logging is enabled). During code evaluation with evaluateCode, log statements are returned in the command response.

  • console.error()

  • console.log()

  • The apply, bind, and call methods not are supported.

  • Function constructors are not supported.

  • Passing a function as an argument is not supported.

  • Recursive function calls are not supported.


The following JSON methods are supported:

  • JSON.parse()


    Returns a blank string if the parsed string is not valid JSON.

  • JSON.stringify()


Async processes are not supported, and promises are not supported.


Network and file system access is not supported within the APPSYNC_JS runtime in Amazon AppSync. Amazon AppSync handles all I/O operations based on the requests made by the Amazon AppSync resolver or Amazon AppSync function.


The following global constants are supported:

Error types

Throwing errors with throw is not supported. You can return an error by using util.error() function. You can include an error in your GraphQL response by using the util.appendError function.

For more information, see Error utils.