Tutorial: Using DynamoDB batch operations in Amazon AppSync - Amazon AppSync
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Tutorial: Using DynamoDB batch operations in Amazon AppSync

Amazon AppSync supports using Amazon DynamoDB batch operations across one or more tables in a single Region. Supported operations are BatchGetItem, BatchPutItem, and BatchDeleteItem. By using these features in Amazon AppSync, you can perform tasks such as:

  • Passing a list of keys in a single query and returning the results from a table

  • Reading records from one or more tables in a single query

  • Writing records in bulk to one or more tables

  • Conditionally writing or deleting records in multiple tables that might have a relation

Batch operations in Amazon AppSync have two key differences from non-batched operations:

  • The data source role must have permissions to all tables that the resolver will access.

  • The table specification for a resolver is part of the request object.

Single table batches

To get started, let’s create a new GraphQL API. In the Amazon AppSync console, choose Create API, GraphQL APIs, and Design from scratch. Name your API BatchTutorial API, choose Next, and on the Specify GraphQL resources step, choose Create GraphQL resources later and click Next. Review your details and create the API. Go to the Schema page and paste the following schema, noting that for the query, we’ll pass in a list of IDs:

type Post { id: ID! title: String } input PostInput { id: ID! title: String } type Query { batchGet(ids: [ID]): [Post] } type Mutation { batchAdd(posts: [PostInput]): [Post] batchDelete(ids: [ID]): [Post] }

Save your schema and choose Create Resources at the top of the page. Choose Use existing type and select the Post type. Name your table Posts. Make sure the Primary Key is set to id, unselect Automatically generate GraphQL (you’ll provide your own code), and select Create. To get you started, Amazon AppSync creates a new DynamoDB table and a data source connected to the table with the appropriate roles. However, there are still a couple of permissions you need to add to the role. Go to the Data sources page and choose the new data source. Under Select an existing role, you'll notice that a role was automatically created for the table. Take note of the role (should look something like appsync-ds-ddb-aaabbbcccddd-Posts) and then go to the IAM console (https://console.amazonaws.cn/iam/). In the IAM console, choose Roles, then choose your role from the table. In your role, under Permissions policies, click on the "+" next to the policy (should have a similar name to the role name). Choose Edit at the top of the collapsible when the policy appears. You need to add batch permissions to your policy, specifically dynamodb:BatchGetItem and dynamodb:BatchWriteItem. It'll look something like this:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "dynamodb:DeleteItem", "dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:Query", "dynamodb:Scan", "dynamodb:UpdateItem", "dynamodb:BatchWriteItem", "dynamodb:BatchGetItem" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:dynamodb:…", "arn:aws:dynamodb:…" ] } ] }

Choose Next, then Save changes. Your policy should allow batch processing now.

Back in the Amazon AppSync console, go to the Schema page and select Attach next to the Mutation.batchAdd field. Create your resolver using the Posts table as the data source. In the code editor, replace the handlers with the snippet below. This snippet automatically takes each item in the GraphQL input PostInput type and builds a map, which is needed for the BatchPutItem operation:

import { util } from "@aws-appsync/utils"; export function request(ctx) { return { operation: "BatchPutItem", tables: { Posts: ctx.args.posts.map((post) => util.dynamodb.toMapValues(post)), }, }; } export function response(ctx) { if (ctx.error) { util.error(ctx.error.message, ctx.error.type); } return ctx.result.data.Posts; }

Navigate to the Queries page of the Amazon AppSync console and run the following batchAdd mutation:

mutation add { batchAdd(posts:[{ id: 1 title: "Running in the Park"},{ id: 2 title: "Playing fetch" }]){ id title } }

You should see the results printed on the screen; this can be validated by reviewing the DynamoDB console to scan for the values written to the Posts table.

Next, repeat the process of attaching a resolver but for the Query.batchGet field using the Posts table as the data source. Replace the handlers with the code below. This automatically takes each item in the GraphQL ids:[] type and builds a map that is needed for the BatchGetItem operation:

import { util } from "@aws-appsync/utils"; export function request(ctx) { return { operation: "BatchGetItem", tables: { Posts: { keys: ctx.args.ids.map((id) => util.dynamodb.toMapValues({ id })), consistentRead: true, }, }, }; } export function response(ctx) { if (ctx.error) { util.error(ctx.error.message, ctx.error.type); } return ctx.result.data.Posts; }

Now, go back to the Queries page of the Amazon AppSync console and run the following batchGet query:

query get { batchGet(ids:[1,2,3]){ id title } }

This should return the results for the two id values that you added earlier. Note that a null value was returned for the id with a value of 3. This is because there was no record in your Posts table with that value yet. Also note that Amazon AppSync returns the results in the same order as the keys passed to the query, which is an additional feature that Amazon AppSync performs on your behalf. So, if you switch to batchGet(ids:[1,3,2]), you’ll see that the order changed. You’ll also know which id returned a null value.

Finally, attach one more resolver to the Mutation.batchDelete field using the Posts table as the data source. Replace the handlers with the code below. This automatically takes each item in the GraphQL ids:[] type and builds a map that is needed for the BatchGetItem operation:

import { util } from "@aws-appsync/utils"; export function request(ctx) { return { operation: "BatchDeleteItem", tables: { Posts: ctx.args.ids.map((id) => util.dynamodb.toMapValues({ id })), }, }; } export function response(ctx) { if (ctx.error) { util.error(ctx.error.message, ctx.error.type); } return ctx.result.data.Posts; }

Now, go back to the Queries page of the Amazon AppSync console and run the following batchDelete mutation:

mutation delete { batchDelete(ids:[1,2]){ id } }

The records with id 1 and 2 should now be deleted. If you re-run the batchGet() query from earlier, these should return null.

Multi-table batch

Amazon AppSync also enables you to perform batch operations across tables. Let’s build a more complex application. Imagine we are building a pet health app wherein sensors report the pet's location and body temperature. The sensors are battery powered and attempt to connect to the network every few minutes. When a sensor establishes a connection, it sends its readings to our Amazon AppSync API. Triggers then analyze the data so a dashboard can be presented to the pet owner. Let’s focus on representing the interactions between the sensor and the backend data store.

In the Amazon AppSync console, choose Create API, GraphQL APIs, and Design from scratch. Name your API MultiBatchTutorial API, choose Next, and on the Specify GraphQL resources step, choose Create GraphQL resources later and click Next. Review your details and create the API. Go to the Schema page and paste and save the following schema:

type Mutation { # Register a batch of readings recordReadings(tempReadings: [TemperatureReadingInput], locReadings: [LocationReadingInput]): RecordResult # Delete a batch of readings deleteReadings(tempReadings: [TemperatureReadingInput], locReadings: [LocationReadingInput]): RecordResult } type Query { # Retrieve all possible readings recorded by a sensor at a specific time getReadings(sensorId: ID!, timestamp: String!): [SensorReading] } type RecordResult { temperatureReadings: [TemperatureReading] locationReadings: [LocationReading] } interface SensorReading { sensorId: ID! timestamp: String! } # Sensor reading representing the sensor temperature (in Fahrenheit) type TemperatureReading implements SensorReading { sensorId: ID! timestamp: String! value: Float } # Sensor reading representing the sensor location (lat,long) type LocationReading implements SensorReading { sensorId: ID! timestamp: String! lat: Float long: Float } input TemperatureReadingInput { sensorId: ID! timestamp: String value: Float } input LocationReadingInput { sensorId: ID! timestamp: String lat: Float long: Float }

We need to create two DynamoDB tables:

  • locationReadings will store sensor location readings.

  • temperatureReadings will store sensor temperature readings.

Both tables will share the same primary key structure: sensorId (String) as the partition key and timestamp (String) as the sort key.

Choose Create Resources at the top of the page. Choose Use existing type and select the locationReadings type. Name your table locationReadings. Make sure the Primary Key is set to sensorId and the sort key to timestamp. Unselect Automatically generate GraphQL (you’ll provide your own code), and select Create. Repeat this process for temperatureReadings using the temperatureReadings as the type and table name. Use the same keys as above.

Your new tables will contain automatically generated roles. There are still a couple of permissions you need to add to those roles. Go to the Data sources page and choose locationReadings. Under Select an existing role, you can see the role. Take note of the role (should look something like appsync-ds-ddb-aaabbbcccddd-locationReadings) and then go to the IAM console (https://console.amazonaws.cn/iam/). In the IAM console, choose Roles, then choose your role from the table. In your role, under Permissions policies, click on the "+" next to the policy (should have a similar name to the role name). Choose Edit at the top of the collapsible when the policy appears. You need to add permissions to this policy. It'll look something like this:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "dynamodb:DeleteItem", "dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:Query", "dynamodb:Scan", "dynamodb:UpdateItem", "dynamodb:BatchGetItem", "dynamodb:BatchWriteItem" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:dynamodb:region:account:table/locationReadings", "arn:aws:dynamodb:region:account:table/locationReadings/*", "arn:aws:dynamodb:region:account:table/temperatureReadings", "arn:aws:dynamodb:region:account:table/temperatureReadings/*" ] } ] }

Choose Next, then Save changes. Repeat this process for the temperatureReadings data source using the same policy snippet above.

BatchPutItem - Recording sensor readings

Our sensors need to be able to send their readings once they connect to the internet. The GraphQL field Mutation.recordReadings is the API they will use to do so. We'll need to add a resolver to this field.

In the Amazon AppSync console's Schema page, select Attach next to the Mutation.recordReadings field. On the next screen, create your resolver using the locationReadings table as the data source.

After creating your resolver, replace the handlers with the following code in the editor. This BatchPutItem operation allows us to specify multiple tables:

import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils' export function request(ctx) { const { locReadings, tempReadings } = ctx.args const locationReadings = locReadings.map((loc) => util.dynamodb.toMapValues(loc)) const temperatureReadings = tempReadings.map((tmp) => util.dynamodb.toMapValues(tmp)) return { operation: 'BatchPutItem', tables: { locationReadings, temperatureReadings, }, } } export function response(ctx) { if (ctx.error) { util.appendError(ctx.error.message, ctx.error.type) } return ctx.result.data }

With batch operations, there can be both errors and results returned from the invocation. In that case, we’re free to do some extra error handling.


The use of utils.appendError() is similar to the util.error(), with the major distinction that it doesn’t interrupt the evaluation of the request or response handler. Instead, it signals there was an error with the field but allows the handler to be evaluated and consequently return data back to the caller. We recommend that you use utils.appendError() when your application needs to return partial results.

Save the resolver and navigate to the Queries page in the Amazon AppSync console. We can now send some sensor readings.

Execute the following mutation:

mutation sendReadings { recordReadings( tempReadings: [ {sensorId: 1, value: 85.5, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00"}, {sensorId: 1, value: 85.7, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:06.000+08:00"}, {sensorId: 1, value: 85.8, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:07.000+08:00"}, {sensorId: 1, value: 84.2, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:08.000+08:00"}, {sensorId: 1, value: 81.5, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:09.000+08:00"} ] locReadings: [ {sensorId: 1, lat: 47.615063, long: -122.333551, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00"}, {sensorId: 1, lat: 47.615163, long: -122.333552, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:06.000+08:00"}, {sensorId: 1, lat: 47.615263, long: -122.333553, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:07.000+08:00"}, {sensorId: 1, lat: 47.615363, long: -122.333554, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:08.000+08:00"}, {sensorId: 1, lat: 47.615463, long: -122.333555, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:09.000+08:00"} ]) { locationReadings { sensorId timestamp lat long } temperatureReadings { sensorId timestamp value } } }

We sent ten sensor readings in one mutation with readings split up across two tables. Use the DynamoDB console to validate that the data shows up in both the locationReadings and temperatureReadings tables.

BatchDeleteItem - Deleting sensor readings

Similarly, we would also need to be able to delete batches of sensor readings. Let’s use the Mutation.deleteReadings GraphQL field for this purpose. In the Amazon AppSync console's Schema page, select Attach next to the Mutation.deleteReadings field. On the next screen, create your resolver using the locationReadings table as the data source.

After creating your resolver, replace the handlers in the code editor with the snippet below. In this resolver, we use a helper function mapper that extracts the sensorId and the timestamp from the provided inputs.

import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils' export function request(ctx) { const { locReadings, tempReadings } = ctx.args const mapper = ({ sensorId, timestamp }) => util.dynamodb.toMapValues({ sensorId, timestamp }) return { operation: 'BatchDeleteItem', tables: { locationReadings: locReadings.map(mapper), temperatureReadings: tempReadings.map(mapper), }, } } export function response(ctx) { if (ctx.error) { util.appendError(ctx.error.message, ctx.error.type) } return ctx.result.data }

Save the resolver and navigate to the Queries page in the Amazon AppSync console. Now, let’s delete a couple of sensor readings.

Execute the following mutation:

mutation deleteReadings { # Let's delete the first two readings we recorded deleteReadings( tempReadings: [{sensorId: 1, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00"}] locReadings: [{sensorId: 1, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00"}]) { locationReadings { sensorId timestamp lat long } temperatureReadings { sensorId timestamp value } } }

Contrary to the DeleteItem operation, the fully deleted item isn’t returned in the response. Only the passed key is returned. To learn more, see the BatchDeleteItem in JavaScript resolver function reference for DynamoDB .

Validate through the DynamoDB console that these two readings have been deleted from the locationReadings and temperatureReadings tables.

BatchGetItem - Retrieve readings

Another common operation for our app would be to retrieve the readings for a sensor at a specific point in time. Let’s attach a resolver to the Query.getReadings GraphQL field on our schema. In the Amazon AppSync console's Schema page, select Attach next to the Query.getReadings field. On the next screen, create your resolver using the locationReadings table as the data source.

Let’s use the following code:

import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils' export function request(ctx) { const keys = [util.dynamodb.toMapValues(ctx.args)] const consistentRead = true return { operation: 'BatchGetItem', tables: { locationReadings: { keys, consistentRead }, temperatureReadings: { keys, consistentRead }, }, } } export function response(ctx) { if (ctx.error) { util.appendError(ctx.error.message, ctx.error.type) } const { locationReadings: locs, temperatureReadings: temps } = ctx.result.data return [ ...locs.map((l) => ({ ...l, __typename: 'LocationReading' })), ...temps.map((t) => ({ ...t, __typename: 'TemperatureReading' })), ] }

Save the resolver and navigate to the Queries page in the Amazon AppSync console. Now, let’s retrieve our sensor readings.

Execute the following query:

query getReadingsForSensorAndTime { # Let's retrieve the very first two readings getReadings(sensorId: 1, timestamp: "2018-02-01T17:21:06.000+08:00") { sensorId timestamp ...on TemperatureReading { value } ...on LocationReading { lat long } } }

We have successfully demonstrated the use of DynamoDB batch operations using Amazon AppSync.

Error handling

In Amazon AppSync, data source operations can sometimes return partial results. Partial results is the term we will use to denote when the output of an operation is comprised of some data and an error. Because error handling is inherently application specific, Amazon AppSync gives you the opportunity to handle errors in the response handler. The resolver invocation error, if present, is available from the context as ctx.error. Invocation errors always include a message and a type, accessible as properties ctx.error.message and ctx.error.type. In the response handler, you can handle partial results in three ways:

  1. Swallow the invocation error by just returning data.

  2. Raise an error (using util.error(...)) by stopping the handler evaluation, which won’t return any data.

  3. Append an error (using util.appendError(...)) and also return data.

Let’s demonstrate each of the three points above with DynamoDB batch operations.

DynamoDB Batch operations

With DynamoDB batch operations, it is possible that a batch partially completes. That is, it is possible that some of the requested items or keys are left unprocessed. If Amazon AppSync is unable to complete a batch, unprocessed items and an invocation error will be set on the context.

We will implement error handling using the Query.getReadings field configuration from the BatchGetItem operation from the previous section of this tutorial. This time, let’s pretend that while executing the Query.getReadings field, the temperatureReadings DynamoDB table ran out of provisioned throughput. DynamoDB raised a ProvisionedThroughputExceededException during the second attempt by Amazon AppSync to process the remaining elements in the batch.

The following JSON represents the serialized context after the DynamoDB batch invocation but before the response handler was called:

{ "arguments": { "sensorId": "1", "timestamp": "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00" }, "source": null, "result": { "data": { "temperatureReadings": [ null ], "locationReadings": [ { "lat": 47.615063, "long": -122.333551, "sensorId": "1", "timestamp": "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00" } ] }, "unprocessedKeys": { "temperatureReadings": [ { "sensorId": "1", "timestamp": "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00" } ], "locationReadings": [] } }, "error": { "type": "DynamoDB:ProvisionedThroughputExceededException", "message": "You exceeded your maximum allowed provisioned throughput for a table or for one or more global secondary indexes. (...)" }, "outErrors": [] }

A few things to note on the context:

  • The invocation error has been set on the context at ctx.error by Amazon AppSync, and the error type has been set to DynamoDB:ProvisionedThroughputExceededException.

  • Results are mapped per table under ctx.result.data even though an error is present.

  • Keys that were left unprocessed are available at ctx.result.data.unprocessedKeys. Here, Amazon AppSync was unable to retrieve the item with key (sensorId:1, timestamp:2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00) because of insufficient table throughput.


For BatchPutItem, it is ctx.result.data.unprocessedItems. For BatchDeleteItem, it is ctx.result.data.unprocessedKeys.

Let’s handle this error in three different ways.

1. Swallowing the invocation error

Returning data without handling the invocation error effectively swallows the error, making the result for the given GraphQL field always successful.

The code we write is familiar and only focuses on the result data.

Response handler

export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result.data }

GraphQL response

{ "data": { "getReadings": [ { "sensorId": "1", "timestamp": "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00", "lat": 47.615063, "long": -122.333551 }, { "sensorId": "1", "timestamp": "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00", "value": 85.5 } ] } }

No errors will be added to the error response as only data was acted on.

2. Raising an error to abort the response handler execution

When partial failures should be treated as complete failures from the client’s perspective, you can abort the response handler execution to prevent returning data. The util.error(...) utility method achieves exactly this behavior.

Response handler code

export function response(ctx) { if (ctx.error) { util.error(ctx.error.message, ctx.error.type, null, ctx.result.data.unprocessedKeys); } return ctx.result.data; }

GraphQL response

{ "data": { "getReadings": null }, "errors": [ { "path": [ "getReadings" ], "data": null, "errorType": "DynamoDB:ProvisionedThroughputExceededException", "errorInfo": { "temperatureReadings": [ { "sensorId": "1", "timestamp": "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00" } ], "locationReadings": [] }, "locations": [ { "line": 58, "column": 3 } ], "message": "You exceeded your maximum allowed provisioned throughput for a table or for one or more global secondary indexes. (...)" } ] }

Even though some results might have been returned from the DynamoDB batch operation, we chose to raise an error such that the getReadings GraphQL field is null and the error has been added to the GraphQL response errors block.

3. Appending an error to return both data and errors

In certain cases, to provide a better user experience, applications can return partial results and notify their clients of the unprocessed items. The clients can decide to either implement a retry or translate the error back to the end user. The util.appendError(...) is the utility method that enables this behavior by letting the application designer append errors on the context without interfering with the evaluation of the response handler. After evaluating the response handler, Amazon AppSync will process any context errors by appending them to the errors block of the GraphQL response.

Response handler code

export function response(ctx) { if (ctx.error) { util.appendError(ctx.error.message, ctx.error.type, null, ctx.result.data.unprocessedKeys); } return ctx.result.data; }

We forwarded both the invocation error and unprocessedKeys element inside the errors block of the GraphQL response. The getReadings field also return partial data from the locationReadings table as you can see in the response below.

GraphQL response

{ "data": { "getReadings": [ null, { "sensorId": "1", "timestamp": "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00", "value": 85.5 } ] }, "errors": [ { "path": [ "getReadings" ], "data": null, "errorType": "DynamoDB:ProvisionedThroughputExceededException", "errorInfo": { "temperatureReadings": [ { "sensorId": "1", "timestamp": "2018-02-01T17:21:05.000+08:00" } ], "locationReadings": [] }, "locations": [ { "line": 58, "column": 3 } ], "message": "You exceeded your maximum allowed provisioned throughput for a table or for one or more global secondary indexes. (...)" } ] }